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How do you think a Culture of Life support pregnant women during the outbreak?
I’d love to hear ideas. But from here on out, I’ll use this post to show what not to do.
Watch how pregnant women are portrayed as heartless and inhumane if they carry to term during the pandemic. Abortion care is more essential during a pandemic, not less.
(Ironically, I was chided for having my “unsafe” homebirths. From a COVID-19 perspective, homebirth actually sounds like a great option for low-risk women right now!)
I realize that pregnant women are in a tight spot. But framing abortion as the Right Thing to Do during the COVID-19 outbreak is not just heartless, but misogynistic.
I’d love to hear ideas. But from here on out, I’ll use this post to show what not to do.
Watch how pregnant women are portrayed as heartless and inhumane if they carry to term during the pandemic. Abortion care is more essential during a pandemic, not less.
Um, we accommodate women. We don’t force women to accommodate others by sacrificing their offspring. Hopefully hospitals are scrambling to find a way to make childbirth safer for women.Forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, women will also need prenatal care, which will compel them to risk exposure to COVID-19—and risk exposing others—to make several visits to doctor’s offices staffed by overworked practitioners. If they miscarry or develop certain pregnancy complications, they may have to take up valuable surgical supplies and hospital space during what will long be a dangerous time to inhabit a hospital bed.
Well, that’s the problem of the hospitals, isn’t it? They could pass out masks and gloves to partners and doulas. But women shouldn’t have to get abortions in order to accommodate their policies.When they go into labor, in some hospitals, they’ll have to endure childbirth alone, without a partner, doula, or family member by their side.
(Ironically, I was chided for having my “unsafe” homebirths. From a COVID-19 perspective, homebirth actually sounds like a great option for low-risk women right now!)
So again, women are supposed to get kill their unborn offspring in order to accommodate what we’re supposed to call “the best health care system in the world?”Their infants’ first days of life may be spent in a virus-rich environment without proper supplies, staffing, or standards of care.
I realize that pregnant women are in a tight spot. But framing abortion as the Right Thing to Do during the COVID-19 outbreak is not just heartless, but misogynistic.
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