Praying for JP II and asking his intercession

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I was wondering if anyone because of this sudden demand for JP II’ canonization has begun praying not only for his soul but also asking his intercession. I personally have done both and I have felt some answers to prayers through his intercession. I know that private prayers to a candidate have boosted a cause so I was wondering if anyone has begun to pray for the intercession of JP II and if you have gotten any results. By the way the John Paul II forum is closing according to the moderator so I put this thread here
I have done both also. I have prayed for the repose of his soul, and I have asked for his intercession in the resolution of the priest scandal and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.
I have prayed for the repose of his soul, but probably not as much as I should, since he has very recently died. The thing is that it is so difficult for me to believe that he actually needs prayers. He seemed to have lived such a holy life, that I have difficulty conceiving the possibility that he may not be in heaven yet.

Usually when I say other prayers that mention the Pope, such as the morning offering, or a paryer I like to pray that invokes the power of the precious blood, then I get to the Pope part and edit it to say for the repose of his soul and for guidance of those who will choose his successor.
I have prayed for his soul and asked for his intercession.

The following may cause some of you to PM me and demand that I begin taking medication, but so be it: I have to share this experience:

The other night I was very despondant over my career situation (pray for me please, I really need help), and I prayed to Jesus and JPII. I felt the presence of both and have miraculous medals which were blessed by the Pope. This is very meaningful to me.

Anyway, just as I closed my eyes, getting ready to go to sleep but still praying, I had a very brief “vision.” It was only a few seconds, but try as I did afterwards, I could not make the memory come back in full color as it had been.

I saw this: I saw JPII standing with Jesus, both bathed in a very bright white light, and there was such a feeling of love and friendship…words cannot describe. There was a sense of old friends finally meeting in person…but again, the words don’t do it justice.

Both looked at me, and JPII was smiling, his blue eyes twinkling, as if to say, “If you only had any idea of what God has in store for you…”

There is no doubt in my mind that JPII has been welcomed into heaven with open arms and is interceding for us. He is standing with Jesus and is fully accepting of his new role as a Saint.

Now, since I myself am not a Saint or a Visionary or a Mystic, I would still encourage people to pray both for his soul and for his intercession and not rely on my word that he is in heaven.

In any case, I was moved by the experience and I really do believe he is a Saint and is answering prayers…by the very fact he has the ear of our Lord and Savior and is telling Him all about how much we need Him (Jesus).
  • OK, please don’t throw things at me…I’m really not insane and I don’t hear voices, I promise* :o
  • OK, please don’t throw things at me…I’m really not insane and I don’t hear voices, I promise* :o
Dear JCPoenix

Why would anyone think you are insane or throw things at you?

People all over the world have personal revelations and they are just that, meant for you alone and not for anyone else. Keep these things to yourself and treasure them in your heart. God must love you very much to allow you to ‘see’ (because you didn’t see this with your eyes) such a ‘sight’ and you must love God greatly too. While you should hold this fondly in your heart don’t seek to ‘see’ things, carry on seeking God as it is Him who seeks you first.

I trust in Jesus that John Paul II is in heaven and I have prayed for his soul and asked him for intercession.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

For what it’s worth, it is my personal belief that our beloved Holy Father is currently partaking of that ineffible heavenly banquet and is in the presence of God praising him in the Liturgy of Heaven.

That said, I have also made the decision not to pray for his intercession until the official nine day mourning period has ended. During this time, I have been exclusively been praying for the repose of his soul. I plan on including him in my prayers for intercession once the conclave begins.
Why would anyone think you are insane or throw things at you?

People all over the world have personal revelations and they are just that, meant for you alone and not for anyone else. Keep these things to yourself and treasure them in your heart. God must love you very much to allow you to ‘see’ (because you didn’t see this with your eyes) such a ‘sight’ and you must love God greatly too. While you should hold this fondly in your heart don’t seek to ‘see’ things, carry on seeking God as it is Him who seeks you first.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


I think…no…I KNOW God loves us all very much and he has a very personal relationship with each one of us. The problem is that we don’t always recognize that. Believe me, I spent many years with my eyes and heart closed and he kept his hand on me anyway.

But I disagree…while not all revelations are meant to be shared, not all are meant to be kept private. We are a community, and when I hear of an experience someone else had, it bolsters my faith and that person has just served as a messenger that God is working in our lives…every day.

Please don’t interpret that to mean that I think I’m a special messenger (not any more so than any other person here), but rather, I’m trying to say that by some of our experiences and witness, we build others up and help others to understand that our faith is a living faith.

I shared this experience with a friend of mine the day after it happened and she has shared some of her experiences with me. The more people I meet the more I’m seeing God at work in their lives and sending them similar messages. While I would not say these experiences are required for faith, they definitely serve God’s purpose in the time of transition we are in.

About the throwing things comment…I was really just being faceicious. (sp?) 😛

And God bless you and much peace to you as well.

I think…no…I KNOW God loves us all very much and he has a very personal relationship with each one of us. The problem is that we don’t always recognize that. Believe me, I spent many years with my eyes and heart closed and he kept his hand on me anyway.

But I disagree…while not all revelations are meant to be shared, not all are meant to be kept private. We are a community, and when I hear of an experience someone else had, it bolsters my faith and that person has just served as a messenger that God is working in our lives…every day.

Please don’t interpret that to mean that I think I’m a special messenger (not any more so than any other person here), but rather, I’m trying to say that by some of our experiences and witness, we build others up and help others to understand that our faith is a living faith.

I shared this experience with a friend of mine the day after it happened and she has shared some of her experiences with me. The more people I meet the more I’m seeing God at work in their lives and sending them similar messages. While I would not say these experiences are required for faith, they definitely serve God’s purpose in the time of transition we are in.

About the throwing things comment…I was really just being faceicious. (sp?) 😛

And God bless you and much peace to you as well.
Dear friend

You are right. I’m sorry if I upset you by what I typed. That wasn’t the aim of it, I was trying to be kind to you, but it looks like I have upset you, I am sorry for that, sincerely I am. That wasn’t my intention. What I was trying to say is that not everyone is understanding of such things and can be cruel even dismissive which can be hard to take.

Some things are meant to be just for one person and what God gives to one He doesn’t give the same to another. I don’t know why that is, but it is that way, not everyone can sing for example and just as you say not everyone has such revelations.

My immediate instinct if this had happened to me would to be keeping this to myself and just to confine in a Priest of this and see what they have to say about it. Evil spirits can manifest themselves as good spirits, even appearing as Jesus and Mary etc. So that is my reasoning for being careful. I would not want to mislead other people by telling them of experiences that the Church knows nothing about. Experiences such as ‘visions’ whether they are external or visions of the imagination or intellect need careful discernment. I may confine in someone I felt I could trust implicitly to help me discern , but anything that is seen in such a way I would be very careful of believing without testing it.

I am not saying that what you have ‘seen’ is not true in the sense of being from God, I just don’t know if it is or it isn’t. I believe you if you say it that you have ‘seen’ such a thing, it’s the origin of the ‘vision’ that I cannot be certain of. The Church has very strict criteria for discerning such things and if this continues to happen to you, you should seek advice from the Church or if you feel it is just for yourself and no-one else, you may keep it to yourself and/or seek advice from the Church.

Only you know what you have ‘seen’ and no-one can take that away from you, you have that to treasure for all of your life.

I wasn’t being obstructive to you or putting a dampner on the joy this has brought you.

I hope it is truly from God and that Pope John Paul II is in heaven (I am sure he is without a vision).

I hope that is ok by way of an explanation and apology to you, friend.

Sorry to drift off thread topic everyone.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Therese,

You did not upset me, not in the least. And I fully understand what you are saying. However, the little “revelations” I have are really nothing to worry about…I don’t mean to inflate them to sound like they are something they are not.

I have spoken to several people and they are having similar “revelations”, and most of the people I know who got to Adoration admit that Jesus really speaks to them while they are there. I just think that here and there God just drops us a little gift and as we Catholic share some of these small blessings, we see and understand how alive our Church really is!

(I have recently obtained a Spiritual Director, though, although I pray I won’t be a horrible waste of his very limited time.)

Everyone, I am so sorry, I did not mean to hijack the thread. I’ll desist any and all further comments not related to the thread. :o
I’ve done both. I’ve prayed for his soul since I found out he’d died. I’ve got a friend who’s husband is dying of cancer and yesterday it just popped into my head to pray to John Paul the Great. I prayed that he’ll give strength to D and help him to live out his final days, weeks, months, in the same manner JP did.
I prayed a novena for his soul starting on the Divine Mercy Sunday. Even as a holy man and, IMO, a living saint, we can never assume that he went straight to Heaven. God only knows if he had to make a stop in Purgatory, so praying for his soul was my little gift for all he’s done in my life.

I love JPII very much and I believe that he’ll be canonized still in my life time, but I haven’t asked for his intercession yet.

I prayed to Jesus and JPII. I felt the presence of both… I had a very brief “vision.” It was only a few seconds, but try as I did afterwards,… I saw JPII standing with Jesus, both bathed in a very bright white light, and there was such a feeling of love and friendship…words cannot describe. There was a sense of old friends finally meeting in person…Both looked at me, and JPII was smiling, his blue eyes twinkling, as if to say, “If you only had any idea of what God has in store for you…”

There is no doubt in my mind that JPII has been welcomed into heaven with open arms and is interceding for us. He is standing with Jesus and is fully accepting of his new role as a Saint.
I have been wanting to post a poll to see if people have been encountering Pope John Paul since his death. So I was glad to see your post! You are not alone in your personal vision of this new saint!

During the days he lay dying I had been crying “buckets” and praying for his soul to be completely purified (something I have prayed for him for years). This Pope has been very precious to us – we were ministering at World Youth Day in Denver and my anti-Christian inlaws decided to attend because we were going. With their “backstage” passes, they were able to get right up to the front “stage” where Pope John Paul would celebrate the mass at Cherry Creek Park. They came away from this event radically changed… and from that day forward began praying on a daily basis and began moving away from their radically liberal philosophies about life, government…

My husband and I have been in full time ministry for many years with the purpose of implementing Pope John Paul’s request to re-evangelize the church in America and to utilize the arts and media to promote the Gospel.

We heard about Pope John Paul’s death about an hour after it occurred… and felt a vast sense of relief – no more tears! We watched the news coverage for a while, then I went back to my office to work. All of a sudden, he was there – with gray hair, but young and full of energy (like the pictures of him as a Cardinal). He placed his hands on my head and spoke to me about our years of sacrifice and ministry to the church and our future path. Then he was gone. I burst into sobs… and my husband came in at that moment.

Later that day, my husband experienced a grand vision of Pope John Paul’s welcome into heaven – a phenomenally joyous celebration beyond desciption - loud trumpets and singing! He had the impression that this celebration was reserved for those successors of Peter who had lived exemplary lives.

Since the day of his death, we have been asking Pope John Paul’s intercession on a daily basis and have experienced powerful breakthroughs in several areas…
Song of Songs,

Your post made me cry! What a beautiful testament to what God is allowing in our world!

Just prior to my own mini-“vision” I had felt the presence of JPII…can’t explain that at all as I have never met him, but it was accompanied by the presence of Jesus, which we have all experienced.

Anyway, I “felt” him place his hands on my head as well and just had a sense of comfort.

I actually have come into possession of many miraculous medals which were blessed by JPII at World Youth Day…I actually got them on the day he died.

From that day on I have been giving them away, which of course was the original intention…what am I going to do with 60+ medals? I have been allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me as to whom to give them to now as my friends and family are accounted for…and I firmly believe that through these medals blessed by JPII, there will be more conversions.

I have entrusted the family next door not only to the Sacred Heat of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, but to JPII as well. Please pray that they will experience a conversion soon. This family really needs prayers!

Anyway, thanks for your post and for sharing the blessing you and your husband have recieved!
my husband got a John Paul 2 Rosary as a gift from my mother when he got out of the hospital. Is that the same as asking for JP2’s intercession?
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