Prayer, fasting, and suffering

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I’m starting to understand (just a little) how my prayer and fasting can help others.

I’m still clueless about suffering. Any insight would be appreciated.
There is much information available out there on redepmtive suffering. I’ll pass on the little bit of it I know but there’s tons of books and writings on this topic as well. We can look at Christ’s life, particularly His passion, and see how each thorn in His crown, each person walking away from Him - every suffering He endured was out of love for us and to put us right with God. Similarly, we can offer hardships out of love for others and for specific intentions. The hardship you offer up could be something that happens to you, like being physically injured or being emotionally hurt by a friend. I’ve heard of couples offering up the abstinence part of their nfp cycle in reparation for sexual sins and for an increase in the virtue of chastity. Or it could be a mortification you offer up in which you deny yourself something you like, such as no soda for a day, to make a sacrifice for someone or something. The three visionaries of Fatima would often tie a rough, scratchy rope around their waste inside their clothes and offer up the suffering of that for all to repent, know and love God. I think the part of offering up your suffering to God means you’re praying to make this your offering and prayer for a specific intention, and then being reminded of why you’re suffering and thinking and praying during the suffering (easier said than done). Hope that makes sense and helps a little. God bless!
Jesus’ offered himself to the Father for our sin and the Father accepted this.
We all now carry this quality of Christ. He placed redemptive value on our suffering (to overcome sin) because He suffered for our sin. The vehicle for this redemtive value is grace. When we make ourselves less, that others would have more, we’re doing our part in salvation history as Christ did His. Grace is given to others by our suffering and sacrifice, as Christ overcame sin by His. Our offering is pleasing to the Father through Jesus as Jesus’ suffering and death was pleasing to the Father to “tell us” that we could repent and sin no more. I too have increased my fasting and so on because this really is the only way by which we overcome evil in the world. Jesus told the pharisees that fasting would happen after he was gone from this world(as a way to fight evil). They (apostles ) didn’t need to fast as a sacrifice because they still had God(Jesus) with them. However after he was departed this ancient practice would be revised, in a way, to fight the evil one.

Peace and Love
Can someone recommend something short in print or something online to get my feet wet?
If you don’t mind, along with this subject, I had a question about fasting. Does one fast only on days of obligation, or can one fast every Friday? Also, is there a guideline about the amount of times one should fast? Thanks for your responses!
Peace be with you!

You can fast at any time. But, I would strongly recommend that you get a good spiritual director and then fast only as often as your director allows. Obedience is a better mortification than fasting if you are in a position where you need to be obedient to someone else. If you cannot find a good director then follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and fast as you think it would be good.
mark a:
Can someone recommend something short in print or something online to get my feet wet?
One of the saints wrote that if we knew the value of suffering we would ask for it. (And anyone who would write that should be a saint.) Oh, I wish I could remember where I read this If it comes to me, I’ll add it later.

Anyway, I am convinced beyond a shaddow of a doubt that my mother prayed me back into the Church by offering up her suffering for me. (She had a terribly painful illness.) I know that Jesus suffered for our salvation, but honestly seeing my mother suffer made that knowledge go from my head to my heart. And when I came back, knowing what my mom went through to bring me back gave (gives) me courage to do the hard stuff. I won’t let my mom’s and Jesus’ suffering for me have been in vain!
" Why does God allow us to suffer? Simply because He is asking us to take a little share in His Passion. What appears to come by chance or from someone else always comes because God allows it."

This is a quote from a pamphlet called

How to Make the Greatest Evil in Our Lives Our Greatest Happiness

by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan, O.P.

The website is
Go buy a book on fasting at your local Catholic christian bookstore. If they don’t have one in stock, they can order you one and help you find one. No one has to know your fasting except you and God. Say a prayer in the morning offering your fast up to the glory of God for your intention and then pray some.

God Almighty, Father Son and Holy Spirit
I offer up this sacrifice to you today that You might find it pleasing, for I only wish to do your will.
Sweet Jesus please help_____________, and accept these prayers and fasting for their good, because You are All good You are love and and I have no way of loving you other than sacrificing myself in love for the benefit of others. Amen

start out small and build as you go as far as the fast. Get advice from a good priest, if your able, before you start. read the saints, they all mortified and fasted. We are weak as a whole when it comes to these things but you can take it to far to fast, so pray about it and seek good counsel. Maybe this prayer you can use. God will help you if it’s his will and the time is right. Be patient, don’t bite off too much.
Peace and Love to you
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