Prayer to Angels?

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God said in the bible that we are not to pray to anyone but Him.

We do not pray to Mary or the saints we ask them to intercede for us.

I assume it is the same with the angels, since pray means to “worship” or “glorify?”

Also, does anyone pray to angels, or do devotions to them? If so, have you had any interesting experiences?

In the past month I have really devloped a devotion to St. Raphael. I really enjoyed the story of his in the book of Tobit, and thought it was very sweet of him to accompany Tobias on his journey.

When I’ve done chaplets to him, meditated, or addressed him, I’ve hade some interesting responses. Im no mystic, and have not “seen” or “spoken” with him literally, but I feel I have communicated all the same.

Whenever I do some devotion toward him, I sense this very kind and deeply interested presence. If it is him, he doesn’t feel like an Archangel, in the sense of being imposing, ethereal or too powerful to describe. He seems to be a spirit of great beneveloence kindness and compassion, one who seems deeply interested, if slightly , but pleasently amused by my daily life.

I did find it interesting when I casually, mentally posed the question of Tarot cards to Him in mental prayer, out of curiosity to how “he” would react. I sensed no words, just a strong feeling. Not of dissapointment, outrage or anger. Rather a strong since of fear, anxiety and distress (that was not internal) a strong mental “don’t do it!” in every sense of that phrase.

I know my description of him is vague I might sound sort of strange, sounds kind of silly and it may be just God as opposed to Raphael himself, but has anyone had a similar experience, or engages in a similar practice?
That is totally mistaken.

“Pray” does NOT mean to give “Adoration”

Pray means to ask, petition, request for a favour, a courtesy, a gift.

We give Adoration ONLY to GOD. How do we give adoration to GOD?

In the old testament you would offer sacrifices. Through a PRIEST! Not yourself directly.

Jesus instituted the only sacrifice that opens the Heavens to us. The Eucharist, the bloodless sacrifice given by the priest at mass but offered by all who are present at that mass.

That is adoration.

When you “pray” you ask something, you are not adoring. Hope this helps you.

God said in the bible that we are not to pray to anyone but Him.

We do not pray to Mary or the saints we ask them to intercede for us.

I assume it is the same with the angels, since pray means to “worship” or “glorify?”

Also, does anyone pray to angels, or do devotions to them? If so, have you had any interesting experiences?

In the past month I have really devloped a devotion to St. Raphael. I really enjoyed the story of his in the book of Tobit, and thought it was very sweet of him to accompany Tobias on his journey.

When I’ve done chaplets to him, meditated, or addressed him, I’ve hade some interesting responses. Im no mystic, and have not “seen” or “spoken” with him literally, but I feel I have communicated all the same.

Whenever I do some devotion toward him, I sense this very kind and deeply interested presence. If it is him, he doesn’t feel like an Archangel, in the sense of being imposing, ethereal or too powerful to describe. He seems to be a spirit of great beneveloence kindness and compassion, one who seems deeply interested, if slightly , but pleasently amused by my daily life.

I did find it interesting when I casually, mentally posed the question of Tarot cards to Him in mental prayer, out of curiosity to how “he” would react. I sensed no words, just a strong feeling. Not of dissapointment, outrage or anger. Rather a strong since of fear, anxiety and distress (that was not internal) a strong mental “don’t do it!” in every sense of that phrase.

I know my description of him is vague I might sound sort of strange, sounds kind of silly and it may be just God as opposed to Raphael himself, but has anyone had a similar experience, or engages in a similar practice?
There is an angelic prayer that is indulgenced (partial) Concession 18:

A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly invoke the care of their guardian Antel with a duly approved prayer (e.g., Angele Dei).
Angeli Dei

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom his love entrusts me here, enlighten and guard, rule and guide me. Amen.​
That is totally mistaken.

“Pray” does NOT mean to give “Adoration”

Pray means to ask, petition, request for a favour, a courtesy, a gift.

We give Adoration ONLY to GOD. How do we give adoration to GOD?

In the old testament you would offer sacrifices. Through a PRIEST! Not yourself directly.

Jesus instituted the only sacrifice that opens the Heavens to us. The Eucharist, the bloodless sacrifice given by the priest at mass but offered by all who are present at that mass.

That is adoration.

When you “pray” you ask something, you are not adoring. Hope this helps you.

Exactly this. Yes.

From during the time my husband was dying to the present time I have a devotion to St. Raphael.
First of all, after many years of praying he went to confession after forty years, of his own volition. It was about four months before his death of prostate to bone cancer, which took six years of illness.

In fact, I am fascinated with all of the holy angels, and how they carry help carry out God’s plan.

With regard to my husband’s death:

He had home hospice for all of five days. At that time he could not speak. All eight of our children made it, from all over the United States, to be together for a prayer meeting around his bed the night before he died. It was awesome. Some were able to come with their spouses, and some grandchildren.

Our oldest son had the presence of mind to ask all of us to mention a happy time shared with their Dad.
When we read some scripture verses and played a CD “On Eagle’s Wings” which was a song he wanted sung at his funeral mass.

In the middle of the night he died peacefully in his sleep. One of my daughters who is a nurse slept in a bed with me, and my husband was in a hospice bed in the same room. We heard his last breaths, and then we called the hospice nurse, who was there within minutes and took care of everything else.

The days that followed went so smoothly I just knew it was the intercession of St. Raphael. The day after the funeral some of my children left for their flights home, and some were there for another day. As we sat around the table having breakfast, I looked out of the picture window in my kitchen and a giant flash of light was seen by me, and a feeling of great peace filled my spirit. I did not jump out of my chair and talk about it then,…it was just so subtle, powerful, and peaceful. I just knew it was St. Raphael, sort of saying “Hi”. A couple of weeks later I shared it with all of my children by letter.

Here is a site I believe you will like to explore:

Our Lady, Queen of the Angels…Pray for us!

Peace in Jesus and Mary,

God said in the bible that we are not to pray to anyone but Him.

We do not pray to Mary or the saints we ask them to intercede for us.

I assume it is the same with the angels, since pray means to “worship” or “glorify?”

Also, does anyone pray to angels, or do devotions to them? If so, have you had any interesting experiences?

In the past month I have really devloped a devotion to St. Raphael. I really enjoyed the story of his in the book of Tobit, and thought it was very sweet of him to accompany Tobias on his journey.

When I’ve done chaplets to him, meditated, or addressed him, I’ve hade some interesting responses. Im no mystic, and have not “seen” or “spoken” with him literally, but I feel I have communicated all the same.

Whenever I do some devotion toward him, I sense this very kind and deeply interested presence. If it is him, he doesn’t feel like an Archangel, in the sense of being imposing, ethereal or too powerful to describe. He seems to be a spirit of great beneveloence kindness and compassion, one who seems deeply interested, if slightly , but pleasently amused by my daily life.

I did find it interesting when I casually, mentally posed the question of Tarot cards to Him in mental prayer, out of curiosity to how “he” would react. I sensed no words, just a strong feeling. Not of dissapointment, outrage or anger. Rather a strong since of fear, anxiety and distress (that was not internal) a strong mental “don’t do it!” in every sense of that phrase.

I know my description of him is vague I might sound sort of strange, sounds kind of silly and it may be just God as opposed to Raphael himself, but has anyone had a similar experience, or engages in a similar practice?
Yes, I have often experienced this, angels talk to us by directly impressing things on our brains. It is rare that they speak to us.

Angels, both good and bad, can directly impress feelings and ideas on our minds. They can also use images we have already seen and give us thoughts.

Your Guardian Angel (I love you Guardian Angel please pray for us) is always with you. You should talk to them all the time. Don’t give them a name though, that would be disrespectful. They have a name.

Pray just means communicate.

St. Raphael is more powerful than a fighter jet, but he isn’t trying to scare you. Angels always want us to be at peace. If you sensed it was him, and you were at peace, it was him. That’s his way of telling you he hears you (without actually telling you). Have faith.
God said in the bible that we are not to pray to anyone but Him.

We do not pray to Mary or the saints we ask them to intercede for us.

I assume it is the same with the angels, since pray means to “worship” or “glorify?”
There are different types of prayer and prayer itself is a conversation or as the previous poster said communicate. .
Prayer of Adoration, Prayer of contrition (asking forgiveness), Prayer of petition (asking for a favor), and Prayer of Thanksgiving (showing gratefulness to God). Prayer itself is a conversation. In praying to the angels it is a prayer of petition where we are asking for favor from the angels and we know each and every one of us has a guardian angel who watches over us. We ask them to help us and intercede for us to the Father. The angels are Gods army who can help us in our spiritual battles and we need all the help we can get!:). And we see in the following scriptures that the angels carry our prayers to God (interceding).

Revelation 8:4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.

God put angels in place so they may help us where we cant see… you see?lol

From during the time my husband was dying to the present time I have a devotion to St. Raphael.
First of all, after many years of praying he went to confession after forty years, of his own volition. It was about four months before his death of prostate to bone cancer, which took six years of illness.

In fact, I am fascinated with all of the holy angels, and how they carry help carry out God’s plan.

With regard to my husband’s death:

He had home hospice for all of five days. At that time he could not speak. All eight of our children made it, from all over the United States, to be together for a prayer meeting around his bed the night before he died. It was awesome. Some were able to come with their spouses, and some grandchildren.

Our oldest son had the presence of mind to ask all of us to mention a happy time shared with their Dad.
When we read some scripture verses and played a CD “On Eagle’s Wings” which was a song he wanted sung at his funeral mass.

In the middle of the night he died peacefully in his sleep. One of my daughters who is a nurse slept in a bed with me, and my husband was in a hospice bed in the same room. We heard his last breaths, and then we called the hospice nurse, who was there within minutes and took care of everything else.

The days that followed went so smoothly I just knew it was the intercession of St. Raphael. The day after the funeral some of my children left for their flights home, and some were there for another day. As we sat around the table having breakfast, I looked out of the picture window in my kitchen and a giant flash of light was seen by me, and a feeling of great peace filled my spirit. I did not jump out of my chair and talk about it then,…it was just so subtle, powerful, and peaceful. I just knew it was St. Raphael, sort of saying “Hi”. A couple of weeks later I shared it with all of my children by letter.

Here is a site I believe you will like to explore:

Our Lady, Queen of the Angels…Pray for us!

Peace in Jesus and Mary,

Thank you for sharing that lovely story.
God bless you today and always.
Thank you Clare…

God bless you too!
I have seen the flashes of light too and had similar confirmations that it came from angels.

Angels always give us peace.

I have seen a different kind of light come from bad angels. It is smaller and different. No peace either, just confusion.

An angel once told me how to know the difference

He said God gives a Spirit of peace (a rainbow and a dove in his hand)
The enemy a spirit of confusion ("?" in his hand)

Bad angels often pretend to be God but they never give peace. Excitement, anticipation, and confusion. I have never experienced excitement when Heaven has communicated with me. It was always a demon when there was excitement. I got tricked quite a few times. Pray for me.

Anyways, having read your account, I know it was really him based on my own experiences. The light and the peace and the sense = it was an angel.

One other thing: often when we deal with angels, we will think we are thinking something when in reality they are telling us something. We think the thought or impression is coming from us sensing it. That is backwards. They are impressing it on us. Same with bad angels. We will think we are sensing or thinking something when in reality it is a bad angels giving us the thought or “sense.”
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