Praying for others

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A couple of my friends really need a prayer or two right now. I typically say something like “God, please help friend x overcome problem y in his or her time of need.” Maybe throw in a Hail Mary or two, and keep them in mind during Mass.

Anyhow, I was wondering how some of the people around here go about praying for others.
I say an immediate prayer as soon as I hear get the request or hear about the situation, and at the earliest opportunity refer it by e-mail to our Benedictine prayer partners, and mention it at the next CCD session, since the prayers of children are very powerful. I make a note of it and add it to my daily prayer intentions as well.

Please pray for the mother and grandmother of two of our catechists, who has just today been taken off life support after a long struggle with cancer, her name is Felicia.
I do something similar to what the OP described but I always feel guilty - like it wasn’t enough. Here’s a similar question though: When saying the rosary, is it OK to say one rosary with a long list of people you are praying for or do you have to say one rosary for each person? When I tell someone “I’ll say a rosary for you” it sounds like they are getting exclusive attention but in reality I should say “…for you and 50 million other things”… What’s appropriate? Again, I never feel like it’s enough. I should have been a Carmelite Nun.
Maybe you should be a Secular Carmelite or Third Order!

A couple of my friends really need a prayer or two right now. I typically say something like “God, please help friend x overcome problem y in his or her time of need.” Maybe throw in a Hail Mary or two, and keep them in mind during Mass.

Anyhow, I was wondering how some of the people around here go about praying for others.
I pray using the plainest, most sincere words that come to mind, especially when praying in church because I tend to get self conscious when I’m in public, though my comfort level has definitely been getting better. It’s your sincerity that matters, IMO not what you’re saying. Sometimes I get pretty emotional when I’m praying as I truly wish for God to give those I’m praying for the strength for whatever situation. I’ve done it before for people on this very forum.
I recommend praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, particurally at 3pm if possible.

To make use of all of the beads, start with the Sign of the Cross on the Cross. Then, use the first bead say who you are praying the Chaplet for and anything else you want to say before you begin. (I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly but I usually ask Saint Faustina to pray along with me.) Then, do the rest a recommended and you should end up using all the beads.
I have a few different ways. I have a prayer book, in which I write many of the intentions I get from others and say a general prayer for those people in my prayer book. The other is I tend to “group” people into prayer categories - i.e. I will say a prayer for all who are in need of healing, especially so and so, and this person, and that person. The last way would be a special prayer for that specific person.
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