I am having a hard time dealing with the question…why do we allow praying to saints and not to God himself. As a Catholic, I understand that I am not worshipping the saints, just asking them to intercede for me, just as I would ask my mother to talk to my father about whatever concerns I have. I am also questioning praying to The Virgin, Mary.
Other question arises
Which is better…praying to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit or to a holy saint, the Virgin Mary? What is better?
When did praying to saints begin in the Church? I have not heard this practice beginning in Old Testiment times. I have not heard it occuring during the time Jesus or the apostles were preaching. (Not sure though.)
Other question arises
Which is better…praying to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit or to a holy saint, the Virgin Mary? What is better?
When did praying to saints begin in the Church? I have not heard this practice beginning in Old Testiment times. I have not heard it occuring during the time Jesus or the apostles were preaching. (Not sure though.)