Praying for Judas

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I sometimes find myself offering up a prayer for the soul of Judas. Don’t know if its quite right to do so, but I feel quite a bit of pity for him.

Yes he betrayed Christ, and stole from the communal purse, and committed suicide.

I don’t know why he did those things. Was it fear, greed, doubt, jealousy or all those things and others?

But you know that if he had waited till Easter Sunday and saw Christ raised, that Jesus would have forgiven him.

I guess that’s why I feel sorry for him and offer up a prayer for his soul on occasion.

Scott Shelton:
I sometimes find myself offering up a prayer for the soul of Judas. Don’t know if its quite right to do so, but I feel quite a bit of pity for him.

Yes he betrayed Christ, and stole from the communal purse, and committed suicide.

I don’t know why he did those things. Was it fear, greed, doubt, jealousy or all those things and others?

But you know that if he had waited till Easter Sunday and saw Christ raised, that Jesus would have forgiven him.

I guess that’s why I feel sorry for him and offer up a prayer for his soul on occasion.

I personally have never seen any official teaching on the repose of the soul of Judas… if he’s in Hell (and i said if) then my guess is that for Judas the prayer is wasted on him… but there are indulgences received for praying for the dead and others… so, there is benefit for you… and if by the mercy of God Judas is in purgatory, well then i’m sure he appreciates your prayers… God bless you for your care and concern for your fellow human being, and i personally thank you for sharing your concern… 👍
I think his story tells of the sorrow of a life without Christ. Peter denied three times that he knew the Lord. Yes, he had grief over that as well. But he stuck around. Although I think that was partly due to his cowardice. He was too scared to take his own life. And look how he benefitted by this!! Judas simply gave up under the burden of his sorrow. He apparently felt that there was nothing to hope for. Peter, I’m sure, felt the same. But Peter was there for the ressurection.

Let the story of Judas be a warning to us all. Let us not give up hope.
Ahh nice to know I am not alone. I too worry about the soul of Judas. Especially following seeing how he was tormented in Gibson’s film. I’m under the seemingly unpopular belief that, everyone, given the right set of circumstances and the right timing are capable of change, of seeing things differently; from a standpoint of good as opposed to evil.

But of course feeling this way causes me much heartache over the doctrine of Hell and eternal torment. I hunger to know the answer to this mystery.
If you pray for Judas, and he is already in Hell, your prayers will be redirected toward someone who needs them. Prayers are never wasted.
…But of course feeling this way causes me much heartache over the doctrine of Hell and eternal torment. I hunger to know the answer to this mystery.
The Church has never declared that Judas is in Hell. We can’t know even Judas’s inner soul.

It is possible that he did not understand fully what he was doing and thus did not commit mortal sin.

It is also possible that he knew fully well that Christ was Lord but decided to blind himself to this reality in his stubbornness.
Remember the prayer of the Rosary: Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of Hell.
Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.(This could be Judas)

I too have wondered about the soul of Judas at times. I was not aware that he stole from the common purse, could someone point me to the scripture that says this? Thanks.
We have an Irish priest here in diocese who says that Judas, poor fellow, meant well perhaps and in some ways He saw Jesus greatness and wanted to promote that but of course he had it all wrong.

The Irish tell the story about Judas. They say he is chained to a rock in the middle of the Atlantic and at the end of time he will be released. They say they know this is so because, St. Brendan when he arrived in Ireland said that he had had a chat with the poor fellow on the way over. Also, when at the Last Supper Our Lord said that someone would betray Him, all of the apostles asked “is it I Lord”–all except Judas who said “is it I Governor?” ( a little Irish humour here)
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2282 says … "Grave psycholigical disturbances, anguich, or grave fear of harship, suffering or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide. #2283 says "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.
Jesus said about Judas in Matthew 26:24: “Woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for him to have never been born.”
I too have wondered about the soul of Judas at times. I was not aware that he stole from the common purse, could someone point me to the scripture that says this? Thanks.
The reference is to the Gospel of John, Chapter 12:
“4* But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was to betray him), said, 5 “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii * and given to the poor?” 6* This he said, not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box he used to take what was put into it.”

Hope that helps.
I put as much thought into the state of Judas’ soul as I do Hitler, Gacy, etc…not much…I could simply care less. 😉
Pope John Paul II says, in Crossing the Threshold of Hope - - In Matthew’s Gospel He speaks clearly of those who will go to eternal punishment (cf. Mt 25:46). Who will these be? The Church has never made any pronouncement in this regard. This is a mystery, truly inscrutable, which embraces the holiness of God and the conscience of man. The silence of the Church is, therefore, the only appropriate position for Christian faith. Even when Jesus says of Judas, the traitor, “It would be better for that man if he had never been born” (Mt 26:24), His words do not allude for certain to eternal damnation.

Note that this is given not as a Church teaching but as the opinion of a highly qualified theologian.
Sir Knight:
Jesus said about Judas in Matthew 26:24: “Woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for him to have never been born.”
there it is… i knew that verse was out there, thanks for finding it, and that verse has always given rise to concern to me for Judas.
Then, you could take that passage one step further… we betray the Son of Man with every sin we commit… don’t we…???

yep, that verse gives me the hebbie jebbies…

good post…Peace! 👍
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