Prayer Request For RCIA

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darrel
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My wife and I are attending RCIA she is my sponsor. The (Deacon) who is the teacher is just driving me crazy. Here is the short list of the things he has thrown out.
  1. Women should be Priest’s because they have so much to offer. (Supported by Scipture)
  2. There is evidence that the Blessed mother had children after Christ and did not remain a virgin. The whole Jesus had brothers thing.
  3. He had the prayer class last week given by this lady who had native American spirit hoop books and talked straight up emotionalism with the best of intentions. (We went to adoration right after RCIA after feeling a need for the opposite of the class)
  4. He generaly teaches by the book then tosses something in out of left field that is totaly unsupported by Rome.
  5. He spoke against our Bishop tonight because a policy to not pour the wine after it is concecrated was enforced when not being followed. (Like the Bishop and the Policy were idiotic)
I need people to pray for him and for me with regards to how I should handle this. I spoke up a few times already in class. For instance I would say “is that what the Church teaches?”.

He chills after that usualy but he keeps throwing this ultra liberal personal agenda into the teaching. I can filter it, but other brand new seekers in the class may not understand that he is out of line.

I don’t want to rip into him in the class as it would be improper and disrespectful. I need to discern if I should speak to him after the class in private or just go to the Priest or just ignor it. I fear I may not be Charitable in my conversation with the guy. Confrontation I do realy well, gentle is not always so easy. Prayers and advice will be much appreciated. I think he means well but he is potentialy corrupting some newer Christian students investigating the Church. I also feel that I should not be in RCIA defending the CC against it’s own Deacon.

Talk to the priest of the parish, and if that doesn’t work, try the bishop. You’d be suprised at how quickly things can change if a good Bishop realizes that a group of RCIAers is being incorrectly catechized.

I will pray for you. It’s wonderful that you’re sticking through it, and sticking up for the faith!
You need to report this fallen Deacon to the Pastor. If he does not take any action, report them both to your Bishop. I would also encourage you to consider finding another RCIA program at another parish. This is too important to remain passive…not just for you, but for the rest of the class.

Pray for this Deacon’s conversion…and run away from him like the wind.
My wife and I are attending RCIA she is my sponsor. The (Deacon) who is the teacher is just driving me crazy. Here is the short list of the things he has thrown out.
  1. Women should be Priest’s because they have so much to offer. (Supported by Scipture)
  2. There is evidence that the Blessed mother had children after Christ and did not remain a virgin. The whole Jesus had brothers thing.
  3. He had the prayer class last week given by this lady who had native American spirit hoop books and talked straight up emotionalism with the best of intentions. (We went to adoration right after RCIA after feeling a need for the opposite of the class)
  4. He generaly teaches by the book then tosses something in out of left field that is totaly unsupported by Rome.
  5. He spoke against our Bishop tonight because a policy to not pour the wine after it is concecrated was enforced when not being followed. (Like the Bishop and the Policy were idiotic)
I need people to pray for him and for me with regards to how I should handle this. I spoke up a few times already in class. For instance I would say “is that what the Church teaches?”.

He chills after that usualy but he keeps throwing this ultra liberal personal agenda into the teaching. I can filter it, but other brand new seekers in the class may not understand that he is out of line.

I don’t want to rip into him in the class as it would be improper and disrespectful. I need to discern if I should speak to him after the class in private or just go to the Priest or just ignor it. I fear I may not be Charitable in my conversation with the guy. Confrontation I do realy well, gentle is not always so easy. Prayers and advice will be much appreciated. I think he means well but he is potentialy corrupting some newer Christian students investigating the Church. I also feel that I should not be in RCIA defending the CC against it’s own Deacon.

Hi Darrel, By ALL MEANS, this teacher has to be reported and NOW!!!
We will pray for him, but I fear as you do, the damage this man can do to the others is unimaginable!
And you and the other class mates will be in our prayers also!
God Bless you for your faith & courage!
your bother in Christ
PS: I just realized you stated he is a Deacon. Unbelievable!!!
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