Unfaithful Catholics, unfaithful Catholic politicians, unfaithful Catholic priests… O Canada!
lifesite.net/ldn/2006/oct/06102406.htmlThe Catholic priest who is probably Canada’s most outspoken opponent of Catholic teaching on sexuality, Fr. Raymond Gravel, has announced his candidacy for the Bloc nomination for Repentigny, Quebec, in a coming federal by-election. …
“Presently, (the Bishop) Msgr. Lussier is in a period of reflection and consultation and no decision has yet been made.”…
In 2004, he [Fr.Gravel] boasted to a radio interviewer, "I am pro-choice and there is not a bishop on earth that will prevent me from receiving Communion, not even the Pope."
In February this year, Gravel joined a group of nineteen priests who issued a letter condemning Catholic teaching on sexual purity…