This has probably been discussed before in one form or another but probably equally as damaging to vocations as the 60’s and the celibacy issue are the Priests who have let down their brothers by their activities. There is a perception among many Protestants (often unspoken) that many Priests are either gay or pederasts/pedophile’s. ETWN has addressed the gay issue before as I recall.
As I was getting excited about the idea of Priesthood, today I came across an article from the Free Republic (2004) about some law suit against LA diocese over a group of gay/perderast Priests who were controlling key positions and looking for young seminarians and so on. Nothing new as a few years ago a celibate gay Priest was featured on 60 Minutes as he was suing his Bishop (or seminary superior) because he was pressuring him for sex. Then you start thinking is that what is behind the desire for young Priests? In point of fact, I have know three gay Priests. One was in the army and known to be gay. He made a pass at a friend of mine who then refused to go to Mass on post (his fiancee told me). Another gay Priest I know lives with his boyfriend/significant other (they have been together for years).
At any rate, that Free Republic article made me sad. But…I remembered what Fr. Groeschel said a couple of years ago (Franciscan Priest and Psychologist). He noted that these issues are alive and well in the general populations and alive and well in the Protestant churches as well. He noted incidents of pedophilia are no more prevalent among RC Priests than the general population. On the whole he said, Catholic clergy just get focussed on more because the church is an Elephant and some people choose to focus on her. He was not excusing the behaviors just noting the issues. {We Protestants have Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swagart and so on and plenty of Pedophile youth ministers}
It will sadly take years for the Priesthood to recover its once revered status. I have heard stories about Priests who no longer wear clerical attire due to negative perceptions. Where is the Bing Crosby priest? I once read an article where a Priest decried that image BUT Bing (Priest he played) was spiritual, modern, sensitive, manly (boxed, played sports), innovative and so on but also highly moral. Not a bad image.
I suppose only time will heal the image. I know some orders web sites talk about wanting masculine Priests and so on (I guess projecting more of the Bing Crosby image}. I saw a Bishop on EWTN talking about how they needed to crack down on the homosexual Priest issue but then I think no one is sure how to handle any of it. The scandals of pederasty (molestation of teengaers) has cost millions and bankrupted some diocese. Some pople have left the church and others go but do not contribute. This is troublesome because the church must have income and already Catholic pew goers give about 50% of what Protestants do (according to a Time?? article I read).
I am sure Christ will see the Church through these attacks and she will weather the storms. People need to remember how much good the Church is responsible for from preserving learning in the dark ages, to hopsitals, and higher education. A great gift to the world.
Rev North
As I was getting excited about the idea of Priesthood, today I came across an article from the Free Republic (2004) about some law suit against LA diocese over a group of gay/perderast Priests who were controlling key positions and looking for young seminarians and so on. Nothing new as a few years ago a celibate gay Priest was featured on 60 Minutes as he was suing his Bishop (or seminary superior) because he was pressuring him for sex. Then you start thinking is that what is behind the desire for young Priests? In point of fact, I have know three gay Priests. One was in the army and known to be gay. He made a pass at a friend of mine who then refused to go to Mass on post (his fiancee told me). Another gay Priest I know lives with his boyfriend/significant other (they have been together for years).
At any rate, that Free Republic article made me sad. But…I remembered what Fr. Groeschel said a couple of years ago (Franciscan Priest and Psychologist). He noted that these issues are alive and well in the general populations and alive and well in the Protestant churches as well. He noted incidents of pedophilia are no more prevalent among RC Priests than the general population. On the whole he said, Catholic clergy just get focussed on more because the church is an Elephant and some people choose to focus on her. He was not excusing the behaviors just noting the issues. {We Protestants have Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swagart and so on and plenty of Pedophile youth ministers}
It will sadly take years for the Priesthood to recover its once revered status. I have heard stories about Priests who no longer wear clerical attire due to negative perceptions. Where is the Bing Crosby priest? I once read an article where a Priest decried that image BUT Bing (Priest he played) was spiritual, modern, sensitive, manly (boxed, played sports), innovative and so on but also highly moral. Not a bad image.
I suppose only time will heal the image. I know some orders web sites talk about wanting masculine Priests and so on (I guess projecting more of the Bing Crosby image}. I saw a Bishop on EWTN talking about how they needed to crack down on the homosexual Priest issue but then I think no one is sure how to handle any of it. The scandals of pederasty (molestation of teengaers) has cost millions and bankrupted some diocese. Some pople have left the church and others go but do not contribute. This is troublesome because the church must have income and already Catholic pew goers give about 50% of what Protestants do (according to a Time?? article I read).
I am sure Christ will see the Church through these attacks and she will weather the storms. People need to remember how much good the Church is responsible for from preserving learning in the dark ages, to hopsitals, and higher education. A great gift to the world.
Rev North