Prayer before A Meal

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Hi Everyone!

I’d like to know what you guys think. Earlier this year, I re-dedicated myself to having a life of prayer, and I decided to try and and give
thanks to every good thing that I have and every good thing that has been given to me. I current read/meditate on morning, evening and night
prayers as found in Magnificat magazine; I try and say my rosary daily, and a new thing for me is to give thanks to God before every meal.

Here’s the question: Is it ok for me to not cross myself prior to saying the Prayer over Meals, especially in public? I eat out a lot, and
at work, I tend to bring my lunch and eat it in there. I started out crossing myself prior to my meals, but lately, I’ve either stopped doing
it, or do it as fast and as small as I can. The main reason why this sudden self-conciousness is that I really, really don’t want to attract any attention to myself. I want to keep my prayer life out of the
public eye as much as I can. I still say my meal prayer, but I’ve cut out the crossing. (At home, I really don’t have this problem.) Is this a
lack of faith? or a lack of confidence? :confused:

Thanks for any comments, answers or advise. 👍
God Bless!
I use to be very uncomfortable out in public crossing myself before a meal. But not anymore. Why not be proud of your faith. Maybe you will be an example for others. Don’t ever be afraid that is just the devil not wanting you to express your faith!
Oh, I think there is a little demon whispering in your ear that you are drawing undue attention to yourself when you do the sign of the cross in public. Don’t listen to him! Tell him, “Get thee behind me Satan!” and cross yourself all you like. You only live once in this life, so why should you live it according to what others think? Do what you want to do to show your faith and be proud! My dh and I always cross ourselves, hold each other’s hands, and pray our meal blessing prayer out loud in our regular voices no matter where we are. It’s a good example to others and helps build up your faith, too, which is why that little demon is so determined to get you to stop. 😉
I have the same issue. I think it’s more that I was brought up in a private home than embarrassment about my faith. I was taught through example from a very young age that things like faith and medical issues stay in the home.

I do fear, however, that I keep my faith private due to the overwhelming social stigma on Christians generally and Catholics, specifically. No more are you “supposed” to profess your faith if you are Christian for fear of offending someone. In which case, I should be more open to showing my faith in public to demonstrate my disdain for this social attitude. Definitely an issue for further thought and meditation.
As an Episcopalian, I cross myself after every prayer…in public and with family. (My family is Baptist)…so you can figure out the looks that I get. :bigyikes:
We just had lunch with some Baptist friends. While they prayed “in Jesus name”, I prayed “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” When they were through praying, and I was through praying I made the sign of the cross, then everyone ate. 👍 👍
I used, also, to feel embarassed about making the sign of the cross in restaurants - no more.

I’m sure the devil grins when we give in and do not cross ourselves.

Actually, today’s Gospel should make us think - (Luke 12: 8-12) - Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I tell you, if anyone openly declares himself for me in the presence of men, the Son of Man will declare himself for him in the presence of God’s angels. But the man who disowns me in the presence of men will be disowned in the presence of God’s angels.’

When we make the sign of the cross in public, aren’t we declaring ourselves for Jesus? 👍
Joan M:
I used, also, to feel embarassed about making the sign of the cross in restaurants - no more.

I’m sure the devil grins when we give in and do not cross ourselves.

Actually, today’s Gospel should make us think - (Luke 12: 8-12) - Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I tell you, if anyone openly declares himself for me in the presence of men, the Son of Man will declare himself for him in the presence of God’s angels. But the man who disowns me in the presence of men will be disowned in the presence of God’s angels.’

When we make the sign of the cross in public, aren’t we declaring ourselves for Jesus? 👍
Very good point. I will keep that in mind from now on. Thanks.
Joan M:
I used, also, to feel embarassed about making the sign of the cross in restaurants - no more.

I’m sure the devil grins when we give in and do not cross ourselves.

Actually, today’s Gospel should make us think - (Luke 12: 8-12) - Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I tell you, if anyone openly declares himself for me in the presence of men, the Son of Man will declare himself for him in the presence of God’s angels. But the man who disowns me in the presence of men will be disowned in the presence of God’s angels.’

When we make the sign of the cross in public, aren’t we declaring ourselves for Jesus? 👍
Joan -
What finally made you overcome those feelings of embarrassment? I’m just curious, because sometimes I feel that yes, I’m declaring myself as a follower of Jesus Christ when I cross myself. But I guess like another poster said earlier in this thread, the attitudes in today’s society can almost make it feel like a crime doing it, for fear of offending someone. And I’m not really a stand-offish type of person. I don’t have a problem crossing myself during a prayer in, lets say, a non-Catholic group or gathering. But that’s because I feel I’m surrounded by like-minded people, in a sense.

Ufbuilder, I understand where you’re coming from culturally. Maybe this is the same case for me, too…

Funny, I think part of the reason why I posted this thread was because of today’s readings… 🙂
My family and I have been crossing ourselves and saying a prayer before meals in public for several years. To this day, no one has ever jumped up on their chair to loudly denounce us as Catholics. Most people don’t seem to notice at all (though I’m sure many do) In fact, the only feedback we’ve ever gotten is positive, with people walking over to our table and saying how beautiful it was to see a family give thanks for their food together.

I think the more you do it, the less self-conscious you’ll be about it. Try to remember that what other people think about it is their business. Some might privately sniff, some will privately be gratified, some it will make them think–but most will barely notice. But God will. 🙂

One of my favorite quotes:
A man thinks that many are praising him, and talking of him alone, and yet they spend but a very small part of the day thinking of him, being occupied with things of their own. -St. Thomas More
My family and I have been crossing ourselves and saying a prayer before meals in public for several years. To this day, no one has ever jumped up on their chair to loudly denounce us as Catholics. Most people don’t seem to notice at all (though I’m sure many do) In fact, the only feedback we’ve ever gotten is positive, with people walking over to our table and saying how beautiful it was to see a family give thanks for their food together.

I think the more you do it, the less self-conscious you’ll be about it. Try to remember that what other people think about it is their business. Some might privately sniff, some will privately be gratified, some it will make them think–but most will barely notice. But God will. 🙂
Thanks for the advise, Fidelis, and everyone else who posted. I guess my doubts really focused on myself, when it’s God that I should be focusing on. Your wisdom and kind words has strengthened my resolve to put God first in my life! 👍
Thanks for the advise, Fidelis, and everyone else who posted. I guess my doubts really focused on myself, when it’s God that I should be focusing on. Your wisdom and kind words has strengthened my resolve to put God first in my life! 👍

40 Years ago, if you were riding by a Catholic church on a bus or a train, most of the passengers would have either crossed themselves if they were Catholic or bowed their heads in respect if they weren’t.

Since the 1960’s, we’ve had this, “Don’t call attention to yourself!” or, “Don’t be triumphalist!” nonesense. So now, about the only people who cross themselves are the people from South and Central America, or the old people from here who were adults at the time of Vat. II.

Has that made people more of less devout? Has that made people more or less charitable? Has that made people more or less willing to put their lives and reputations on the line for eachj other?

We know the answers to those questions.

The Church was more devout, charitable and willing to self-sacrifice when people were a little less afraid of calling attention to themselves or of being called “triumphalist”.

You might try crossing yourself quietly when sitting down to lunch or dinner (I do - It’s a way of thanking God for rescuing me from the dire straits I was in). You also might try crossing yourself when you drive by a Catholic Church. It’s a sign of respect for who’s inside.

St. Francis said to always preach the Gospel and to use words if necessary. Your crossing yourself, provided you’re not doing something like stiffing the waitress on her tip or yelling at the help, is preaching the Gospel.

In Christ, Michael
Growing up Catholic, I have always been used to making the Sign of the Cross before any kind of prayer. This is what I have always done. However, I unfortunately got out of the habit of prayer before meals.

One day many years ago, I went to lunch with a co-worker. Our order came up and she put her head in her hand and suddenly got all quiet. Of course, my first words were, “Are you sick?” She was silent for a moment longer and then looked at me. We both started laughing. Of course she was saying a prayer :gopray2: - DUH - and if I wasn’t such a heathen (and bad speller - where’s the spell check on this thing? :rotfl: )I wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question. :banghead:

So now:

Sign of the Cross

Bless us O Lord for these thy gifts that we are about to receive through the bounty of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Sign of the Cross
Traditional Ang said:
40 Years ago, if you were riding by a Catholic church on a bus or a train, most of the passengers would have either crossed themselves if they were Catholic or bowed their heads in respect if they weren’t.

That’s funny you mention this, everytime I’m in the downtown area and I see our Cathedral I always cross myself. I’ve had a couple of people walking or in their cars look at me funny.

I always feel proud to cross myself in public, I’m showing people that I’m Catholic and that I live for God. I don’t care if I’m in Chili’s on a Friday night and its packed, I always still cross myself. What others think doesn’t matter.
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