Praying for crisis?

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I apologize for the length of this post, but if the readers can bear its length, I have what I think is a question of some depth.

I was raised Catholic. But it wasn’t until a personal crisis at the age of 21 that my spiritual life began. Later I realized that this trial had been really the cause of my spiritual awakening.

Some time later I married a non-Catholic woman. After 3 years of a troubled marriage, and after almost a year of trying to get up the courage, I prayed the most difficult prayer of my life (thus far). I prayed, “God, I put myself completely in your hands. I trust you, and I ask that you put into our lives whatever is needed to bring about unity of faith between me and my wife.” I was afraid to make this prayer because I feared how God would answer my prayer.

A year later my wife became pregnant. 5 months into the pregnancy we learned that our son would not live outside the womb. All of the doctors we consulted insisted we should abort the pregnancy. Thank God, my parents convinced us not to do this terrible evil. She bore our son at full term and indeed he died 40 minutes later.

Although the situation was awful and we shed many tears, I had a certain peace believing God was working in our lives. Through the following years, and I am convinced this is due to dealing with this crisis, my wife became Catholic, and remains Catholic today, praise God.

I have concluded that God can and will put into our lives what we need in order to find Him. Now I am questioning what to do with this conclusion.

My sister (also raised Catholic) married an atheist. He is a very wealthy man and they seem to want for nothing. They have two beautiful children, a large piece of property and a couple million dollar house. They live life without consequence, or so it seems. This abundance has led to both of them feeling like they do not need God for anything. My sister has since renounced her faith, and their children are being brought up as atheists.

Seeing how crisis has led to conversion in my own life, and the life of my wife, I have what is perhaps an odd appreciation for crisis. Part of me longs to pray that God will put whatever is necessary into the lives of my sister’s family, to bring about change of heart. But again I fear the consequences of that prayer. I fear that I would essentially be wishing something bad to occur, and I feel guilt because of that. But I would rather they lose their wealth, and even their home, than to see any one of them die denying God. But I fear even worse…someone losing their health. So I have not made that prayer. But I can’t get past the feeling that God is just waiting for me to ask. Not that I think God will inflict something terrible, but may allow it to occur for the ultimate good, as I believe He did in my life.

Please help me clarify my thinking.
God deals with each person as an individual, and what worked for you and your family may be very different from what will work for your sister and her family. When you prayed for whatever would bring your family together in faith, it was a personal surrender to God’s will on your part. You cannot surrender your sister’s will - only she can do that. What you can do is pray that God’s will may be perfectly fulfilled in your sister and her family. That’s what I pray for when I pray for the members of my family who are away from God in one way or another.

Your thinking is bordering on the magical. Trust God to do the best thing for your loved ones, and don’t fear that your prayer will bring hard times to them.

What you can do is pray that God’s will may be perfectly fulfilled in your sister and her family.
Excellent advice, baltobetsy! What more could you ask for? I will remember to do the same.

Chris, Keep praying for God’s will for your sister and her family. Baltobetsy is right. Have faith that God will do what is best for all concerned. If something bad *does * happen and their souls are saved because of it, well, isn’t that really the goal? And remember, YOU haven’t done anything, GOD, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, does it all!

In Christ,

Chris W:
Part of me longs to pray that God will put whatever is necessary into the lives of my sister’s family, to bring about change of heart. But again I fear the consequences of that prayer. I fear that I would essentially be wishing something bad to occur, and I feel guilt because of that. But I would rather they lose their wealth, and even their home, than to see any one of them die denying God. But I fear even worse…someone losing their health. So I have not made that prayer. But I can’t get past the feeling that God is just waiting for me to ask. Not that I think God will inflict something terrible, but may allow it to occur for the ultimate good, as I believe He did in my life.

Please help me clarify my thinking.
I do not think that there is anything worse than someone dying without coming to God 😦 . So how can you worry that asking God to come into their lives is the greater evil? And you cannot know that how God fulfills the prayer will be the same as how He answered yours, for them, losing everything might harden their hearts against Him and He may know that, He deals with each of us as individuals. He is obviously calling to you for your trust in Him, so answer it and pray for them. It is all you can do. He is asking you for faith and to trust in Him and His mercy in all things. Thank Him for all He has done for you and that He may have mercy on your sister as well. Leave it as that and don’t worry so about wishing harm on your sister. The only harm would be to not wish her to have God in her life. As always, just my opinion. Some days it’s more dogmatic than others, so you’ll have to take it as just mine, no matter how it sounds 😃 .
Crisis does give opportunities to grow in faith or become embittered. It is how we respond to the Holy Spirit and our own moral convictions that makes the difference.

I have had my share of troubles and loss. In the biggest incident, I have often said I had to choice to dig into my faith and get serious or go insane. I couldn’t just go insane and forget all my responsibilities – like my husband and son.

Pray for your family, make sacrifices and pray the Rosary for them. Then just love them as they are, just like God loves us.
Just remember to TRUST GOD! When you are praying for your family, remember that Our Heavenly Father loves them as His children and will do what is best for their eternal souls. This might not coincide with what the world sees as what is best for someone. But, if they need something drastic in their lives to awaken them to Our Lord, would it not be better that they experience some sorrow and hardship in this earthly life than to experience it for all eternity?

Yes, pray for God’s Holy Will to be done in all of our lives. In every petition, we should be praying “may Your Will be accomplished in every circumstance.”

I remember hearing Father Corapi tell a story about a mother who was very concerned about her son who was partying, into drugs, etc. She asked Fr. Corapi several times to speak with her son, and finally he agreed. After a few minutes of typical rebellious teen attitude, Fr. Corapi simply said “I can see that you don’t really want any help at this point, but I will be praying for you.” The boy replied “Oh, yeah? And what are you going to be praying, Father?” to which he replied “I’m gonna pray that God will kick your butt!”

About a week later, the boy was in a serious car accident and the mother asked Fr. Corapi to go see the boy in the hospital. His first visit he simply stood in the doorway, looked at the boy in his hospital bed, in traction, smiled a big smile and walked away!
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