Prayer Rug...was I stupid to have done this?

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I got this envelope thing in the mail yesterday and before I opened it, I knew it was from Saint Matthews churches or something like that. I was thinking, great, it’s one of those places where they want you to give money (right now, I can’t give a lot) or something and I was going to open it but stopped and read what was on the back of the envelope. I can’t remember the exact words but said something like: Dear Jesus, We hope you’ll bless the person who’s hands open this, hope you’ll bless them finacially, spiritually, etc. and on and on. So I decided not to open it. So I went and ate something then did my homework.

Before bed, I saw it again and without thinking, I opened it. Inside was a pretty colored folder paper that I thought was a hankerchief at first but realized it had the face of Jesus, with His eyes closed with the crown of thorns. I was thinking, how neat, someone to send me this! But I noticed at the bottom of the paper, it said something like, after you’ve prayed or whatever it said, it told me to return it. To put it back in the envelope it came with and mail it back to the church so they can give it to someone else! I was thinking, what?!?! This a trick or something? I read the brochure it came with and it basically was a Prayer Rug where the Holy Spirit was in the rug and you had to look at Jesus with His eyes closed then if you continued to look, you would be able to see His eyes opening and looking back at you. It said, “Jesus sees your needs!” and all that.

I read on what it said. It said that you would have to go into a room by yourself - just you and God - and either kneel on the rug or put it on your knees and pray what your needs are or something. Then you would have to mail it back and this church said don’t misplace this rug because it needs to go to another’s house, etc. etc!!! I could tell it was already used due to the bend marks and a little tear. I was thinking, how on earth did this place find my address? It gave me a paper how it explained how people were blessed just because of this Prayer Rug! For example, it quoted a woman who was blessed with $50,000 or something because she did this Prayer Rug thing and other people said, etc.

I don’t know what I was thinking; before I knew what was happening, I laid in bed and just put the rug over my knees (don’t know if I did it right, who knows), don’t know why but made the Sign of the Cross holding the Rosary and just told Jesus that He already knew my needs, etc. I must’ve been insane for doing that.

So this morning after a college class, I walked over to the post office and dropped it in the mail box like it told me to then walked back to my next class.
Was I suppose to do this? Has anyone else gotten this Prayer Rug or something?
Dear friend

No you are not stupid and don’t beat yourself up because you made a prayer in this way, whether you had the rug or not it is acceptable to pray to our Lord to provide us with what we need to live, ie money etc.

The fact is you don’t need to the rug and the fact that you are struggling with it in you conscience tells you that the praying is not wrong it is the method that this church is employing to bring Jesus to people that is questionable. To pray for great riches on earth is something people do, but it would be better to pray for spiritual riches and riches in heaven. To say that the rug has the Holy Spirit in it is dubious, the Holy Spirit resides in Baptised souls and all around us…we don’t need a rug! To lure people into prayer who might not otherwise do so with a promise of a get rich quick is not the way to lead people into faith in God. It’s not a great evangelisation programme is it?:rotfl: Joking apart though this sort of thing is damaging, look how you are worrying about it and you won’t be the only person who is and also look how many people who don’t know God well, who rarely or never pray and say this prayer and God doesn’t give them 50,000 and then they are detered from God, it’s a very dangerous, irresponsible and damaging way to evangelise and you dear friend are not to blame.

I’m in the UK and have had alsorts through the mail that’s religious. If it doesn’t say it’s Catholic I don’t open it and throw it straight in the bin. Why? to avoid this kind of worrying whether I should have bothered with it, I know if I stick to Catholic Material I won’t go wrong.

You have nothing to worry about and the next time something drops on your mat through the post that looks dodgy religious wise, throw it in the bin.

Just have a kind and loving word with God and thank Him for teaching you this lesson, mention it to your Priest for the peace of your mind and heart next time you go to confession though here I don’t think you have sinned but because you are concerned over this it will bring you Christ’s peace to mention it at confession.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I got that piece of mail, too. I set it aside and prayed about it to the Holy Spirit to guide me. I’m suspicious of ‘hoax’ things like the chain emails (I delete those!)

So, in the morning I just sent it back to the senders.
I took no action what so ever except to return it to them.

So, I hope that was ok, too. Either way, we both prayed, huh?
I throw such things away. Superstition doesn’t serve the faith. It appeals to greed and tries to raise cash in an unethical way. In the future just toss all chain letters away.
i got one in the mail yesterday, as did my cousin… i threw it away after I had laughed over the complete lunacy of it all…
it’s a superstition. toss it and by no means send any money to this spurious organization trying to make money of personal piety (and by the way, giving Catholic spirituality a black eye). if it came thru the US Mail and contained any type of threat of evil befallling someone who does not send money, or fails to return it, that is a violation of postal regs and federal law-give the whole thing to your local postmaster.
I’ve gotten tons of stuff from these people… “prayer cloths” (tiny pieces of felt), “blessed crosses” (cheapass plastic Chinese made pieces of junk), that freaky “prayer rug” (actually a piece of paper that causes the eyes on the image of Jesus to “open” {but only when you are drunk}), etc.

Simple piece of advice…
These folks are about as legitimate as Bob Tilton, “Dr.” Mike Murdock, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, etc. In other words, send the envelopes back to them, they cost THEM money, but DON’T send 'em a dime of your hard-earned cash. You will be getting ripped off if you do…
Stop for a second and think about it…Jesus is inviting you to pray…forget about the prayer rug and don’t feel bad if you throw it away…but bring the people who sent it to you to Jesus now and ask their conversion that they may realize the truth…

I got one of them too…all the things they tell you to pray for are shallow and superficial like wealth and a new home etc…
Use the oppourtunity wisely…😉
I pitch such stuff as a matter of course. It’s amazing how many St. Jude and St. Therese chain letters are floating around, claiming miracles if you send ithem to a certain number of friends. Rank superstition.
Use the invitation to pray for those souls that will be led astray by vain superstition, and then get rid of it.
Just have a kind and loving word with God and thank Him for teaching you this lesson, mention it to your Priest for the peace of your mind and heart next time you go to confession though here I don’t think you have sinned but because you are concerned over this it will bring you Christ’s peace to mention it at confession.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I went to their website and it’s a church that welcomes - and get this - ALL FAITHS!!!

I didn’t want to throw it away because I also didn’t want them to get I guess…mad or something. I don’t know…it’s crazy. Should I e-mail them and tell them or something?

Also, why would this need to be taken to confession?
Paris Blues:
I went to their website and it’s a church that welcomes - and get this - ALL FAITHS!!!

I didn’t want to throw it away because I also didn’t want them to get I guess…mad or something. I don’t know…it’s crazy. Should I e-mail them and tell them or something?

Also, why would this need to be taken to confession?
Dear friend

Don’t worry about anything I bet they send thousands of these mail shots out and won’t pick you out among the crowd, most people probably throw it away. They can’t get mad at you, don’t worry about it at all.

No don’t mail them, just ignore it as though it never came through your door. Every poster who has replied to your thread has advised you to put any such material straight in the bin, these good folks are telling you the truth and it’s sound advice.

This is why I suggested mentioning it to your Priest next time you are at confession, not because you have sinned because you haven’t but because you are bothered by it and I would so much like for you to have Christ’s peace on this.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

That we do not regard them as complete statements of our faith. As in the future we should hold ourselves free to revise our statements of faith as may seem to us wise and expedient at any time.

Dear friend

This is what they have stated as part of what they believe, they use the Catholic Creed :confused: , therefore they are free to change what they believe possessing no strict doctrine nor dogma that cannot be changed because they are absolute truths.

I’d quit worrying about them and continue as you are being a good Catholic.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I got this just a couple of days ago. I read over it and I laughed when it said, ‘Our church is old (54 years)’ or something. LOL. But anyways, i just saw how stupid it was and threw it away. It is a kind of superstition i think. Plus it talked about how people got money through it, dead give away that its questionable.
Hi, The one I recieved hit the trash can immediatley. My prayer rug is already layed down in my closet. 👍 God Bless
Paris Blues -

This guy is a scam artist. I remember receiving “prayer rugs” from him back in the early ‘80’s. Back then his “church” was called “Reverend Ewing’s Church by Mail”. He sent all sorts of nonsense - “prayer rugs”, "Jesus’ hands shower caps" and such tripe. His “St. Matthews Churches” aren’t churches at all, it is his direct mail empire under a new name.

You shouldn’t waste a second feeling guilt or conflict because of this. He’s not worth it. If you get any more junk (and you might since you have somehow gotten on his list) just pitch it and ignore it.

This Blog has some information on it (about halfway down the page) and also links to some interesting sites about the infamous “Reverend Ewing”.

(I’m not recommending the Blog since it is atheistic, just the information on this particular subject.)

:rotfl: Dear friend Are you sure this isn’t ‘J R Ewing’ with a new found career?..sorry I couldn’t resist , sorry also the Mr J R Ewing, sir!

Either way this Mr Ewing’s ventures hold as much fantasy as Dallas did :whacky: …bin everything from him and don’t give it a second thought.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

How weird, I got one of these in the mail today. It looked fishy and something didn’t seem right so I threw it away.
How weird, I got one of these in the mail today. It looked fishy and something didn’t seem right so I threw it away.
I wonder if it was the same one I got. Was it kinda a pink color with dark purple?
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