Private Vows

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If anyone is interested in the subject, I have a very long thread in Phatmass that has unfolded similar to a blog.

The thread did commence when I received from my Archbishop permission for a Home Mass to renew my life private vows - and then of some 30 yrs .standing or more. As the thread continued, it developed to include quotations from various reliable Catholic authorities on the subject, including Rome and Vatican Documents. Later the thread also included many quotations from our saints and reliable Catholic sources on spiritual matters.

I suffer bipolar disorder and hence later in the thread there are comments on suffering mental illness and often specifically bipolar.

In the most recent posts, I have begun to include large subject headings in bold and underlined.

The search facility on Phatmass is quite effective I have found.
Barb, what a beautiful vocation you have. I wish you much joy and success. Many will be blessed by your life.

God bless you.
Barb, what a beautiful vocation you have. I wish you much joy and success. Many will be blessed by your life.

God bless you.
Thank you very much, Jamie.🙂 It has been a long journey (now probably over 40yrs) with many a twist and turn, up a creek and round the bend…a twisting and turning…but still on the track and on the journey.

And may God bless you also…and for your very real kind thoughts 👍

PS I must add that Phatmass Administration has been very good tome. The thread is quite long now, over 2yrs standing, and I am about the only one who posts into it, not by design. Phatmass has allowed the thread to continue and on a great variety of subjects. I am very grateful to dUSt (Administrator).
The thread title on Phatmass (see my signature below) has now been changed to “Private Vows in The Laity/Spirituality”.
When I began the thread in January 2014, I expected the thread to continue until after my Home Mess for renewal of life Private Vows in August 2014 and then just die a natural death and pass into the archives.

However, as the thread unfolded up to and past the Home Mass, it was comprised of many matters relating to spirituality applicable to a life in the laity, snippets from my own journey now and then. Church Documents etc. on the Laity. Quotations and Writings from Saints on The Laity, as well as texts by contemporary authors again on The Laity. The thread could also be a resource for spiritual formation texts. Since I suffer bipolar disorder (inactive now for many years) there are some posts too relating to suffering mental illness and as a committed Catholic striving to live a Gospel life.

The thread is now 33 pages long. Of course, in the main it would be applicable to those living in the celibate lay state with or without vows…but not only these. has been very good to me in allowing the thread to continue over the 33pages and since January 2014. I am in the main the only contributor although all and any posts from all members are most welcome at any time.

For some reason or other unknown to me, I have an aversion to commencing a blog despite a couple of attempts to do so. No taste whatsoever for blogging and not only because I do not really understand what I am doing in the various control features etc. A blog is too much of a headache for me! 😊

I strive to go with the flow. If The Holy Spirit wishes something to continue, it will. If not, then it will not continue. I guess it all depends on where one’s investment lay: in The Holy Spirit with docility - or in what one would like or want oneself with conviction.

Ours is to labour with God’s Grace and in a certain kind of disinterest which is yet a full investment - in The Lord’s Hands is any fruit or increase at all & in His Hands to permit any failure - and success or failure are for His Highest, Best and All Embracing Reasons alone, often unknown reasons to the labourer.

Deo Gratius - Laudate Dominum
Thanks! I look forward to reading the thread.
👍 Thank you
If you have any questions or comments at all, or anything else I might be able to assist you with, please do not hesitate to contact me, either publicly here on CA or on my thread in Phatmass. Both sites, of course, have PM facilities as well.

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