Priest, Where Is Thy Mass?

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A friend of mine whose husband is deeply entrenched in the Society of St. Pius X sect has recently been making comments to me that seem intended to demean the authentic Roman Catholic Church. Most recently she tried to hand me a copy of a book called “Priest, Where is Thy Mass?” claiming the experiences related by priests in the book demonstrate that the Novus Ordo Mass has no sacrifice and no graces. Am I to venture, then, that this book is standard SSPX propaganda and dismiss it out of hand? Anyone who knows of this book, let me know. These people often say scandalous things about the “American bishops,” the Pope, and the Church, always claiming their society has the only true mass and is the “True Church” and despite my constant and firm denials of their suggestions, they keep coming with it.
I don’t know the book, but I know both Tridentine and Novus Ordo Masses.

In my experience, the Novus Ordo Mass can be just as moving and spiritual an experience as the Tridentine Mass at its best. If the Priest is reverent in his celebration, those assisting likewise disposed, and the setting befeft of 1970’s “Barry Manilow does Rod McEwan” music, the experience of the Mass leaves nothing to be desired.

I attended the Chrism Mass last Holy Thursday. It was, of course, Novus Ordo. But in that Mass, the continuity of the Church, right back to Christ and his Apostles, shone forth. I don’t know what else could be asked for, even by the SPXX people.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think the New Mass is perfectly beautiful as you said,

but the thing is, this friend keeps insisting that the only valid Mass is the SSPX Mass. She and her husband are constantly knocking the RCC and claiming there is no consecration taking place in the Novus Ordo Mass. No consecration. That’s pretty serious allegations. She won’t even accept the Holy Eucharist outside this organization she’s tangled up with. She said she tried going, she and her husband, but they “got up and left during the homily” because they couldn’t stand to be in a “dead Mass.”

That’s just whack, isn’t it?
That is kind of wacky.

Sure the Tridentine Mass has had a long run, but it doesn’t go back 2000 years. Jesus didn’t hand the Tridentine Missal to the Apostles.

I really think that most of the problems people have with the current Mass (Novus Ordo is not the correct term I believe) have had more to do with the way the Mass was celebrated in particular places and times than it does with the structure of the Mass itself.

There were a few decades when we went overboard with guitar Masses, folk Masses, etc; and I’m sure that people missed a sense of reverence when Mass was celebrated in those ways.

Things have settled down now, at least in my area. Mass is celebrated reverently, and solemnly, and I can follow it easily with resorting to a latin-english missal.

If the Tridentine rite were to be reinstated as the ONLY option, you would see some happy nostalgia, but most would be dissatisfied.

Their position is more than just wacky, it is heretical. They are basically adopting the position of Donatists. In the early Church, a certain bishop in North Africa, Donatus, declared that those priests and bishops who fled from persecution were too sinful to administer the sacraments. These apostates (who denied the faith), therefore, had to be re-baptized and re-ordained. Any sacrament administer before such re-ordination would have been invalid, according to Donatus. The Church condemned this heresy: the ability to administer the sacraments does not depend on the holiness (or even the faith) of the priest, but on the validity of their ordination.

SSPX people presumably believe that those who follow the Novus Ordo Mass have left the “true church” (theirs), and so are essentially apostate. But even if that were true (which, of course, it is not), the Mass offered by even an apostate priest is still a valid Mass, the true Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. SSPX still have to accept that if they want to be Catholic in any significant sense.

Let them know, charitably of course, that what they believe (at least materially) is the heresy of Donatism. Have them look it up. It should shake them up a bit. I don’t think it will help them accept the legitimacy of the Novus Ordo, but I doubt much (besides prayer and charity) would get them that far. But at least they might stop beating you up.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think the New Mass is perfectly beautiful as you said,

but the thing is, this friend keeps insisting that the only valid Mass is the SSPX Mass. She and her husband are constantly knocking the RCC and claiming there is no consecration taking place in the Novus Ordo Mass. No consecration. That’s pretty serious allegations. She won’t even accept the Holy Eucharist outside this organization she’s tangled up with. She said she tried going, she and her husband, but they “got up and left during the homily” because they couldn’t stand to be in a “dead Mass.”

That’s just whack, isn’t it?
Not all who say they are SSPX do that which the SSPX teaches or intends for the faithful to learn and observe. Your " friend " needs a lesson in humility, I think. Peace be to you.
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