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I have asked God for the past 6 months to give me wisdom on answering my prayer, with no help. I also have prayed the rosary for the same prayer request. I have recieved no answer or help, any suggestion would be helpful.
I have asked God for the past 6 months to give me wisdom on answering my prayer, with no help. I also have prayed the rosary for the same prayer request. I have recieved no answer or help, any suggestion would be helpful.
Is it possible that maybe God is telling you to wait? Or maybe that what you are requesting isn’t supposed to happen? I cannot offer any answers, just questions to hopefully lead you in the right direction.
I have always heard that God has 3 answers
& wait…

All I can tell you is to persevere and not despair.
KNOW that God does hear you. I will also remember you in my own prayers, just becaose you seem to need it. I plan to go to Mass tomorrow at Noon…and I will offer my communion for your special intention.
Dominus Vobiscum.
I understand the feeling. This is happening to me with prayers for change in my heart & behaviors so that they don’t pass on to my children. Noble enough? I think so! I also believe the right time would be **NOW. **Obviously God doesn’t. Or maybe he does, I just don’t recognize the changes. Maybe God likes me down on my knees.

All I can say is PERSEVERE. I am, and I know God won’t let us down.

I’ll pray for you too.
jmccia, There may be a person that God has sent you that you can confide in. Sometimes it helps to share our burden. Sometimes we receive answers in strange ways. Remember Jesus told us to ask and we would receive, seek and we would find, knock and the door would be open to us.

May God bless and comfort you in your struggle,
Deacon Tony
Dearest friend

Oh it is right, perseverance in prayer is everything, because you are now doubting God is even listening to you, now when you doubt on God , how can He help you? You dear friend, have to believe that mountain you need moving God will move and He will do it in the way He wills it which is not down to human wisdom, but what God thinks is best, so trust God in His Infinite and Eternal wisdom in which He knows is best.

You have begun to lose hope in the Lord our God, now please don’t do that. Even when trials fall upon you and it looks as though all is lost, this is the very time to run to Him and cry to Him ‘God, God help me!’ in all humbleness and knowledge that you cannot resolve this yourself because without God our very life would cease, He is the Divine Creator and Sustainer of our universe and life.
Go before the Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, go down on your knees and talk to Him as your brother and best friend He is, ask Him to ask the Father for you, ask Mary to ask Jesus for you (all things go through Jesus to the Father, and from Mary to Jesus, that’s the way of it )

If you lose hope in God , then He cannot help you, this is a lesson in hope and trust in Him, that however you measure time, the Lord does not and His time is the best time and you have to trust Him in this, there is rythmn and reason and method in everything God does and you must trust Him

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I struggle with the same thing. I try to keep two thoughts in mind…
  1. We are to be crucified with Christ. Crucifixtion is a long, slow, agonizing process.
  2. Jesus said we are to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. After Godly prayer don’t be afraid to use the wisdom and courage that God has given you to accomplish good things.
"Do not grow slack in zeal but be fervent in spirit. He whom you serve is the Lord, Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, perservere in prayer…"Romans 12:11,12
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