Praying the Rosary, without a Rosary

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I want to pray the Rosary, but have no Rosary. I am starting my own business (of necessity, place where I worked went out of business 4 yrs ago), so money is tight. I am not a RC yet but am seeking guidance in my journey. It seems that the closer I get to making an affirmative decision concerning conversion the harder my life gets (business, money, marriage woes over money, etc). Anyone have similar experience? Not sure what to make of it. Sorry to leave my original subject, lol. What should I use to count with and how can I make sure I don’t mess up? Is it okay to read what you don’t remember yet? It just seems so official to me in my newbiness, I don’t want to mess anything up and do it wrong. Thanks in advance!
Oh, and if you try searching for an online rosary, or rosary audio, etc, you shoudl be able to find an online audio you could pray with 🙂
There are plenty of free rosaries you can get over the internet…
Just google “free rosary”. You’ll probably get hundreds of Rosaries.

If you don’t want to search go here
Just choose what you want and give Father your address and he’ll send it to you
It is just fine to read while your learning and although you should get a Rosary and have it blessed, you can use your fingers until then.The prayers and meditation on the Gospels and the life of Jesus are the core of the Rosary.As far as the bad things happening to you,I can tell you this,satan doesn’t like Holy Mother Church and certainly doesn’t want you to convert,so he is probably trying to divert your attention.Keep your eyes on God He’s got your back:thumbsup: Look up Jesus walking on water and Peter starts walking on water and the storm comes,he takes his eyes off Jesus and starts sinking:) Keep your eyes on Jesus.God Bless
I usually say the rosary while running (without a rosary).
i use my fingers when i don’t have a rosary with me. and even after years of praying the rosary, i still use booklets and pamphlets on occasion to aid me in my meditations. it’s a private devotion, no need to be too rigid about it. don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by it. the rosary was very instrumental in my entering the Church. enormous graces will come to you through it.
go to You do not need a rosary here. It has boxes beside the prayers that you mark off as you do your rosary. It is really great for those who do not have the rosary beads or who do. Look it up, it will really help.

You learn something new everyday, rosary online…wow.

Today at the Catholic bookstore I saw ‘Rosary Cards’, they are like plastic credit cards & have the shape of the rosary etched onto it. They beads are raised so you can follow along with your fingertips.

I didn’t buy one, but wondered why one would buy a card instead of having the real thing with you??

If you want something to help you keep count, without having to focus on how many Hail Mary’s you’ve prayed, and sometimes using you fingers can be problematical and easy to mess up, tie ten knotts in a shoelace then tie the ends together for the Our Father, Glory Be knott. I use one like this while I’m driving and exercising at the “Y” (it doesn;t dangle and get tangled in the shift lever or treadmill). Also, 39 cent rosaries can be had at most Catholic goods stores, if you don’t want to send for a free one.
I pray the rosary before mass (daily and Sunday) with a few people in my parish. Usually the person who arrives earliest starts then the others join in as they come in (those who choose to participate of course). Yesterday I forgot my rosary at home :o so when it was my turn to lead a decade, I did use my fingers. I plan to get a few rosaries so that does not happen again.
I found this also, it is a very small program that pictures the rosary and tells you exactly what to say at every spot. It also has a worldwide prayer cast where you can post prayer requests and view other peoples requests for prayer. It is apparently stupid-proof.

Rosary Program (Free Download)
I found this also, it is a very small program that pictures the rosary and tells you exactly what to say at every spot. It also has a worldwide prayer cast where you can post prayer requests and view other peoples requests for prayer. It is apparently stupid-proof.

Rosary Program (Free Download)
I used that program to learn the Rosary and I still use it. I have very good use of the pictures and the scriptures that come with it. You can also download other modules like Louis Montfort’s Marian reflections.

I got a very simple Rosary with a pamphlet as a gift from the permanent deacon when I started with private RCIA instructions. Later on the priest came with a big box of Rosaries to church. They were given out free with a pamphlet. That was in the year of the Rosary. I have seen somebody use Rosary rings.

Here’s a site where you can download and print out free Rosary card:

I have that folded in my pocket all the time.
buy a ball of twine at the dollar store and make a knot rosary, for another dollar you can buy a bag of pony beads and make a bead rosary. you can make a one-decade rosary bracelet this way as well. you probably have a religious medal or something similar kicking around you can use instead of the cross, or you may even have a cross on a broken chain in your drawer or jewelry box. Plastic rosaries are 50 cents. for exercise I “cross country ski” in the swimming pool and have a rhythm for saying the rosary based on how long it takes me to get from one end of the pool to the other. I also do this when walking, I know just where each decade ends by landmarks. or I turn on EWTN for rosary or divine mercy chaplet and pray while doing dishes or something.
I use my hands - fingers when praying the Rosary – while holding our new son – almost five years old and much abuse prior to us, hence much anger to express. I pray the Rosary for him while he is out of control. He is in bed now, saying a Rosary – doubt that he has the mysteries yet, but holding his rosary and saying Hail Mary’s. Soon he will be able to say the Hail MAry in Latin – I do five of each of them and it also helps me to keep count, but I don’t usually struggle much. If I am not sure I am on the right finger, I just say it again.

Grace happens – especially to those who pray the Rosary!
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