Prayers for toddlers?

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I was wondering if there was a simple prayer/prayers to teach my son, who will be 3 next month. Somthing for when he wakes up or goes to bed would be nice.
thank you
We always say the Guardian Angel prayer with our 2 yr old every morning and evening:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day/night be at my side,
To light, to guard, to rule and guide.

We are in the process of teaching him the sign of the cross, the Hail Mary, and prayer before meals.
Good for you. But also teach him from a young age to talk to God. I think for myself this was very difficult since I only knew recited prayers from birth. Later when I tried to develop a relationship with Christ I did not understand a simple vocal prayer. When I take my granddaughter to adoration I always tell her to talk to Jesus about her day. To thank him for something and say I am sorry for the things that I have done wrong then of course we ask for our needs.
Another thing I thought of – if your child is named after a particular saint, you can make up a short prayer to his patron saint, and a good teaching opportunity about saints in general.

I also really liked Toni’s response. I bet our Lord loves the improvised prayers of little children because they are so simple and pure.
As Toni mentioned, we’ve always incorporated extemporaneous prayer into our family prayer each day. Since the little one began talking, we would ask what she wished to pray for. Sometimes we would get some really off-the-wall type stuff. For instance, socks. Or TV shows. Or her favorite doll. Or crayons. Or ceilings. Or a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- grandmother. We’d always say, “OK” then compose a prayer around it.

“Thank you dear Lord for the many blessings we have, such as socks to keep our feet warm. There are many people in this world who go without. Help us to meet their physical and spiritual needs and to always appreciate the warmth and wealth we have. Amen.”
I was wondering if there was a simple prayer/prayers to teach my son, who will be 3 next month. Somthing for when he wakes up or goes to bed would be nice.
thank you
How about a little tradition of him saying “Good morning, Jesus! I love you!” and kissing a Crucifix when he wakes up? And same thing with saying good night to Jesus before he gets into bed?
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