Caring for the Elderly and Dying
From U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops
For all these intentions, we pray to the Lord:
Lord hear our prayers.
For persons who are elderly: that we might
cherish their presence in our midst and drink
deeply of their wisdom;
For all who are about to die: that through our
love, care, and devotion, they might know
the beauty of life, as they prepare for death;
For all who suffer: that the Lord will provide
them with the comfort of family and friends
and interior peace in prayer, that they will
have hope in eternal life;
For grandparents: that through their prayers
and example they might teach their grandchildren
the beauty of living the Gospel of Life;
For all people in nursing homes: that we
would be inspired to visit them, and remind
them of their great worth;
For those denied adequate care: that we
might stand up for their God-given dignity
and assist them in their needs;
For all who are forgotten or thrown away,
especially for the poor, the sick and
the aged: that God might change our
hearts and move us to love them as
the image of Christ;
For those who have grown tired of life,
and especially for those tempted to suicide:
that God might grant them patient endurance
and the support of loved ones;
For doctors, nurses, caregivers and family
members who care for the sick with gentleness
and compassion: that they may see themselves
as Apostles of Life;
For all who care for the dying: that through
the intercession of St. John the Apostle and
the Blessed Virgin Mary, they might dedicate
their ministry to the Cross of Christ;
For teachers in schools of medicine and nursing:
that their love for life and healing might inspire
their students;
For those tempted to despair because of
constant pain: that they might join their
suffering to the Cross of Christ;
For nurses and all professionals who
care for the sick and dying: that they will
be given the grace to love each patient
with the love of Christ, and to never see
those they care for as a burden;
For those who have grown weak or infirm:
that we might see God’s power in their
fragility and experience a new revelation
of God’s love for them;
For elderly parents and godparents: that
the love and respect of their children might
sustain them and bring them joy;
For all who live in nursing homes, and
especially for those who are alone or in
pain: that we might cherish the gift of
their wisdom, and the example of their faith;
That the sick may find strength and courage
in the cross of Christ and discover the redemptive
value of their suffering;
That the elderly may cherish each moment
of their lives, and in their sunset years
experience the love and attention they need.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Let's Pray a Perpetual Rosary II Spirituality
First Glorious Mystery: the Resurrection (Hail Mary 3) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen. Intentions **For all CAF staff, visitors, members, and prayer warriors, including: @aroosi, @Bixx, @St.Bede, @(name removed by moderator), @Irishmom2, @Prayer-Part…