Pre-Cana classes ... helpful?

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When preparing for marriage, what were your overall impressions of the pre-Cana classes you were required to take? Any tips for a future bride to be? 🙂

My brother had a wonderful experience with it and it helped him a lot, especially in situations where normal, marital arguments would a rise… I’ve heard from others that the class wasn’t all that great; i guess it just depends on what diocese you come from. My brother was in the Minneapolis diocese, these people were from the San Diego diocese.

I am planning on getting married this September 10th, so please pray for me and my fiance, that God will bless us throughout our engagement & future marriage, that we will be filled with happiness and strong love for each other and God!
I enjoyed them, they were fun. The teaching couples were nice and Father was pleasant. We got some handy tips on resolving disputes, handling finances and meshing two different personalities. We learned **nothing, zip, nada ** about the Church’s teaching about marriage, sexuality, duties as parents etc.

'nuff said.
We enjoyed our classes, and the couple who helped us out went on to become our good friends and participated in our wedding Mass.

While we had discussed many of the topics that came up, I think overall, it’s a good thing because so many couples DON’T talk … then down the line can’t imagine that they don’t agree on topics like children, faith, finances, etc., since they love each other.

However, I have for years said they need to have a whole chapter on buying furniture together. It’s just a nightmare. 😉

Good luck and God bless you both.
It was not very good for us. We didn’t learn much in theology, Church teaching, etc. The life skills lessons were very trivial.

However, now is much different. A number of classes are now required, a full course of NFP (we had a hard time finding one), an all day class on Church teaching and theology (started by Christopher West), and then any life skills classs put on by the local parish.

I think couples married in Denver Archdiocese are very prepared and hopefully that will show itself in a number of years.
It was all about communication, conflict resolution, etc., etc.

My wife and I found the Pre-Cana weekend to be very boring.
Originally posted by kmktexas
We learned nothing, zip, nada about the Church’s teaching about marriage, sexuality, duties as parents etc.
This was close to our experience. We were pleased that they brought someone in to briefly talk about NFP, but it wasn’t really clearly conveyed that contraception is prohibited.
Ours was pretty bad. Very boring, and didn’t talk about any church teachings. I was a Theology major, though, and had taken courses on marriage and sexuality, so I had those to fall back on.
This was close to our experience. We were pleased that they brought someone in to briefly talk about NFP, but it wasn’t really clearly conveyed that contraception is prohibited.
You were a step ahead of us. There was no discussion at all about family planning, let alone NFP and the priest (in our individual session) told us that using contraceptives was a matter up to our own consciences. :eek:
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