Do you believe people can have premonitions?
Meh. Could easily be good observational skills. Just watch the show “Psych”. The human mind is extremely powerful. (yes, I know it’s pretend but there are truths to it) When we tune into the natural world, human nature and logic we can “predict” more than most people give themselves credit for.Like, you get a “sign” that something’s going to happen and then it does.
My (late) mother would sometimes know things before they happened. She rarely spoke of it, so I don’t know all the details.
Over the past 15 years or so I have experienced certain “signs” that coincided with certain events. Maybe it’s all in my head but it seems more than a coincidence.
It’s not like predicting lottery numbers. It’s more like if you hear a sound you can’t explain, or maybe see something you can’t explain in the hours preceding a bad event.