Prayer in the form of letters?

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I;ve had this idea kickin aroudn for a while in my head. I have a problem praying. Whenever I pray (somethign that isn’t already written and has placeholders, like the rosary) I get confused, forget what I am saying and then get frudtrated because I can’t even talk to God properly. See, I’ve struggled with a speech impediment all my life. I self-taught myself to not stutter when talkign to people, but sometimes, especially in my head or when I’m nervous, i can’t concentrate enough to do that. Plus, my social skills are definely lacking (i wasn’t allowed to talk to adults until i was about 13, so I never learned how to speak right in front of them) so I’ve always been better at writing.

So would it be wrong to write letters, to God, Jesus, or Mary? I would be praying but it’s easier to get my thoughts through that way. I could practice praying normally but sometimes it’s so hard. Is this a good idea?

Does the church have anything written about forms of prayer?
That’s a wonderful idea!

The first thing you should write is a thankyou letter to the Holy Spirit for showing you how to pray openly with Him.

Please remember, however, that the words we use to pray is not what makes the prayer. Its the love and desire in our hearts to spend time with God and grow closer to him that is the heart of the prayer. Therfore simply trying to pray outloud, even if it doesn’t turn out very well, pleases God. Furthermore, many forms of prayer exist that aren’t limited to words: Adoration of the blessed sacrament, dancing, working hard, fasting, helping others, etc.

Journaling can also be a helpful form of prayer as well as letters.
Letters to God, Jesus and Mary, are a great idea, if it helps you to pray. You can write them in a journal or even on a computer. And sometimes you can just sit in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist without saying anything.

I think praying in the form of writing letters is a very nice idea. The important thing is that you are trying to pray. And don’t worry if you have a hard time praying (aloud or in your mind), God understands what you want to tell Him. This verse might help:
Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.
That’s a wonderful idea!

Furthermore, many forms of prayer exist that aren’t limited to words: Adoration of the blessed sacrament, dancing, working hard, fasting, helping others, etc.

Absolutely. I like the morning prayer because it sets up that everything I do I can do it for the glory of God, so even the small mundane activities of daily life can be a prayer.
I’ve also considered trying to be very attentive at Mass, with posture and concentration on the happenings of the Mass, to be a prayer.
Journaling can also be a helpful form of prayer as well as letters.
Interesting that you mention journaling…must be the Holy Spirit. I used to journal and gave it up for whatever reason I can’t remember, but just lately I’ve been thinking of starting it up again… Pray for me.🙂

I think that if it works for you go for it! I used to love to read my journal/letters from my prayer time. After spending maybe an hour or so in prayer, the things I wrote down meant more because it was tangible, I could see them…(not that my mental prayers were any the less),but it gave me a sense of “extra closeness to God”…I don’t even know if I’m making any sense…but I understand what you are saying. Annunciata:) .
I learned the idea of writing out prayer through a protestant author named Becky Tirabassi (?). It was THE book that taught me how to pray during a very difficult time of my life in dealing with panic attacks.

Over the recent years I have gone back and forth with some form of written prayer and always find the written forms to be where I gain the greatest insight.

The letters are a wonderful way to express your love and adoration for God.
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