Prayers for Discernment

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Hello Everyone,

I am currently a law student at a top school–it graduated one of the past three presidents-- but I have come to believe that God is calling me to be a priest. My parents and family are not opposed, but they are afraid that if I leave law school to go to seminary that I will come to regret the decision. The problem is that if I hang on to finish the law degree, then I will have huge student loan debt that someone, most likely my parents, will have to pay off. I ask for your prayers that I will discern God’s will for my live and have to courage to follow it.

Pax Christi
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, direction, strength, fortitude & wisdom in your discernment.
Hello Everyone,

I am currently a law student at a top school–it graduated one of the past three presidents-- but I have come to believe that God is calling me to be a priest. My parents and family are not opposed, but they are afraid that if I leave law school to go to seminary that I will come to regret the decision. The problem is that if I hang on to finish the law degree, then I will have huge student loan debt that someone, most likely my parents, will have to pay off. I ask for your prayers that I will discern God’s will for my live and have to courage to follow it.

Pax Christi
Why can’t you be both? Is the need urgent? Have you spoken to the seminary regarding the discernment period, it is usually over a year.

There are Priests who are also qualified lawyers.
Hello Everyone,

I am currently a law student at a top school–it graduated one of the past three presidents-- but I have come to believe that God is calling me to be a priest. My parents and family are not opposed, but they are afraid that if I leave law school to go to seminary that I will come to regret the decision. The problem is that if I hang on to finish the law degree, then I will have huge student loan debt that someone, most likely my parents, will have to pay off. I ask for your prayers that I will discern God’s will for my live and have to courage to follow it.

Pax Christi
Congradulations, you have exactly the same problem as Martin Luther did.😃
Hello Everyone,

I am currently a law student at a top school–it graduated one of the past three presidents-- but I have come to believe that God is calling me to be a priest. My parents and family are not opposed, but they are afraid that if I leave law school to go to seminary that I will come to regret the decision. The problem is that if I hang on to finish the law degree, then I will have huge student loan debt that someone, most likely my parents, will have to pay off. I ask for your prayers that I will discern God’s will for my live and have to courage to follow it.

Pax Christi
Salutations in Christ, Jesus,
May the Holy Spirit open your eyes to show you the way --Jeremiah 29 / 11
I feel you should finish what you started, unless you are in your first year. If you graduate and the loan has to be paid off, find a job to pay off the loan,then, tackle the priesthood.
Council with your Pastor for his advice. He I’ll probably schedule you an apþt. with your Bishop. He will give you his opinion. But, the church may have money to help with your tuition. They may want you to be a lawyer. Then, off to the Jesuits. You could join the military to pay off your debt. Do the Air Force or the Navy=longer life expectancy.
When I was going to be a nun, my parents weren’t in harmony on this. My mom was the Catholic and she said NO. My Methodist Dad said,YES. You figure? ?
So, they said go to nursing school first and check back later. One Irishman’s kisses, marriage of 50yrs and 4 children later, I missed my boat. I, always wonder???
Read Ephesians 3 : 14 to 21. It is Paul’s prayer for us to get to know the love of God.Whatever God wants, there will be 2 witnesses guiding you. I’d use the Pastor and the Bishop.
in Christ’s love
Tweedlealice 🤷:
Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you, O’ Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.


Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Hello Everyone,

I am currently a law student at a top school–it graduated one of the past three presidents-- but I have come to believe that God is calling me to be a priest. My parents and family are not opposed, but they are afraid that if I leave law school to go to seminary that I will come to regret the decision. The problem is that if I hang on to finish the law degree, then I will have huge student loan debt that someone, most likely my parents, will have to pay off. I ask for your prayers that I will discern God’s will for my live and have to courage to follow it.

Pax Christi
Part of me thinks you should finish what you’ve started but i guess that all depends on how far through the process you are. While it may not seem like it, what you learn in law school can provide you with valuable skills for priestly ministry - if that is in fact where God is calling you. that said, you also need to keep an open mind and not lose sight of the fact that discernment of a vocation is a marathon and not a sprint. Besides the question of “am I called?” you also need to ask yourself “am I called now” since the question of when is as important as the question of what. For what it’s worth, I finished law school (outside of the US) and worked for a few years before finally deciding to test my call to the priesthood.
May the Peace of the Lord be with you and your discernment. Although I never discerned the priesthood, I am discerning the diaconate and I am in my aspirancy year now. I know it can be challenging. I would advise getting a spiritual director to help you through that journey as there is much we may not know of think of and they will help tremendously.

God bless you and your discernment,

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