Momofone said:
**St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. **
**Set Your angels around them, Lord. Cover them with Your Most Precious Blood. **
Momofone and Lisa:
I’m a wretched typist (as if you didn’t know), so I believe the full, old form of the prayer goes like this:
Holy Michael Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, trust down to into hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through world for the ruin of souls. Amen
O PRINCE Most Glorious, Michael the Archangel, Keep us in Remembrance; here and everywhere, entreat the Son of God for us.
O HOLY Guardian Angel, To whose Care, God, in His mercy, has committed me, stand by me know and at my last hour; protect me against the powers of darkness; defend me from all my enemies and conduct my soul to the mansions of bliss.
Lisa, in Anglican practice (I understand in the Catholic as well),we can put these typys of things in the forms of LITANIES which you can pray on site beteen Rosaries (THE DEVIL HATES HEARING THE ROSARY) and the Mass (He even hates that more than the Rosary). So, in this case:
“Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us”
Whatever your favorite Litany is…
From the Father of Lies - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Adversary of the just - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Enemy of all of God’s people - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From our Adversary who prowls seeking the ruin of souls - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the demon of abortion - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the demon of fornication - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the demon of adultery - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of Promiscuity - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of fear - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of Santeria - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of hatred - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of murder - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of debauchery - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of revenge - Good Lord, Deliver us!
From the Demon of Self-Centeredness - Good Lord, Deliver us!
And so forth…
My class is out for a week, so I’ll be able to provide you a little extra support in the daily masses. Consider it a “Fire Mission”.
Is your group going to the Eucharish before this encounter? Do you have a priest willing to take a MONSTRANCE to the Abortion mill and bless you and Abortion mill with the MONSTRANCE? If so, do you think he might be willing to do it every day. Do you think he’d also be willing to bless the building with HOLY WATER?
That’s the New Covenant equivalent of bringing the Ark of the Covenant into Battle when the Israelites were doing God’s will. It’s like putting the Jewish Kotel or Temple wall right on the sidewalk next to the Abortion mill. It automatically makes that ground into Holy Ground or Sacred Ground (at least temporarily - which is why you do it daily).
The Santaria doesn’t stand a chance against that!
I’m serious - Talk to your priest and see if he’s willing to do it.
Nothing the Santaria Priestess will do will have any effect if you can get your priest to do those things and if you keep your mind focused on our Lord and his mercy and grace.
You can also pray that the Lord bind the Devil in Jesus name, and just keep doing it.
So, here’s the strategy, if you can have the time and can get a priest to go along with it:
Daily Mass (I’m sure you knew that)
Have a Priest bring a MONSTRANCE & HOLY WATER to the Abortion Mill and bless the Abortion Mill and the protestors with both.
Pray the Rosary and the Litany above.
While praying, ask the Lord to BIND THE DEVIL and invoke the aid of At. Michael the Archangel.
Those of us who can will provide “Fire Support” from our daily masses (I know I will).
May the Lord go with you and protect you and your fellow demonstrators.
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael