Prayers for Terry Schiavo Court ordered her to die

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This is a travesty. Hasn’t Florida seen enough death with the horrors of the recent hurricanes. Why don’t the courts recognize that each person is a child of God and only God can make that decision. I have been praying steadily for Terr & her parents… God will surely greet her with open arms.
This is a travesty. Hasn’t Florida seen enough death with the horrors of the recent hurricanes. Why don’t the courts recognize that each person is a child of God and only God can make that decision. I have been praying steadily for Terr & her parents… God will surely greet her with open arms.
Why don’t we just stand back, take out fingers out of the pie, and allow God to make that decision, rather than trying to over-rule him with artificial means?

Why don’t we just stand back, take out fingers out of the pie, and allow God to make that decision, rather than trying to over-rule him with artificial means?

JP2 recently came out with a strongly worded statement that intubated feeding (along with several other items) is not extraordinary medical intervention, and that to withdraw food and water, as in this case, is to cause death by failure to intervene in a normal humanitarian way. It essentially gets down to starvation by neglect. God gave us the means, which would imply that He made a decision; we have discovered how to sustain life in these circumstances.

This isn’t a case where extraordinary, unconventional, extremely expensive intervention is occurring. They are just going to starve her to death.
JP2 recently came out with a strongly worded statement that intubated feeding (along with several other items) is not extraordinary medical intervention, and that to withdraw food and water, as in this case, is to cause death by failure to intervene in a normal humanitarian way. It essentially gets down to starvation by neglect. God gave us the means, which would imply that He made a decision; we have discovered how to sustain life in these circumstances.
God has also “given us the means” (meaning the technology) to keep a person alive for years after the brain has flat-lined. Is this what you want–for us to mandate that everything that “God has given us the means to do” be done?

[QUOTEThis isn’t a case where extraordinary, unconventional, **extremely expensive intervention is occurring. They are just going to starve her to death.

Do you really think that this kind of care is inexpensive? What space-time continuum do you live in?

I really grieve for people that are in these kinds of circumstances, and I doubly grieve for those who have to make decisions about them. But at the same time, I have a horror of being imprisoned in a non-functioning body under circumstances that 100 years ago would have simply meant my physical death and my soul’s going on to meet Jesus, but now God has given us the means to keep you alive; therefore you must be kept alive." Artificial is artificial, whether it’s artificial feeding or artificial breathing.

God has also “given us the means” (meaning the technology) to keep a person alive for years after the brain has flat-lined. Is this what you want–for us to mandate that everything that “God has given us the means to do” be done?
Again, as a previous poster stated, as Catholics we believe that artificial hydration and nutrition cannot be withheld from a patient unless such delivery itself introduces a disproportionate burden – that can be the case, e.g. when a dying person has kidney failure, and hydrating him will essentially swell him up like a balloon, and make the dying process that much more difficult.

BUT in Terri’s case, she is not “dying” any more than the rest of us are also “dying” day by day. Her disability requires those responsible for her to feed her in an “artificial” manner – a small tube is inserted semi-permanantly directly into her abdomen (this is considered a very minor medical procedure, I’m not even sure it’s considered on the level of “out-patient”) and the nutrition and hydration are delivered directly to her stomach. Terri cannot properly swallow on her own, and so there is the real danger of her aspirating food and drink if such is delivered orally.

The fact that a century ago (or even 50 years probably, maybe less) we couldn’t so easily feed a person in her condition has no bearing on whether or not the “feeding tube” of today is extraordinay care – the delivery method is a true advancement in medical technology, but food and water in the context of modern medicine have always been and will always be considered ordinary care.

To starve Terri to death is cruel and criminal, period. To deliberately commit or collaborate in such an act is a grave sin and merits eternal punishment in Hell. I’d have to make sure, but I think it also carries the penalty of automatic excommunication.

Make sure to take a look at the website her parents and their (and Terri’s) supporters put together – make sure especially to look at the videos that demonstrate Terri is not a brain dead, motionless vegetable on a ventilator . . .

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I would ask any of you who are so willing and prompted by the Holy Sprit to consider keeping a fast, even a very strict one, from the time that Terri’s feeding tube is removed until the time it is either reinsterted or she dies.

This would be a great way to spiritually support and stand in solidarity with Terri, her parents and other family members, and the other weak and defenseless members of our society who will also be starved to death during that time (there will surely be many all over the world).

A potential “format” for the fast:
One piece of bread in the morning.
Water throughout the day.
A bit of gatorade or pedialyte in the evening to help keep one’s electrolytes balanced.

Remember, whatever hunger and thirst you feel during that time, Terri will be feeling even hungrier and more thirsty. Ultimately she will die from a combination of starvation and dehydration . . . very painful and cruel . . . unless the prayers we will all be saying during that time are answered and the tube is reinserted.

Pray for her and her family. Pray for the conversion of her husband and the softening of his heart.

St. Joseph, most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin, pray for us!
St. Faustina pray for us!
St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!
Mary, help of Christians, pray for us!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I would ask any of you who are so willing and prompted by the Holy Sprit to consider keeping a fast, even a very strict one, from the time that Terri’s feeding tube is removed until the time it is either reinsterted or she dies.

This would be a great way to spiritually support and stand in solidarity with Terri, her parents and other family members, and the other weak and defenseless members of our society who will also be starved to death during that time (there will surely be many all over the world).

A potential “format” for the fast:
One piece of bread in the morning.
Water throughout the day.
A bit of gatorade or pedialyte in the evening to help keep one’s electrolytes balanced.

Remember, whatever hunger and thirst you feel during that time, Terri will be feeling even hugrier and more thirsty. Ultimately she will die from a combination of starvation and dehydration . . . very painful and cruel . . . unless the prayers we will all be saying during that time are answered and the tube is reinserted.

Pray for her and her family. Pray for the conversion of her husband and the softening of his heart.

St. Joseph, most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin, pray for us!
St. Faustina pray for us!
St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!
Mary, help of Christians, pray for us!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
What a marvelous idea! We can still fight for her and it does not take a court to change the statis quo! 👍
I have followed this case for many months now. Have supported financially, the families fight to keep her alive. For anyone who does not know, the families website might catch you up. But Terri was given a sizable amount of money for her care and rehabilitation, which Michael has refused to use for her care. This care included physical therapy to help her to learn to swallow again, so that she could feed herself. So I do not believe that keeping her alive by means of a feeding tube unnatural, until her husband decides to give her the care she deserves.
Marie said:
Florida Supreme Court: It’s OK for Schiavo to Let Wife Die

Please keep Terry in your prayers. Satan won the earthly battle but he cannot have her soul! Pray for her husband Michael and her family. Michael has much to answer for in eternity but I know Terry would not wish him ill even though he has won the right to murder her. 😦

I know God will use the results of this case, whatever they may be, to further the cause of life and the right of the elderly and ill to the dignity of life, and the right to die a natural death. The main person in this case is not Terry, it is the husband who has the right to legally kill by starvation. We pray that he is touched by God and stops what he is planning.
I have followed this case for many months now. Have supported financially, the families fight to keep her alive. For anyone who does not know, the families website might catch you up. But Terri was given a sizable amount of money for her care and rehabilitation, which Michael has refused to use for her care. This care included physical therapy to help her to learn to swallow again, so that she could feed herself. So I do not believe that keeping her alive by means of a feeding tube unnatural, until her husband decides to give her the care she deserves.
I’m sure you all know that Terry’s husband Michael has also set up housekeeping with another woman, and has two children by this woman. While I do not blame him for wanting to go on with his life, the treatment he neglected Terri is just inhumane. If he wants to go with his life, then he needs to divorce Terri, let her parents take care of Terri. I understand however, if he divorces Terri, he no longer controls the money.
This is indeed a tragedy. I have prayed for her, and was so grateful when her parents won their last battle. Is this appealable to the US Supreme Court? Will they delay her murder while it is on appeal?

If someone starved their baby to death, it would be a crime. Michael Schiavo is guilty of the same action, although he will have the “law” backing him up. I am so angry and hurt by this latest turn of events, I cannot keep a charitable thought in my heart for her “husband.”
God has also “given us the means” (meaning the technology) to keep a person alive for years after the brain has flat-lined. Is this what you want–for us to mandate that everything that “God has given us the means to do” be done?
No, it’s not. Read what I said, with a little less emotional coloring on your part. God has given us the means to do extrordinary things in medicine. This is far from extrodinary.
Do you really think that this kind of care is inexpensive? What space-time continuum do you live in?
Since you want to get personal, I live in the real world space-time continuum. My father died in 1971, after years of slow brain cancer. The last few months he was in a coma, pulled up into a fetal position. My mother and I had to decide what type of care he would receive; the doctor was suggesting that we withdraw food and water.

We didn’t. And it wasn’t all that expensive.

He was clearly dying; Terry isn’t. Neither, from the videos and medical testimony, is she in a “persistent vegetative state”. But she cannot swallow on her own. The feeding process is minimally intrusive and of minimal expense.
I really grieve for people that are in these kinds of circumstances, and I doubly grieve for those who have to make decisions about them. But at the same time, I have a horror of being imprisoned in a non-functioning body under circumstances that 100 years ago would have simply meant my physical death and my soul’s going on to meet Jesus, but now God has given us the means to keep you alive; therefore you must be kept alive." Artificial is artificial, whether it’s artificial feeding or artificial breathing.

Ah, now we get down to the nitty gritty.

Your emotional fear, or horror, is a poor ground upon which to make a decision over either your own life or the life of another. Severely deformed babies, those with minimal brain (often referred to as ‘pinhead’ babies) are being aborted, or born and left to die through no care at all other than being wrapped in a blanket. Down syndrome babies are electively aborted. The elderly, particularly those who have serious medical conditions, are subtely lead to euthenasia. Holland has already had several “non-elective” euthenasias; as the doctors decided for the patient that their lives were not worth living. Where do we stop?
otm, we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this for the time being.

Speaking of “emotional coloring,” the title of this thread is loaded with it. The court did not “order Terry Schiavo to die.” What the court did was to tell Florida’s legislature and governor that they were out of line when they railroaded that law through.

Once the feeding tube was put in and she has lived all these years able to respond although limited in her ability to respond, to deliberatly aloow her starvation and dehydration would be a direct murder.She has been denied the right to rehab by her husband, he tried to kill her by trying to keep her from getting antibiotics for infections.What if this was your child?Why can’t he leave her with her parents and divorce her?Money and pride.Perhaps her present condition disgusts him, so under the angel of death guise he wants to portray himself as this poor victim who only wants to abide by his wifes wishes.I will pray for her and also for his conversion, he might just be killing his own soul if he continues in his arrogance.He would do well to see what Jesus’ definition of love is,he laid down his life for us.In contrast the devil by his deciet brought death int the world.So what do we chose life or death?God Bless
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