Locally, there have been a couple of well known priest sex abusers from the 60s and 70s who were apprehended long ago. Victims are going after the arch diocese for compensation based on the lack of response from the diocese and even attempts at cover up.
The archdiocese I am a part of has payed out nearly a million in compensation over the years to various victims.
I find it hard to understand why it is that the archdioces as a whole has to pay? If there was a cover up, was it not the responsibility of the bishop and those involved in the cover up to face charges and pay compensation?
I guess I find it difficult to accept that money I pay in donations to my local church is being used to pay for the sins of some priests and their bishops for events that happened over 40 or 50 years ago.
I say this without any desire of minimizing the pain and suffering that the victims of abuse endured…
God bless,
Locally, there have been a couple of well known priest sex abusers from the 60s and 70s who were apprehended long ago. Victims are going after the arch diocese for compensation based on the lack of response from the diocese and even attempts at cover up.
The archdiocese I am a part of has payed out nearly a million in compensation over the years to various victims.
I find it hard to understand why it is that the archdioces as a whole has to pay? If there was a cover up, was it not the responsibility of the bishop and those involved in the cover up to face charges and pay compensation?
I guess I find it difficult to accept that money I pay in donations to my local church is being used to pay for the sins of some priests and their bishops for events that happened over 40 or 50 years ago.
I say this without any desire of minimizing the pain and suffering that the victims of abuse endured…
God bless,