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As a noncatholic I would like to ask a question.
I have seen on many threads that people say “pray” when faced with a major problem in life (medical problems, marital problems, family problems etc.).
My thinking has always been that prayer is a coping mechanism that in combination with other things (therapy etc.) can solve a problem. But I have never viewed prayer alone as a way to solve a problem. Can someone please explain this concept to me… or is it that I am reading posts incorrectly and it is prayer and therapy or whatever else is required in the situation that will help solve a problem???
As a noncatholic I would like to ask a question.
I have seen on many threads that people say “pray” when faced with a major problem in life (medical problems, marital problems, family problems etc.).
My thinking has always been that prayer is a coping mechanism that in combination with other things (therapy etc.) can solve a problem. But I have never viewed prayer alone as a way to solve a problem. Can someone please explain this concept to me… or is it that I am reading posts incorrectly and it is prayer and therapy or whatever else is required in the situation that will help solve a problem???
What you say is true-remember the old saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” However, frequently in medical problems,family problems, and marital problems, a person does all thet they can humanly do and it does not help. In these cases, the only hope and light at the end of the tunnel is prayer. A prayer of spitirual poverty in which we acknowledge that we are helpness and place ourselves entirely in God’s mercy.
Deacon Tony560:
In these cases, the only hope and light at the end of the tunnel is prayer. A prayer of spitirual poverty in which we acknowledge that we are helpness and place ourselves entirely in God’s mercy.
I really do not mean to offend by asking this but does this actually help to solve problems (meaning do things really get better etc.)??
Another question…is it right to view prayer as the only solution to a problem?
I really do not mean to offend by asking this but does this actually help to solve problems (meaning do things really get better etc.)??
Another question…is it right to view prayer as the only solution to a problem?
I don’t know. You may want to ask people who have recovered from sicknesses after the doctors gave up on them.

For me, contemplative prayer often helps me to work out problems I may be dealing with.

Of course, that reminds me of the story: This guys was praying in church, “God, for three years, I’ve said a rosary every morning and every night asking you to let me win the lottery, and still I’ve won nothing. NOTHING! Why do you not listen???”
Then a voice from above said, “Maybe if you’d meet me half way and buy a lottery ticket.”

Yes, prayer is powerful, but we should still buy the lottery ticket!😃

I don’t know. You may want to ask people who have recovered from sicknesses after the doctors gave up on them.

For me, contemplative prayer often helps me to work out problems I may be dealing with.

Of course, that reminds me of the story: This guys was praying in church, "God, for three years, I’ve said a rosary every morning and every night asking you to let me win the lottery, and still I’ve won nothing. NOTHING! Why do you not listen???
Then a voice from above said, “Maybe if you’d meet me half way and buy a lottery ticket.”

Yes, prayer is powerful, but we should still buy the lottery ticket!😃

Well it has been proven that “prayer” does not heal…(article in some newspaper over the summer)
I have seen several people that have had cancer one got so discouraged that he was depressed he basically gave up on life that person died…another person kept a positive outlook and got cured with treatments and last another person had a positive outlook, prayed and got treatment they also died. Please let me note that doctors all gave up on them and the last two seeked “alternative treatment methods” .
More and more doctors are starting to believe in the power of prayer. Some recent stats suggest that patients who pray/have a strong belief in God, actually heal faster. I minister in a prison and find that those who pray have less problems than those who don’t. Just because you are at the end of your rope does not mean that you will get what you pray for. In some cases God’s answer is “No” or “Not at this time.” However, God hears all prayer. God has no past and no future. Everything that has ever happened and will happen is always in view of God, who in infinite. All prayers that have been ever said and will be ever said remain before God. In order to become a saint in the Catholic Church, there is a requirement of a miracle. Most of these in recent times have involved someone with an incurable disease, who was cured after invoking a candidate for sainthood. Medical tests are done by impartial doctors. The results have been astounding and are published. I would advise you to read a few of these accounts.

May God bless you as you search for truth.
Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony560:
More and more doctors are starting to believe in the power of prayer. Some recent stats suggest that patients who pray/have a strong belief in God, actually heal faster. I minister in a prison and find that those who pray have less problems than those who don’t. Just because you are at the end of your rope does not mean that you will get what you pray for. In some cases God’s answer is “No” or “Not at this time.” However, God hears all prayer. God has no past and no future. Everything that has ever happened and will happen is always in view of God, who in infinite. All prayers that have been ever said and will be ever said remain before God. In order to become a saint in the Catholic Church, there is a requirement of a miracle. Most of these in recent times have involved someone with an incurable disease, who was cured after invoking a candidate for sainthood. Medical tests are done by impartial doctors. The results have been astounding and are published. I would advise you to read a few of these accounts.

May God bless you as you search for truth.
Deacon Tony
thank you once again for the informative post.
I will look into this…
Well it has been proven that “prayer” does not heal…(article in some newspaper over the summer)
I have seen several people that have had cancer one got so discouraged that he was depressed he basically gave up on life that person died…another person kept a positive outlook and got cured with treatments and last another person had a positive outlook, prayed and got treatment they also died.
Please. Anecdotes don’t prove anything. All they prove is that sometimes, prayer may help, and sometimes, prayer may not help.

How does prayer help someone’s health? The concensus among doctors is that a positive outlook on life is beneficial to people’s health. Now you can say that a prayerful life and faith in God promotes a positve outlook, which is beneficial to your health. Or you can say that God sometimes smiles on people that demonstrate such devotion to Him. But don’t use a couple of anecdotes to categorize everyone, because for every “proof” there is a “refutation”. In the meantime, I’m going to stick with praying and hedge my bets.

God Bless,

Please. Anecdotes don’t prove anything. All they prove is that sometimes, prayer may help, and sometimes, prayer may not help.
That is true Prayer helps or it does not.
As to anecdotes…these are three people I know father, grandmother and aunt…these events occured…I was commenting to the statement you made “*** You may want to ask people who have recovered from sicknesses after the doctors gave up on them” ***
How does prayer help someone’s health? The concensus among doctors is that a positive outlook on life is beneficial to people’s health. Now you can say that a prayerful life and faith in God promotes a positve outlook, which is beneficial to your health. Or you can say that God sometimes smiles on people that demonstrate such devotion to Him. But don’t use a couple of anecdotes to categorize everyone, because for every “proof” there is a “refutation”. In the meantime, I’m going to stick with praying and hedge my bets.

God Bless,

By all means pray…but dont bash me when I honestly question something or honestly ask questions.
Lalia Mackay said:

The level of charity is beginning to diminish here.

thank you agreed.
Deacon Tony560- could you perhaps suggest some books on this topic that I may read.
Thank you!
Well it has been proven that “prayer” does not heal…(article in some newspaper over the summer)
I have seen several people that have had cancer one got so discouraged that he was depressed he basically gave up on life that person died…another person kept a positive outlook and got cured with treatments and last another person had a positive outlook, prayed and got treatment they also died. Please let me note that doctors all gave up on them and the last two seeked “alternative treatment methods” .
Karin…prayer is a spiritual medicine…God heals the spirit and sometimes…if it is His will…the body. Having spent more years than I care to count, praying and trusting God for the answer to our needs, He has always answered my prayers. Not always the way most people would consider an answer…but it was the perfect answer none the less.

My husband is the longest survivor we know of with hereditary cancer…44 years and still fighting the good fight. The doctors gave up on him when he was age 19. They also scratch their heads and don’t understand. Thats ok…God is in control. Our children inherited the propensity also…they were not suppose to make it past their teens. Again…they are doing fine.

I survived polio which I got as one of the first to recieve the Salk vaccine (healthy guinie pig and the first one went wrong)…I carry the post polio syndrom due to the mistake. Makes life difficult but it is all His grace. Polio has all but been eradicated due to the progress made in that first vacine mistake.

We have lost loved ones, and we have fought the good fight. We trust God to keep us safe according to His good plans for us. We trust science to help when nessecary. 🙂

We count it all joy.
thank you once again for the informative post.
I will look into this…
And other good books which are stories of ordinary people who coupe through illness and tradgedy are available. Ascension Press has a series called “Amazing Grace.” For a Protestant perspective along the same avenue…the God Answers Prayer series from Harvest House. (God Allows U-Turns Publisher. Shameless Plug… :o 😉
thank you agreed.
Deacon Tony560- could you perhaps suggest some books on this topic that I may read.
Thank you!
First of all, thank you for your honesty and for your desire to learn and listen to and be open to knowledge in an area that is new to you. Many people refuse to be open to material that is strange to them.
A good beginning book that is very traditional Catholic would be:
"Mysteries,Marvels,Miracles in the lives of the Saints by Joan Carroll Cruz-I believe it is a Tan Books publication. There are also some online sites that you can visit to learn about the reported cures attributed to Mother Theresa. The investigations into such happenings go on for a long time. The church does not want to be fooled and they actually have a “Devil’s Advocate” person that tries to disprove everthing. You can search Saints and Miracles on line. There have been many proven miracles at Lourdes and Fatima. There are some great books on these two approved apparition sites.

May God bless you and your family.
Deacon Tony
Karin…prayer is a spiritual medicine…God heals the spirit and sometimes…if it is His will…the body. Having spent more years than I care to count, praying and trusting God for the answer to our needs, He has always answered my prayers. Not always the way most people would consider an answer…but it was the perfect answer none the less.

My husband is the longest survivor we know of with hereditary cancer…44 years and still fighting the good fight. The doctors gave up on him when he was age 19. They also scratch their heads and don’t understand. Thats ok…God is in control. Our children inherited the propensity also…they were not suppose to make it past their teens. Again…they are doing fine.

I survived polio which I got as one of the first to recieve the Salk vaccine (healthy guinie pig and the first one went wrong)…I carry the post polio syndrom due to the mistake. Makes life difficult but it is all His grace. Polio has all but been eradicated due to the progress made in that first vacine mistake.

We have lost loved ones, and we have fought the good fight. We trust God to keep us safe according to His good plans for us. We trust science to help when nessecary. 🙂

We count it all joy.
Thank you once again for the wise post…and the book recomendations!
As to pray regarding health…I did not mean to question if prayer worked or not in these situations…I see & have seen that it does work in certain situations.
I think my problem regarding the OP is that I did not state my question more clearly…what I am trying to understand once again “idiot” explantions work for me…is prayer in general a solve all for problems from a Catholic standpoint? I was told my the little d ex husband that prayer will solve anything and everything…so I am trying to find out if that is true.
Deacon Tony560:
First of all, thank you for your honesty and for your desire to learn and listen to and be open to knowledge in an area that is new to you. Many people refuse to be open to material that is strange to them.
A good beginning book that is very traditional Catholic would be:
"Mysteries,Marvels,Miracles in the lives of the Saints by Joan Carroll Cruz-I believe it is a Tan Books publication. There are also some online sites that you can visit to learn about the reported cures attributed to Mother Theresa. The investigations into such happenings go on for a long time. The church does not want to be fooled and they actually have a “Devil’s Advocate” person that tries to disprove everthing. You can search Saints and Miracles on line. There have been many proven miracles at Lourdes and Fatima. There are some great books on these two approved apparition sites.

May God bless you and your family.
Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony-
Thank you for the book suggestions…I am always open to new things but I question everything to no end till I am satisfied with the answers…this is bad at times and fustrating for some and I apologize…but thank you for bearing with me in this search of mine!

Bless you!
Lalia Mackay said:

The level of charity is beginning to diminish here.

To All:

Karin and I took our issues off-line and cleared some misconceptions in our posts. After that, we both got a little lesson in the benefits of forgiveness, in addition to prayer.

Now we’ve agreed to pray for each other!😃

God Bless all of you!

…is prayer in general a solve all for problems from a Catholic standpoint? I was told my the little d ex husband that prayer will solve anything and everything…so I am trying to find out if that is true.
Yes…and no. 👍

Like others have said above there are times when all you can do is pray. For instance, my son has IHSS/PAPVR (Ideopathic Hypotropic Subaortic Stinosis with a Partial Anomalous Pulminary Venus Return, the muscle of his heart grew to thick, kinda like a weightlifter). Before he was two he had to have open heart surgery. The doctors told us two things: one, it will not “fix” the problem, only keep it from working itself too hard; two, if he didn’t get the surgery then he would get worse and probably die before he was ten. Letting the doctors take him was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. :crying: I had no control, I could not help him. There was only one thing left to do… and you guessed it, it was pray.

But we don’t always get what we want (yes my son is okay and growing like a weed at five). Even Jesus prayed “Father if it is possible, take this cup away from me.” But he also submitted to the Father. God “causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him” but that doesn’t mean that we truly know what that good is.

Just remember the words of Garth Brooks “…Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers…” :whistle:
To All:

Karin and I took our issues off-line and cleared some misconceptions in our posts. After that, we both got a little lesson in the benefits of forgiveness, in addition to prayer.

Now we’ve agreed to pray for each other!😃

God Bless all of you!

Thank you for posting this…
I am on a quest for knowledge and understanding and I do apologize if I have offended anybody…
Bless all that have helped and offered explainations and examples!
It is a matter of faith and hope…I personally believe in the power of prayer, because I have seen first hand what it can do. Just because one prays, doesn’t mean that they stop taking a proactive role in trying to fix whatever problem they are having…for instance, if a smoker has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is undergoing Chemo, they are praying that the treatment will work and they will recover, but at the same time, they take a proactive role by quitting smoking. That is prayer and action working together to achieve a positive result. On the other hand, I have seen at least two cases where two different people were told they were going to die and that there was nothing the doctors could do for them any longer…one was a friend of mine when we were kids. He was at St. Judes with an aggressive type of leukemia…his family was told he wasn’t going to make it and treatment wasn’t working…Well, through prayer, he miraculously recovered and all the cancer is now gone. Second case was with a buddy of mine from The Citadel…he fell asleep one night while driving home and hit a tree. They rushed him to the hospital with all kinds of internal injuries. The doctors called his family to see him one final time and they called the Priest and he gave him his Last Rites…the doctors said it was only a matter of time before he died and that they did all they could, but it was helpless and in God’s hands now…well, 2 days later he woke up and was in full recovery to the amazement of the doctors…Those are just a couple examples of the power of prayer.
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