Priest Supports Pro-Abortion Canidates

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Without addressing Father Pfleger views on abortion or homosexuality, I can say that the last time I checked Barack Obama was, how do you say, black? So any support thrown his way is a gesture of friendship more than anything. You should remember that black leaders have to compete in their own party as well as against republicans. When they are elected it is usually in strong Democrat constituencies.

Neither of these issues are on the legislative agenda although they are always key presidential points. It’s incredibly difficult to break off points. Mary Chaney, who is a lesbian, is having a baby with her lesbian partner. Maybe it is sallow for me to mention it but Cick Chaney is obviously an ineffective individual in all walks of life and has not fully separated his brain from his mouth. To think that a thinking mind is not requisite for the course – that one could or would simply follow the instinct instilled by party pressures – is to strain the nations structure of government. “Founding fathers” are often times mentioned because of the intellect they carried themselves with and assumed of future leaders.

I like Barack Obama. I think he is a very clear thinking, level headed individual. If to say anything to his race I have to say he plays much less of a race card like Jesse Jackson, for instance, does or a counter-race card or token race card like some of the Republican minorities do.
One accepts that any self respecting Catholic, more so an ordained priest, should follow the teachings of Mother Church.

But to play devils advocate, it is a fact that priests in the pastoral ministry often come up against the most extremes of poverty, abuse and need. They are the real front-line troops of society. The world would be a worse place without their contribution.

It may be and I say only maybe, that one priest has seen so much tragedy and allowed it to colour his judgement.

Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful
Maybe he has seen so much tragedy that it has colored his judgment, and yes he is one of Christ’s earthly representatives and deserving of respect for that. But it is not love to allow someone to publicly scandalize their flock. He needs spiritual correction and a refresher course in liturgical propriety. It is not proper to allow anyone who is not a priest to deliver the homily, especially a non-Catholic socialist like Harry Belafonte. It also is inappropriate for the “homily” to contradict Church teaching.
And vampares: you aren’t Catholic, are you? It doesn’t matter how much you like Barack Obama. As Catholics, we believe that you must protect the right to life first and foremost. If we don’t have a right to life, how can we claim any other right in this world? We cannot support any politician, no matter how well-meaning, who will not protect future generations of children. I don’t mean to offend you, but if you don’t know what appropriate behavior for a priest should be, or what constitutes liturgical abuse, maybe your comments are best left unsaid.
I like Barack Obama. I think he is a very clear thinking, level headed individual. If to say anything to his race I have to say he plays much less of a race card like Jesse Jackson, for instance, does or a counter-race card or token race card like some of the Republican minorities do.
So race trumps the killing of 1.2 million children a year?.

BTW-can you give us the top 5 accomplisments of Barrack Obama(other than he is black)
I like Obama too. He has a better chance of getting elected than Brownback, that’s for sure.
What are his reasons for supporting pro-abortion candidates? Surely this priest is not pro-abortion.
What are his reasons for supporting pro-abortion candidates? Surely this priest is not pro-abortion.
Evidently the color of ones skin is more important than defending the most vulnerable among us.
Once again, politics trumps fidelity to God.

Fundamentalist theocons, evangelical neocons or Catholic lefties or mainline socialists, the bottom line is the party.

I sometimes think our true religions are Democrat or Republican. It certainly seems as if we see our religion through the lenses of our worldviews doesn’t it?

It seems to be more prevalent a condition than conforming our worldview to the teaching of Jesus.
What are his reasons for supporting pro-abortion candidates? Surely this priest is not pro-abortion.
Well, I would hope he is not pro-abortion. I did find a photo on the internet of him arm-in- arm with a pro-abortion abortion clinic escort. The event was not a pro-abortion one so I cannot say that he is pro-abortion.

If the links worked then you can see Fr. Pfleger at a rally for action in Darfur and little down the page - there he is - arm in arm with a Catherine Caporusso, abortion clinic escort (see the NOW link). I am sure his rightful concern for the plight of the people in Darfur is extended to the unborn.
I like Obama too. He has a better chance of getting elected than Brownback, that’s for sure.
I went to the National Walk for Life in Washington DC yesterday and Brownback spoke. He would have my vote. Obama could never get my vote, for in spite of his popularity- he is extremely liberal and definitely pro choice.
Neither Hillary nor Obama will get my vote. No “pro-choice” (Read: pro-abortion) candidate will ever get my vote.
Obama and Hillary are both pro abortion, and pro homosexuality. You will be hard pressed to find any Democrat that is in a leadership position that isn’t pro abortion, and pro homosexuality. I challenge anyone to name one.

I hear all this hype about Obama and how he’s a rock star, and a new type of politician…Barak Hussain Obama is nothing new, especially to the Democratic party, he is a LIBERAL who can speak well.
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