Praying for Saddham

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When I heard that Saddham was captured a while back, I had a strange urge to pray for his soul.
At first I felt a sense of guilt, as if I may be sinning against God. Then I said to myself God would want me to pray for this man.
A Christian friend said to me “If you want to pray for Saddham you are a better person than I am-I could not do such a thing.”
I still have a sense of guilt for my actions. Help me out!!
I think this is where it gets very difficult to love one’s enemies! But, we are all the Body of Christ. When one sins, and turns away from God, it hurts all of us. So in my opinion, it is a very good thing to pray for Saddam’s repentence and conversion!

That’s not to say that he shouldn’t be brought to justice (penance) for his crimes!
We are called to pray for all peoples, both those whose actions are mostly good and those who actions are mostly evil.

We can thank God for all the good actions and ask God to help convert the individual away from the evil actions. We are not asking for God to support the sin, rather that He help the person change his life to a more charitable one.

Everyone can use your prayers.

Feel no guilt for praying for a sinner, no matter how evil some of their actions have been. Praying for a sinner is a spiritual work of charity.
Love the sinner; hate the sin.

Praying for him is what we should all be doing. He is a beloved creature of God, just as we are, and God desires his salvation as much as He desires ours.

When trying to pray for my enemies, it helps me to remember Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. I know it’s a fictional story, but I find his repentance and conversion to a better life a very moving testimony to our ability to change, with God’s help. I would hope Saddam is not so far gone that he can’t still be reclaimed for good somehow. Sorry if that sounds “Pollyanna-ish”, but I think where there’s life, there’s hope.
Agreed Jason. Our fate isn’t sealed until we die. I think it’s important to pray for the souls that are the furthest from knowing God.

I prayed a lot for Tim McVeigh when the Oklahoma City bombing happened. I also prayed for the victims of that tragedy. Everyone needs our prayers. God is listening.
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