The word “orthodox” (with a small “o”) in this context does not necessarily mean the Orthodox (capital “O”) churches. It simply means “right believing”. In other words, pray that if His Majesty our God gives you a husband, then he should truly believe all that the Catholic Church teaches to be revealed by Christ, or that he be actively seeking it.
Thanks for the accurate response and greetings to another fellow Latin who delights in frequenting our Sister Byzantium! I pray that the experience with brethren in the Eastern Churches has been a prosperous and reinvigorating one. I enjoyed my time spent with a certain Melkite parish in Augusta, GA when I had lived there and hold them to be a model of the true faith.
Thank you for this reply, yes,I have been praying for a future husband, first of all
I did ask God to give me Spiritual Sign from Him to know if this is my Vocation. And God did answer this, and the answer is Yes.
If He didn’t want me to go forward with this ,Vocation, I would have go to another vocation.
But I was asking Him for Spiritual signs for a long time, and He answer it
The answer was a very strong yes, and it was very very strong,
Now in your email you mention a " Orthodox" what does this mean.
I am praying for everything that you have mention, but the key is this, when I am asking for a Future husband. That this future husband, have a great devotion to Our Lady, like I have. And that he have similar hobbies. . Because, we also need that in our life’s. That is also how we have a balance life. and also staying healthy, and by eating the proper foods.
Thanks for this, and I would like to know, what you mean by this word.
Greetings anumus,
As stated above by angelic06, orthodoxy, simply put is correct or right belief. The reason I pray that you receive a husband with orthodox beliefs, is because quite frankly, in my own personal observations, there are many in the 20s-30s age range that don’t have it or know it, especially when it comes to views on salvation and Church history (but that’s another topic all together, so do forgive me if I ranted).
I personally tend to put a huge emphasis on being orthodox and it’s a make or break deal, not so much due to personal pride, but if one is called to marriage as a vocation, he or she must also understand that they are responsible for the raising of their children and as it is a joint effort between husband and wife, they must be on the same page with the core fundamentals. If not, this can and will cause significant problems with the education of sons and daughters.
Now, certainly, that’s not the only thing to be concerned with.
I think that your list is very good and reasonable as you both will need have common interests and even better, common passions. If you’re a creative person, it’s probably almost essential to have another creative person to whom you can share ideas with and receive feedback. If it’s traveling or sports that are your thing, you’ll probably have an easy time finding someone since those are two very common activities.
One thing though, that really should be taken into consideration, is how a person handles stress and negativity. What I mean by this is to observe how they handle anger, and they attempt to transfer it onto you. It doesn’t need to be physical to still be abusive or manipulative. It also may take several instances where it becomes more apparent, and sadly, this can only be observed by the passage of time. Six months generally is the rule of thumb, however, problems can become apparent sooner. If you notice certain irreconcilable differences creeping up and you have that urgent fight or flight feeling, it’s time to get out.
I pray that some of what I posted is of some help to you.
May the peace of the Lord be upon you.