Prayer for Animals

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Hi All:

For anyone who may be interested, here’s a nice prayer for animals. It’s based on CCC 2416:

BLESSED SAINT FRANCIS, I pray that you inspire man with love and compassion for the animal creation, for animals are God’s creatures that by their mere existence serve to bless and glorify Him, and men owe them kindness.

My prayer for animals.

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dear Romano

Thank you for posting that prayer. I regularly bless my animals with Holy Water in the sign of the Cross.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I think you deserve a mea culpa, Trelow.
eh, who doesn’t?
Hi All:

For anyone who may be interested, here’s a nice prayer for animals. It’s based on CCC 2416:

BLESSED SAINT FRANCIS, I pray that you inspire man with love and compassion for the animal creation, for animals are God’s creatures that by their mere existence serve to bless and glorify Him, and men owe them kindness.

very nice. :yup:
Nice prayer! (referring to the St. Francis one, not the Grace before Meals 😃 )

St. Francis thought that even the animals should hear about Jesus!

{{reminds self to keep her cats away from Trelow}}
My prayer for animals.

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God is not mocked.
Hi, romano,

I appreciate the prayer that you posted.
Every now and then I say a prayer for animals, but
now you’ve given me a prayer that I can say

I also was pleased to see the quotes from
St. Simon Stylites that you posted on another

Hi, romano,

I appreciate the prayer that you posted.
Every now and then I say a prayer for animals, but
now you’ve given me a prayer that I can say

Hi reen12:

Thank you. I’m always happy to be of help. Many folks don’t seem to give as much thought as they should to animals. But animals have to live in a fallen world too, a world of our making. And God ceated them and loves them. So I guess we should too.

The late Buddhist scholar, Edward Conze, once pointed out that “modern man has made the world into a hell for animals.” It’s true, and it’s a crime of such enormous proportions that I feel sure we will be made to suffer for it, and suffer horribly. Hence the prayer.

Hi, romano,

You know, I never was able to say the following
clearly to myself:

“But animals have to live in a fallen world too, a world of our making”

Somehow I realized that’s *why *I would say a prayer for
animals, but now you’ve said it in such a way that I
find really helpful.

Thanks, romano!

Somehow I realized that’s *why *I would say a prayer for animals, but now you’ve said it in such a way that I find really helpful.

Thanks, romano!

Hi reen12:

Well, thank you again. It’s nice to feel that one isn’t altogether useless.

Here is an early prayer from Saint Basil the Great (4th century)

“O GOD, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living
things, our little brothers to whom Thou hast given this earth as their home in communion with us.”

“May we realize that they live not for us alone, but for themselves and for Thee, and that they love the sweetness of life even as we, and serve thee better in their place than we in ours.”

From **“Animals and Man: A State of Blessedness” ** by Joanne Stefanatos D.V.M., an American holistic veterinarian.

She has another book: "Animals Sanctified: A Spiritual Journey"
Hi, Fr. Ambrose,

I’ve often given thought to the fact that animals serve
God faithfully by just being their animal-selves.

We’ve recently found a home for two small cats,
about 5 months old. One of them was carrying a
litter. My husband spotted one of them in the
backyard, in the snow, nearly falling over from
hunger. When we went to feed this little cat,
up popped the sibling! They gobbeled down the
cat food and then we had to put out more food
as the days went by.

Finally, we located a home for them. The lady
took both cats…we would have been heart-
broken to have seen them separated.
[Our own cat was having fits at this intrusion
into her domain.]
The one with the litter would snuggle and lick
my face and curl her skinny little paw around
my finger, purring away with happiness.

And I thought, if we would relate to God as
this little cat responded to human love,
our nature would be fulfilled.

Best regards,
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