I’m in a support group for parents of kids with anal-rectal malformations. Due to the nature of the malformation, many parents feel it’s best to keep their kids out of school for as long as possible, because they are often incontinent and they often have to wait until they are older until they are ready to manage themselves in a school setting. Also, many kids require multiple surgical procedures and hospitalizations a year for the first years in their life, which often delays the start of school. Many of these parents had no intention of “home-schooling” and don’t really feel prepared to do so. Several of them have reported that they found out that their kids were “behind” when they started school in kindergarten or first grade. They were wondering if there was some sort of resource that is easy for parents to use to guide them in “home pre-school”. I figured there were enough homeschooling parents in this forum that there ought to be some good recommendations. I think what most of the parents were looking for was some sort of guide that showed them what skills kids were supposed to have prior to 1st grade and gave some ideas of how to teach them. Or maybe even an organization where they could have their child’s “readiness” evaluated? Video games are appreciated too, since a lot of these kids spend a lot of time having enemas done and tablets are a good distraction.