Praying the Liturgy of the Hours - help!

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I have the one volume “Book of Christian Prayer”…Several years ago I used to pray it with a group…I want to start praying it with my family but I forget how. I even bought the little “cheat sheet” that tells you what page to go to on what day but I still forget how to do it. How do I learn? Is there a website I can go to?
There is a website that has adobe reader formatted prayer papers. That is, it has the morning, evening, nightime, office of readings all typed out so you can say them. You just click on the format you want and then the day you want. It takes awhile to load if you are on dialup (pdf files are slow that way).

It is

Once there, click on Display and Booklets formats underneath personal prayer. Then pick the ninteenth sunday in ordinary time (for today). Then pick display format (not booklet format). I suppose you could pick booklet format if you meant to print it out, but it is hard to figure out how to read that on a screen.
If you want to use the Christian Prayer book, just read from page 686 thru 698 which lays out how both Morning and Evening Prayer are done. Also, get some colored stickies and put them on the following pages: Psalm 95 (the Invitatory Psalm, p. 688), Canticle of Zacharia (p. 691), Canticle of Mary (p. 696), and Week I, Sunday Morning Prayer for the Psalms for solemnities, saints, and feast days (p. 707).
Hi PittsburghJeff,

I’ve been saying the LOTH from the one volume Christian Prayer for a couple of years now. Once you get used to it, you’ll find it’s actually quite easy, but I know that at the beginning, I was quite lost. I’d be happy to help walk you through it, but you may find it easier to do so with someone in person. Perhaps your pastor would take the time or could refer you to someone.

In the meantime, if you’ve got the Catholic Book Publishing Co edition, look at pg 686 where it walks you through the day. Also, pg 34 gives some general instructions. Typically one starts the day with the Invitatory and then immediately follows with the Morning Prayer.

When I was just getting started, I tried to do Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and Office of Readings (in as much as they have the readings in the Christian Prayer book). Unless you’re living in a monestary, this much is more than most can do. Instead I now do Invitatory, Morning, and Evening Prayer. When time permits, Night Prayer is a good thing to add.

If I can help answer any specific questions, please let me know. I’ll do what I can to assist.

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