Prayers that catholics can say with protestants

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Hello everyone. I am Catholic but my gf is not. We have both been struggling with fornication together and want to end this problem. It sucks that we can’t pray a rosary together every night but I really want to have some form of meditative/contemplative prayer that we can say together other than just saying prayers that are on our minds for 10 minutes.

All this being said I am putting together a prayer routine for us to say every night that will include possibly the our father and the Protestant serenity prayer. But I would like to hear if anyone has suggestions for maybe more pointed prayers for our situation or maybe some prayer that can be said in a group setting. The divine mercy chaplet comes to mind. And I just remembered the Jesus prayer too. Any other suggestions?
It depends what kind of Protestant she is. Martin Luther prayed Rosary often… and some Lutherans still do. That said, praying Psalms is also a good idea. Liturgy of the Hours, despite being somewhat exclusively Catholic, could be good idea too- it contains Scripture and Psalms.

It is very commendable that you are fighting sin with prayer together. It shows you have true love for one another.
As far as written prayers. Most Non-Catholics learn “The Lord’s Prayer” as a child and have it memorized.

Depending on her tradition there may be some written prayers or non at all.

Most American Evangelicals emphasize a personal prayer life. Where the prayers are our own and come from our personal needs and experiences. Often we will have a prayer journal where we write down prayer request and make notes about what is happening with that request. For instance, if we have a sick friend we will write down the request to remind us to pray for that person during the prayer time and as we get updates on their health we will make notes in our journal.
Fornication is something that many single (not married) people struggle with. One question to ask is do you both currently live together? Living together can make temptation occur more often although it is not impossible to live together without fornication. Do you see marriage as a possibility? I would recommend to discuss with your confessor.

Prayer can be a way to Evangelize and share the Gospel. Maybe start by having a conversation on what prayer means to your girlfriend carefully listening to her. Nothing in the Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy Contradicts scripture.
Thank you for the suggestions. She grew up baptist but is now a part of a non denominational church. I’m trying to slowly open her up to the church. She has an appreciation for a lot that we do.
Yeah that’s the impression that I’ve gotten from Protestant friends over the years. You’re Protestant as well?
Thanks. We don’t live together and aren’t married. That being said, we still find ways. And I’ve tried to take measures to prevent us from falling, but I think it’s more my prayer life that’s holding us back than what actions I take, although disciplines are good.

That’s a great idea. I’ve tried on the past to show her how asking for intercession is a good thing. But there’s this Protestant spirit I think that shudders at talking to the “dead.” I had her but “behold your mother” by Tim staples so maybe if she reads that her mind will change about Mary.
Thanks. We don’t live together and aren’t married. That being said, we still find ways. And I’ve tried to take measures to prevent us from falling, but I think it’s more my prayer life that’s holding us back than what actions I take, although disciplines are good.
In addition to your praying together, is there some way that you won’t “ find ways”? Perhaps by not being alone with her away from other people? If you aren’t alone together so much perhaps you can stop?

Or you can seek out Anglicans who use the usual Rosary, with the usual prayers. As in my parish.

Can find those who chant the Angelus, too.
So I’ve heard. But I figured if the person’s gf was into that, they could just say the Catholic rosary. I got my husband to pray a Catholic rosary with me a few times. I had to give him a cheat sheet for the prayers other than Our Father.
I recommend the three prayers from Luke’s infancy narrative:

Mary’s Magnificat Luke 1:46-55
Zechariah’s Benedictus Luke 1:68-79
Simeon’s Nunc Dimittis Luke 2:29-32

These are central to the liturgy of hours as well as being Gospel texts. They are wonderful prayers for welcoming the day, for ending the day, and for going off to sleep. They remind you everything is from God.
The Lord’s Prayer is a good one. “Bless us O Lord for these thy gifts…” is a good one for meals. You can say the Apostle’s Creed and/or Nicene Creed together. You could also learn some Protestant prayers. Why not check out Martin Luther’s morning and evening prayers?
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You must first do your part and remove the occasion of sin. That means you cannot live together, you cannot be alone together in a place that will lead to that sin. That means you and her must exercise modesty. You must not engage in intimacy that excites the sexual faculties. Go to confession and be in a state of grace. Pray rosary and you will receive the grace to overcome this sin.
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