Priest didn't use usual form of absolution?

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He said "May God give you the help you need, and I absolve from of/from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…??? Is this effective?
I absolve from of/from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…
^ While the entire prayer should be said, the absolutely essential part of the Sacrament is “I absolve you” or (in Latin) “Ego te absolvo”.
Is that literally what he said? “I absolve from”? He did not say “I absolve you”? That is invalid.
The essential words are: “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. This is what’s called a performative utterance - it does what it says; in other words, you’re absolved by the speaking of those words (well, really you’re absolved by God but still…).

However, priests who play fast and loose with the formula of absolution really annoy me - tbh I actually try and avoid confessing to the ones I know who do this. A penitent shouldn’t be left wondering whether or not they’ve actually been absolved which wouldn’t happen if priests just stuck to the formula rather than getting all creative. As we’ve seen with baptism, such creativity can have unfortunate consequences. While the consequence when it comes to the Sacrament of Reconciliation aren’t nearly as dramatic but nonetheless somebody who comes to the sacrament seeking forgiveness shouldn’t be left in any doubt as to whether or not that’s been received.
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