Praying the Rosary in Song?

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Can anyone recommend a recording(s) of the Rosary being prayed in song (any set of mysteries, or any combination, or all of them)?

“Praise and worship” style, chant style, whatever . . . as long as it is something that could fairly easily be prayed/sung along with the recording (and eventually without the help of the recording). The group that will be praying/singing will be 95% comprised of high school teenagers, so keep that in consideration too.

Thanks for your help and recommendations!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

A printable source you can use also…PDF File -Chant the Rosary

Thanks! I downloaded it, and it’s a great resource.

I wish, though, that the author would make it available in “modern notation” (he indicates that he will sometime in the future) as that would make it a bit easier to sound out via the piano – there are lots of musical people who are clueless when it comes to turning Gregorian notation into musical notes, including me. He did include a rough Gregorian notation to 8-note translation guide, and that does help. ] Realistically, for the first few times we will need to chant along with an electric keyboard prompting us with the notes (I’ll probably be the one playing).

Now, I would like to find a “praise and worship” style implementation of a sung-Rosary. At our teens’ suggestion (thanks, Holy Spirit!), we are going to plan a bi-monthly teen rosary before the exposed Blessed Sacrament, and I’d like to alternate between reciting it one time and singing it another. It would also help to have two options for singing it so the teens are exposed to a broader selection of sung worship. They are already somewhat familiar with the P&W style of modern worship music. Now I can easily introduce chant as well!

Also, I plan to alternate alternate every two gatherings or so with us (the adult volunteers and teens) praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy instead of the Rosary. Again we will probably recite it one time and sing it the next. There are two great ways to sing the chaplet – one is more somber and chant like, the other is best described as “praise and worship,” and those recordings are where I got the idea to do something similar with the Rosary.

Thanks for your help.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

There was a “server error” when I submitted the post just prior to this one, and the system apparently failed to update the message index for this forum.

So take a look at my previous post in this thread if you haven’t already. Thanks.
It doesn’t help your particular case but when I go for walks to pray the Rosary, I usually chant it using notes and rhythm that I more or less invented spontaneously, that sounds more or less Gregorian. When I pray it kneeling or otherwise stationary, I don’t do that. But I don’t see why we can’t make up notes for things. Where does music come from, if not people making up notes? 🙂
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