Are priests capable of productive psychological therapy? Before we too deep into this, I’m not particularly interested in everlasting life and salvation when it comes to time of pain. When the depression become more painful than I can stand, I’m willing to accept suicide and all that comes with it. It couldn’t possibly be more painful than what I’m feeling now.
I can’t get the attention of a psychiatrist unless I attempt suicide and fail. Psychiatrists are the only ones who can prescribe medication and if I attempt suicide to I’ll be successful. NO DOUBT. So, no psychiatrist.
Is a priest only going to talk about prayer, salvation and everlasting life? That’s too far in the future. I need help NOW!!!
As I see it sitting here in front of my computer, there is no solution but my mother’s tears.
EDIT: I don’t care about sin. I’m in a state of mortal sin right now because I didn’t go to church last Sunday because of my current state of mind.
I can’t get the attention of a psychiatrist unless I attempt suicide and fail. Psychiatrists are the only ones who can prescribe medication and if I attempt suicide to I’ll be successful. NO DOUBT. So, no psychiatrist.
Is a priest only going to talk about prayer, salvation and everlasting life? That’s too far in the future. I need help NOW!!!
As I see it sitting here in front of my computer, there is no solution but my mother’s tears.
EDIT: I don’t care about sin. I’m in a state of mortal sin right now because I didn’t go to church last Sunday because of my current state of mind.