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I just got it, and it is beyond excellent. Best 10 bucks a month deal I have ever come across. Hundreds of hours of Apologetics and Information on the Catholic Faith. Teaches you to love and cherish the faith. I recommend to all users here!

God Bless.

You discovered the “gold mine” of the catholic faith. I have been a subscriber for about a year. My subscription just recently expired but I will renew.

This has to be the best material available for growing in the faith and adding perspective on the current phase of our church in crisis.

I was bewildered only five years ago when as a catechist our director of religious education, a consecrated religious nun by the way, was leading the catechists in an exercise of spiritual formation. It was an exercise with music, dance movements, and a chant declaring allegiance to the hindu god of shiva. Needless to say, our local parish is quitel liberal and out of control.

I grew up in a catholic environment and that early formation helped me to keep looking for the one true faith. I found a lot of great resources over the past few years and RealCatholicTV is one of them. I am still at our liberal parish, complete with Sister “New Age” and other leaders of dissent. I look for ways to affect change mainly by appealing to the bishop and then the vatican offices for help/support.

Anyway, RealCatholicTV has been a great boost to my spirit. If you have a chance, check out the formation available for This is a great group also.
I just got it, and it is beyond excellent. Best 10 bucks a month deal I have ever come across. Hundreds of hours of Apologetics and Information on the Catholic Faith. Teaches you to love and cherish the faith. I recommend to all users here!

God Bless.

(1) real catholic IS NOT CATHOLIC. (2) It propagandizes Against USCCB Social Concerns policy; Radical Right Political Propaganda to rely on ‘charity’. (3) It is a Radical Right cqarefully worded Political/BIG Money Interests Agenda site: Opposite of Catholic Concerns. (4) CAF Is The World Apologetics, As is EWTN: Free. Both Source ther BEST Research/Documentation Sites. (5) The Enrich/Subsidize the Richest Inherent Nature of Radical Right Tea Party/New GOP IS Living Proof: (6) Everything to Violate Constitutional Requirement For the House of Representatives/Radical Right to DEFEAT the President, and Everything He proposes. Another Violation of Seperation of Powers Central Attempt In the Constitution by Our Founding Fathers!

(6) Am Filing CAF Complaint against This Solicitation for an Anti-Catholic AGENDA NON-Catholic private site. (7) The Catholic/Orthodox Church IS LIVING “Solcial Concerns” Always helping Others, for 1970 Years; NEVER Enrich the Richest. :hey_bud::hey_bud::hey_bud:
… and yep, the controversy already hit.

I personally like RCTV but haven’t gotten premium membership yet. On the flip side I am a CA Radio Club Member.
You discovered the “gold mine” of the catholic faith. I have been a subscriber for about a year. My subscription just recently expired but I will renew.

This has to be the best material available for growing in the faith and adding perspective on the current phase of our church in crisis.

I was bewildered only five years ago when as a catechist our director of religious education, a consecrated religious nun by the way, was leading the catechists in an exercise of spiritual formation. It was an exercise with music, dance movements, and a chant declaring allegiance to the hindu god of shiva. Needless to say, our local parish is quitel liberal and out of control.

I grew up in a catholic environment and that early formation helped me to keep looking for the one true faith. I found a lot of great resources over the past few years and RealCatholicTV is one of them. I am still at our liberal parish, complete with Sister “New Age” and other leaders of dissent. I look for ways to affect change mainly by appealing to the bishop and then the vatican offices for help/support.

Anyway, RealCatholicTV has been a great boost to my spirit. If you have a chance, check out the formation available for This is a great group also.
Please see my Post # 3. Read the guy’s Criticism of the USCCB Focus on Social Concerns criticism. There Aint Enough Money Anywhere to rely on ‘charity’ to solve the Bankrupcy of the USA after GW Bush Reversal of all Historic USA Policies, from Clinton’s Booming, Big Federal. Surplus FULL USA Employment Policies. Reaganomics Began the Massive Subsidized Export of USA Jobs, Companies, 50% Increase in Military Spending, and Free Market No Rules BIG Finance focus; Resulting Directly in the Total S & L Collapse, with Our Tax Money used to correct Massivelly. Don’t forget the USA had a Technical DEPPRESSION: 2 Quarters Caused directly by ’ FREE Unregulated Market’; and Increddible DEFICITS. Ditto GWBUSH/Chaney Reversal of Clinton/USA Traditions, Carbon Copy Extreme Reaganomics, which DIRECTLY Caused the World Financial Collapse of the 2000’s. And **Zero defense **of the USA Against the World Known/Predicted 9/11; to Justify the Military Conquest of Iraq, other Muslim/Arab countries into ‘democracies’.
That is the Radical Right Agenda of the Mega-Rich Forces, which Propagandize on Media that Church/Religion/Faith AND Morals are ‘obsolete’; TO PROMOTER SELFISH ‘fun’ Sales Agenda. AND Tax Funds TO the RICHEST, Most Profitable. :hey_bud:
ALL these  are  100%  Opposite  of Christ/The  1.3  Billion  Biggest Charity  Catholic Churtch He  founded:  FOCUSED  on   Love of  Neighbor,    BY   ACTIVE<  FOCUSED  "SOCIAL  CONCERNS"  Beck  condemned  as  Marxist,  etc.,  etc.
Maybe you should try Very Worldwide EWTN, The Catholic Church Practised to Grow in Faith and Our Saviour and Wisdom and The Holy Spirit. CAF and EWTN for DOCUMENTION/Resources. Vivat Jesu, Not selfishness, not Self-Centeredness
… and yep, the controversy already hit.

I personally like RCTV but haven’t gotten premium membership yet. On the flip side I am a CA Radio Club Member.
READ their Critique of USCCB Social Concerns POLICY, as I have. This Site is another clever Trick Catholics into support of Inherent Evil Tea Party, No Compromise Radical New GOP, GOP Candidates USING the “Pro-Life” Handle. The Proof is the Total Bankrupcy of the USA, and Reduction of Middle Class, GREAT Increase in Poverty. The Results prove the Totally Misleading Reaganomics/GWBushonomic/CHANEYomics: Enrich Ther RICHEST, while desperatelly trying to kill SELF FUNDED always NET PLUS Medicare and 1% Total Overhead SSA Disability, SURVIVORS And Rertirement. BOTH ARE NET PLUS Self Taxed Programs. (Only the USA Is Bankrupt FUTURE: Direct Result of ** STARVE THE BEAST** (<<<Please SEARCH) Reagonmics/Chaneyomics ‘Free Market’

You certainly have some big concerns about politics and RCTV… but I fail to see how most of what you posted about politics relates to RCTV. A connection between the Tea Party and RCTV seems ludicrous.
‘realcatholictv’ Is NOT Catholic, is CAREFULY worded Political Propaganda AGAINST Catholic/Normal [SIGN] “Social Concerns” of Always, ONLY Helping Others, NOT SELF. [/SIGN] Read the ‘realcatholic’ View of USCCB Social Concerns < Careful Radical Right Propaganda Fault Finding, FALSELLY. Rellie on individual Charity??? Why don’t the Most Profitable Companies in world History (Exxon-Mobil; GE) Pay ZERO Taxes in the USA, for YEARS, and Receive $35 M - $50 M Taxpayer Payment Annually (Dick Chaney additions to Law 2002)
Where does RESPONSIBILITY Begin? When does Subsidizing Selfish GREED end?
AntalKalnoky Thanks for using this thread to attack the right. If you don’t like the website then just say so, and keep your left talking points to yourself.
(1) real catholic IS NOT CATHOLIC. (2) It propagandizes Against USCCB Social Concerns policy; Radical Right Political Propaganda to rely on ‘charity’. (3) It is a Radical Right cqarefully worded Political/BIG Money Interests Agenda site: Opposite of Catholic Concerns. (4) CAF Is The World Apologetics, As is EWTN: Free. Both Source ther BEST Research/Documentation Sites. (5) The Enrich/Subsidize the Richest Inherent Nature of Radical Right Tea Party/New GOP IS Living Proof: (6) Everything to Violate Constitutional Requirement For the House of Representatives/Radical Right to DEFEAT the President, and Everything He proposes. Another Violation of Seperation of Powers Central Attempt In the Constitution by Our Founding Fathers!

(6) Am Filing CAF Complaint against This Solicitation for an Anti-Catholic AGENDA NON-Catholic private site. (7) The Catholic/Orthodox Church IS LIVING “Solcial Concerns” Always helping Others, for 1970 Years; NEVER Enrich the Richest. :hey_bud::hey_bud::hey_bud:
Excuse me? I started this thread to guide other faithful Catholics to this excellent ministry. I did not ask you to come here and attack a ministry that is fanatically loyal to the magisterium with left wing accusations and conspiracy theories. Be careful to not be assisting the evil one to attack a faithful ministry of Christ’s Church.
Excuse me? I started this thread to guide other faithful Catholics to this excellent ministry. I did not ask you to come here and attack a ministry that is fanatically loyal to the magisterium with left wing accusations and conspiracy theories. Be careful to not be assisting the evil one to attack a faithful ministry of Christ’s Church.
(1) I am True Conservative True Catholic; please don’t Name-call me. (2)** READ This guy’s ** Criticism of the USCCB Social Concerns site**!!! There’s not enough Charity in the World to Begin to solve the Bankruptcy of the USA: Anti-Social Concerns spending Military focused Reaganomics/Chaneyomics and Current Tea Party House of Representatives AGENDA/POLICIES. “Charity” to Solve Massive Poverty/Joblessness? He Uses apologetics as attraction for his Radical Right Political Agenda. Same as ‘Pro-Life’ Reagan, GWBush/Chaney/ All current Tea/GOP Pres Candidates. The USCCB have issued a carefully worded statement against the Policies of the Current House; and anything against cutting People/Poverty/Food programs. [SIGN] Reliance on Charity and Not Taxing the Richest 1% are Contrary to Essential Catholic Social Concerns Like Food Stamps, Medicare, PUBLIC GOOD, not Private good of a Few. [/SIGN] I suggest you read All of a Site Before you Recommend it, friend. Vivat Jesu, not Trick propaganda site, Anti-Catholic Central attitude. Antal. We Lived under Radical Right Hitler, Know the Tricks of Deceiving Propaganda, survived it. I remember the Yellow piles of Dust at Heavily Bombed Nurnberg, 1945, as a 4 year old, when Mom got a job at the Trials, thanks to a Big Red One Catholic Priest Chaplain. [SIGN]His site is Not a Catholic Ministry; It’s a Political Propaganda Site. It’s a Personal, Not Catholic Site. ** [/SIGN] Please read All the Lines, to catch the Thrust: Anti-Social Programs Funding.
“Please don’t Name-call me”. Looks to me your the one doing the name calling. This isn’t the huffington post were you can just rant about the evil right wing. All you had to say was I don’t agree with the site once and by done with it. “We Lived under Radical Right Hitler, Know the Tricks of Deceiving Propaganda”. Just to let you know that propaganda was started by President Woodrow Wilson. Adolf Hitler was for National Socialism. Socialism promises to use the power of the political state to forcibly redistribute resources (peoples’ earnings) so that the basic needs of all will be met. Does that sound like the tea party or being catholic?

(2 Cor. 9). 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

To get back to the tread. I think is a better site. They have a ton of good shows, and it’s free.
Am Very imppressed at your Age 16 Knowledge, Pious Templar; Very Impressed. Sorry I addresed your Key Misunderstanding about “Social Concerns” Too straightforwardly. You’re only 16, and probably know Any Attack/Criticism of Social Concerns attacks the Very Heart of Christ’s/Church Attitude to those who Need, Have not. Just read the careful wording of the Personal Blog’s USCCB’s Social Concerns Critique, to put it mildly. I’ve examined the details of News/Attitudes since I learned English in 1950. The Catholic Church/Christ have the Most Ideal/Idealistic Answers to Every possible Problem, Non-Profit, Dedicated To Christ, and the Public and Family Good!. 👍:knight1::highprayer: Antal
“Please don’t Name-call me”. Looks to me your the one doing the name calling. This isn’t the huffington post were you can just rant about the evil right wing. All you had to say was I don’t agree with the site once and by done with it. “We Lived under Radical Right Hitler, Know the Tricks of Deceiving Propaganda”. Just to let you know that propaganda was started by President Woodrow Wilson. Adolf Hitler was for National Socialism. Socialism promises to use the power of the political state to forcibly redistribute resources (peoples’ earnings) so that the basic needs of all will be met. Does that sound like the tea party or being catholic?

(2 Cor. 9). 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

To get back to the tread. I think is a better site. They have a ton of good shows, and it’s free.
Hitler was Radical Right, focused on Military Power, Power, FALSE Propaganda to get popular support. My Mom voted for him in 1934, because he Was Strongly Anti Socialism/Communism. He was Opposite of Socialist: Radical Right. Quite the Opposite of Beck/Fox/GOP Candidate False Hype. I’ve Never supported Obama, because he Is Radical Right Bush Policies also, and Pro-LGB. I’m voting Independent again, Candidate with Fewest Inherent Evils, and best Positive proposals. Hitler was Opposite of Redistributing Wealth, an old Radical Right, Beck line. He Changed Deutschland into All Military Power Focus, and Selectivelly Mass Breeding future Soldiers: Radical Right. His Focus was reliant on a Few Major Brains and Capital Subsidization, as GOP/Tea Do.

Know Who decided USA 21st Cebntury Focus? A few GOP Insiders: Wolfowitz, Lehman, Condalice Rice, Chaney, etc. (ALL MALES Avoided War Service in Isreal and Viet Nam wars). They Voted USA 21st Century Policy as The Mightiest Military Power in the World, and Military Conquest of Iraq, and Any Arab/Muslim country that didn’t volunteer to be Their idea of ‘democracy’. (Was in the News, now removed from Easy Search). Slashing People Programs, of Course: SSA, Education, Public Health, Etc., Etc. Am Fiscal Conservative, Moderate, and Againsrt Any Extremism, Especially Enriching the Richest 3%, Who NEED to Pay Taxes, same % as Poor and Middle Class Tax %!.
[SIGN] Are you Aware of the Massive Flood of Wealth, Ownership, Income to the Top 5%, From the Middle Class and POOR, Directly Resulting from Reagan/GWBush/Chaney "Free Market" Unregulated Policies? Aware, Nathan, that the $ 2 Trillion Plus Free Money of the Richest in the USA now Created 5 New Jobs overseas vs Each new one in the USA, Last Year; 4.5 New Overseas jobs for Each New one (minimum wage) in the USA This Year, Nathan? [/SIGN] Why Enrich the Richest 5%, and Subsidize them with Tax Money? Not aware that, like Pope Leo XIII, Blessed Pope John Paul II The Great and Pope Benedict XVI Each issued Major Encyclicals Calling for Appropriate Transfer of the Extreme Wealth of the Few to Families, Middle Class From whom the Riches were taken 1980's and 2000's? [SIGN] Justice, Responsibility, Fairness for ALL, not the Richest 5%, Nathan: Universally Believed By All Ethnicities/Faiths (Except Some Calvinists: God Judges ones Worth by his wealth :p:blush::shrug:)[/SIGN] One does not find ANY of this in Tea Party/New GOP/their 'pro-life' Candidates, whose Personal lives are 'not good', to say the Least: Contrary to Catholic/Christ's Teachings. Power/Control/Wealth Priorities are "False Gods". :hey_bud: Vivat Jesu, Nathan, not Enrich the Richest few! Antal
Nathan, everyone, Didn’t Our Lord Teach: “Give unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar’s; Unto God which is God’s” ? Don’t the Richest few Percent have Social Responsibility: For the Public Good, not Theirs? Know Roman Empire had The Greatest Public Works, as well as High Tech Iris Eye Surgery? People and Govt have Responsibilities To Each Other: Church teaching Also.
Who NEED to Pay Taxes, same % as Poor and Middle Class Tax %!. Why not have a flat tax or fair tax? The government writes the loopholes for the rich. If you had a simple tax system their are no loopholes for anyone.

Justice, Responsibility, Fairness for ALL, not the Richest 5%, Nathan: Universally Believed By All Ethnicities/Faiths. What do you think about this? From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. That sounds like a good system.

Directly Resulting from Reagan/GWBush/Chaney “Free Market” Unregulated Policies? What would you put in place of a free market capitalism system?

Is there something wrong with being pro-life? You seem to like to being up a lot. Isn’t that what got John Kerry to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

This thread was about a website good or bad in your opinion? You come here and just start slamming the site, the tea party anyone pro-life, They got a whole social justice forum here for that. I don’t know why they haven’t locked this thread yet. It’s been off topic since you start in with all your ring wing slams.
Nathan, everyone, Didn’t Our Lord Teach: “Give unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar’s; Unto God which is God’s” ? Don’t the Richest few Percent have Social Responsibility: Did God not give man his own free will? Did the Lord teach us to give all to the Caesar so that Caesar can give to the poor. I think the Lord was talking about pay your taxes and help out the poor.

Matthew 19:24 >>
Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is harder for a rich man to enter … through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Luke 21:1-4
Jesus[a] looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, 2and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.** 3And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. 4For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of herare not to judge poverty put in all she had to live on.”

If the rich do not give will they be judged for that,and if the poor also do not give will they to will be judged for that.

p.s. right wing slams not ring wing lol**
Who NEED to Pay Taxes, same % as Poor and Middle Class Tax %!. Why not have a flat tax or fair tax? The government writes the loopholes for the rich. If you had a simple tax system their are no loopholes for anyone.

Justice, Responsibility, Fairness for ALL, not the Richest 5%, Nathan: Universally Believed By All Ethnicities/Faiths. What do you think about this? From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. That sounds like a good system.

Directly Resulting from Reagan/GWBush/Chaney “Free Market” Unregulated Policies? What would you put in place of a free market capitalism system?

Is there something wrong with being pro-life? You seem to like to being up a lot. Isn’t that what got John Kerry to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

This thread was about a website good or bad in your opinion? You come here and just start slamming the site, the tea party anyone pro-life, They got a whole social justice forum here for that. I don’t know why they haven’t locked this thread yet. It’s been off topic since you start in with all your right wing slams.
To Focus: ‘realtv’s’ site is Not Catholic; is exactly opposite to Catholic Social Concern/Action Teaching. It is One guy’s unsupported ideas, trying to use Catholic Name falselly and asking for money.
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