We always pray at home and in restaurants. We have been doing it so long, our kids would never let us get away with not doing it.
I’m puzzled as to how a short, quietly reverent prayer before meals could be considered making a spectacle of one’s self. It’s not like your’re having a pentecostal prayer meeting, or anything. Most people, I’m convinced, don’t even notice our family saying grace, being otherwise occupied with their own meals or conversation. I think in general that people imagine they are being observed by other people more than they actually are.
In all the years we’ve said grace in public, we have yet to have someone stand up on their table and denounce us as Catholics. In fact we have never had a negative comment. Our experience, when anyone has said anything at all, has been like the previous posters, positive. People smile at us, or come over to our table and say how beautiful it is to see a family say grace together. One time, I heard a little girl at the next table ask her Mommy why we made the sign of the cross. “That’s because they’re Catholics, honey,” she told her.
As for what others might be thinking: I have no way of knowing, I’m not doing it to impress them, and it doesn’t concern me. My concern, like the the leper in today’s reading, is to show my gratitude to God for the good things he has given me and mine.