Prayer request: I just found out that my grandfather was taken to the ER on suspicion of COVID-19. He also just told us that he most likely has or does have (the details were not clear) cancer as well. Prayers are appreciated, especially for his soul. He is spiritually searching. We had a good conversation a few months ago about spiritual things. He wondered why I converted to Catholicism. As I explained the multiple reasons that persuaded me to become Catholic, he began to discuss his belief in the existence of God as well as his confusion regarding how to know what truth is since there are so many religions and so many Christian denominations. He identifies as Unitarian. I hope for him to find peace with God before he passes which I’m afraid will be soon due to the cancer diagnosis and his multiple comorbidities. Pray for his soul and that the Holy Spirit would grant me wisdom on how or when to approach another spiritual conversation. Also, any suggestions for novenas or specific devotions geared towards the conversion of a loved one? Thank you!
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