Prayer request seriously ill friend

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A good friend, Wendy, has contracted what appears to be a drug resistant staphylococcus infection. None of the antibiotics she has been given seem to help much. It started as a scratch on her leg while gardening 3 weeks ago. Now it has spread internally.

She has been in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks now. The doctors are uncertain if she will survive. Her kidneys are only working intermittently and the doctors are afraid they may have to start her on kidney dialysis. Yesterday, the doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia. She has not been able to think rationally much of the time and often confused. She sometimes does not recognize friends or family.

This woman is a devout Catholic who spends her free time taking care of elderly nuns at a nearby Franciscan convent infirmary.

She is a very good friend and I am very worried.

I ask for prayers for my friend Wendy.

Thank you.
  • Richard
A good friend, Wendy, has contracted what appears to be a drug resistant staphylococcus infection. None of the antibiotics she has been given seem to help much. It started as a scratch on her leg while gardening 3 weeks ago. Now it has spread internally.

She has been in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks now. The doctors are uncertain if she will survive. Her kidneys are only working intermittently and the doctors are afraid they may have to start her on kidney dialysis. Yesterday, the doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia. She has not been able to think rationally much of the time and often confused. She sometimes does not recognize friends or family.

This woman is a devout Catholic who spends her free time taking care of elderly nuns at a nearby Franciscan convent infirmary.

She is a very good friend and I am very worried.

I ask for prayers for my friend Wendy.

Thank you.
  • Richard
Wendy is in my prayers…I’m terribly sorry that this is happening…may God help her through this…and continue to have you be her strength. You’re a good friend, Richard.:gopray2:
Prayers for Wendy.

What a frightening thing to have happened. May God take care of her and comfort her through this illness.
Drug resistant does not mean prayer resistant.

With prayers for Wendy,

~~ the phoenix
An update on my friend Wendy.

Your prayers are working, but she is not out of the woods yet.

The doctors performed surgery again. This time they were able to find and remove several sources of infection, remove much fluid from her longs and some intestinal blockages.

The doctors are more hopeful, but she is still in “grave” condition and is still in the ICU. For the first time in a week, they have given her a better than 50/50 chance of surviving! 🙂

Also, I need to make a correction from my original post. I had said the cause of infection was from a scratch on her leg she got while gardening. I misunderstood this. In fact they doctors do not know where the infection came from or how it got inside her leg. There were no infected breaks in the skin. So that is a mystery.

Thank you again for your prayers and I ask that you continue to pray for her.
  • Richard
I’m not sure which is scarier - the thought of getting a terrible illness from a simple scratch, or the thought of getting it from who knows where!

In any event - I’m so glad to hear that Wendy is doing better.

Continued prayers for her.

Continued prayers for Wendy’s recovery and healing. Someone who cares for nuns surely is being watched over by the Great Physician. May her health continue to improve quickly.
Continued prayers for Wendy’s recovery and healing. Someone who cares for nuns surely is being watched over by the Great Physician. May her health continue to improve quickly.
:yup: My first thought as well!! Prayers for Wendy!!:byzsoc:
Thank you for continuing to pray for me. My symptoms have subsided a little but I won’t know too much until June 11-pulmonary functioning test.
I am praying to St.Dymphna ( a novena) as she is the patroness of those with anxiety and related disorders.
God bless you.
Another update on my friend Wendy in Oregon.

Thank you for your prayers!!! They have certainly helped!!!

She is out of danger! Yesterday, she was moved out of the ICU into a regular private room. Her infection is slowly being brought under control. She is having surgery again today, but it is more of a follow-up to remove some additional spots of infection in her lungs. They will also be looking at the previous points of infection on her leg.

The swelling in her liver is gone and her stomach is no longer distended. She is alert, albeit uncomfortable from the pain and all the tubes in her arm and, of course, the catheter. She still has a fair bit of pain.

To doctors have found a combination antibiotics that seem to be working against the infection. But these have to be delivered I.V.

She will be hospitalized for at least two more weeks, but is doing so much better.

She is very thankful for all the prayers and asked me to thank all of you who have been praying for her.

God bless you all.

And please contiinue to pray for a complete recovery.
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