Prayers for those unknown who are suffering

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Several times a day I pray for all of those souls who are unknown to me but need my prayers. Most of us pray for those we know who are suffering but those unknown to us also need our prayers.

Please try to remember to pray daily for of all of those who are unknown to us but need God’s love and mercy.

Thank you.
Father, have mercy on the suffering and the lonely who we are aware, and not aware of. We ask you to comfort and give them your peace. May Your will be done. Amen.
I’ll pray for those whom I don’t know who are suffering. :gopray:
I do the same. I propose praying for the babies who are killed before they are born. And for the souls of their mothers.
Pretty wild, I am led to pray for those souls suffering in purgatory and we sure don’t know who they are exactly.

Heavenly Father, show your Mercy to those suffering right now both spiritually and physically, emotionally, or mentally. Jesus you felt this anguish in the garden before your Passion, you know how we feel as humans. Please give unto these souls the grace they need.
Every day I additionally ask that my prayers be offered for those who have no one to pray for them. How sad that would be, to have no one who might intercede on our behalf. Thank you for asking for this prayer - Mine are included.
I pray for those who suffer–those who daily I see on the streets, toiling and doing their work. Or for those who live on the streets, with little or no shelter, and have to fend for their food each day. I pray for those who are in sickness, that they might find comfort in the Lord.
Oh, yes, so many have no one to pray for them…They need prayers so very much.
Thank you for posting this intention, reminding us of those who find themselves in this sad position!!:gopray2:
I always include a decade for those who cannot and will not pray. I will gladly add this into that same decade
Heavenly Father. Please hold those souls that have no one to pray for them close to you. Bring them into the warmth of your light so that they know they are not alone. In the name of your Son Jesus I pray.
This is a beautiful intention. I was very moved once, listening to the radio, when the speaker spoke of praying for people she saw on the sidewalk, and stuck in traffic. She said some of them might never have been prayed for that year, or possibly in their lives!
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