Pro-abortion/Pro-gay Marriage Quebec Catholic Priest Running for Office

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Unfaithful Catholics, unfaithful Catholic politicians, unfaithful Catholic priests… O Canada!
The Catholic priest who is probably Canada’s most outspoken opponent of Catholic teaching on sexuality, Fr. Raymond Gravel, has announced his candidacy for the Bloc nomination for Repentigny, Quebec, in a coming federal by-election. …
“Presently, (the Bishop) Msgr. Lussier is in a period of reflection and consultation and no decision has yet been made.”…
In 2004, he [Fr.Gravel] boasted to a radio interviewer, "I am pro-choice and there is not a bishop on earth that will prevent me from receiving Communion, not even the Pope."
In February this year, Gravel joined a group of nineteen priests who issued a letter condemning Catholic teaching on sexual purity…
I saw that story in the newspapers this morning. What an astonishing development.
The bottom of the article provides contact information to Fr. Gravel’s local bishop, the apostolic nuncio to Canada and Cardinal William Levada at the Vatican. I have learned that emailing bishops is rather a waste of time if one is expressing discontent. So last week I wrote letters and mailed them.

How can one remain silent when such pastors lead so many souls astray? 😦
He should be running to the confessional- not for office. I feel very sorry for priests who mislead the faithful in this way- they will have much to answer for on judgement day. They would do well to remember the warning found in the Sequence that SHOULD be chanted tomorrow.
I see his bishop has given him permission with the understanding he will uphold Catholic doctrine while in office. This is a totally meaningless subterfuge as the Bloc Quebecois did not allow a free vote by their members in Parliament on bill C-38. This legislation changed the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. Their members also vociferously protect unlimited access to abortion. How can the bishop bless such a scandal? 😦
Mon pauvre petit pays de naissance…

Je viens du Quebec… (I come from Quebec)
Maintenant je vis en Ontario (now I live in Ontario)

L’anti-catholicism au Canada, est especialement au Quebec est arriver a une empleur terminal; l’Eglise Catholique se virent contre Elle-meme. Je ne peut que prier et avoir confiance a Dieu que ce cauchemar vas se ressoudre un jours.

Anti-Catholicism in Canada, and especially in Quebec, has arrived to a terminal amplitude; the Catholic Church is turned against Herself. I can only pray and trust in God that this nightmare will resolve itself one day.

Quick stat: Quebec has the lowest birth rate in North America, and the groups iwth the highest birth rates are the immigrants. The Quebecer and their ‘distinct culture’ is on the highway to dissapearance. With divorce, abortion, homosexuality and all kinds of vices running rampant and shoved down the younger generation’s throats, I wonder why?
Unfortunately the sentiments expressed by this priest are common sentiments of many Catholics, clergy, religious and otherwise.

Just because someone is an ordained member of the clergy does not guarantee that they will be obedient to Christ and to His Church, Just look at Judas and also at the one Paul called “Demas” in the scriptures. It is important for Catholics not to hang their hopes on members of the clergy, or bishops or even the Pope. While they may be appointed leaders, there is no guarantee that they will be orthodox or even moral. They have free will and will have to render an account to God in the end, as we all will.

Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”

The late Blessed Pope John Paul II said it best…“Follow Christ.”
Unfortunately the sentiments expressed by this priest are common sentiments of many Catholics, clergy, religious and otherwise.

Just because someone is an ordained member of the clergy does not guarantee that they will be obedient to Christ and to His Church, Just look at Judas and also at the one Paul called “Demas” in the scriptures. It is important for Catholics not to hang their hopes on members of the clergy, or bishops or even the Pope. While they may be appointed leaders, there is no guarantee that they will be orthodox or even moral. They have free will and will have to render an account to God in the end, as we all will.

Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”

The late Blessed Pope John Paul II said it best…“Follow Christ.”
As long as there is free will there will be sin and that would include heresy and schism BUT, the Pope could never make that statement nor would he
Unfortunately the sentiments expressed by this priest are common sentiments of many Catholics, clergy, religious and otherwise.

Just because someone is an ordained member of the clergy does not guarantee that they will be obedient to Christ and to His Church, Just look at Judas and also at the one Paul called “Demas” in the scriptures. It is important for Catholics not to hang their hopes on members of the clergy, or bishops or even the Pope. While they may be appointed leaders, there is no guarantee that they will be orthodox or even moral. They have free will and will have to render an account to God in the end, as we all will.

Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”

The late Blessed Pope John Paul II said it best…“Follow Christ.”
I just heard of this priest today on the CBC Radio show “The Current” where they did a 30 minute feature on him. I was shocked. How can someone so opposed to core Catholic teachings still be allowed to be a priest? I was surprised he was allowed to become a priest in the first place (25 years ago) because he is an admitted former male prostitute (sure he can be forgiven for that) but while getting his theology education he worked at a “leather” bar in the gay district of Montreal - I’m sure there must have been other jobs he could have taken. He is not opposed to non-chaste homosexuals as he supports same-sex marriage and also female priests. Of course the show made him out to be a hero who is trying to change things in the “repressive” Catholic Church. The show spoke of how his bishop responded to “conservative” Catholic complaints about him by saying he was one of his best priests and with the priest shortage he couldn’t afford to let him go. I am definitely going to write this bishop. The whole thing is so appalling! Of course it doesn’t help that the show said attendance in this priest’s parish went up when he came on the scene and his beliefs brought back of lot of Catholics who had previously left the Church. I’m just so steamed about this!
I just heard of this priest today on the CBC Radio show “The Current” where they did a 30 minute feature on him. I was shocked. How can someone so opposed to core Catholic teachings still be allowed to be a priest? I was surprised he was allowed to become a priest in the first place (25 years ago) because he is an admitted former male prostitute (sure he can be forgiven for that) but while getting his theology education he worked at a “leather” bar in the gay district of Montreal - I’m sure there must have been other jobs he could have taken. He is not opposed to non-chaste homosexuals as he supports same-sex marriage and also female priests. Of course the show made him out to be a hero who is trying to change things in the “repressive” Catholic Church. The show spoke of how his bishop responded to “conservative” Catholic complaints about him by saying he was one of his best priests and with the priest shortage he couldn’t afford to let him go. I am definitely going to write this bishop. The whole thing is so appalling! Of course it doesn’t help that the show said attendance in this priest’s parish went up when he came on the scene and his beliefs brought back of lot of Catholics who had previously left the Church. I’m just so steamed about this!
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

I hear you
The show spoke of how his bishop responded to “conservative” Catholic complaints about him by saying he was one of his best priests and with the priest shortage he couldn’t afford to let him go. I am definitely going to write this bishop. The whole thing is so appalling! Of course it doesn’t help that the show said attendance in this priest’s parish went up when he came on the scene and his beliefs brought back of lot of Catholics who had previously left the Church. I’m just so steamed about this!
This does not surprise me in the least. There are a great many priests, bishops and religious that do not uphold traditional Catholic values. Many are staunchly opposed to what they call the “agenda of the religious right.”

It may be about time for the Church to re-consider the traditional norm of celibacy for priests and religious. Candidates should be evaluated on their willingness to uphold traditional moral values and respect for life rather than be prohibited from serving in such a capacity just because they happen to be sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex.
This does not surprise me in the least. There are a great many priests, bishops and religious that do not uphold traditional Catholic values. Many are staunchly opposed to what they call the “agenda of the religious right.”

It may be about time for the Church to re-consider the traditional norm of celibacy for priests and religious. Candidates should be evaluated on their willingness to uphold traditional moral values and respect for life rather than be prohibited from serving in such a capacity just because they happen to be sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex.
What are you talking about? They do not prohibit people that happen to be attracted to persons of the opposite sex. If they did no one would be able to become a priest since they do they prohibit those attracted to the same sex.
Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”

The late Blessed Pope John Paul II said it best…“Follow Christ.”
Come on :mad: give us a break!!
Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”
UMM. What are you implying here? Would he say it? Is that what you are saying. That our Pope would declare that sort of thing? WHere are you getting that idea from?
Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”
Yes, I would be falling-down, what-did-he-say, shocked-looked, surprised.
Would anyone really be surprised if Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Turkey proclaims something like: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet?”

The late Blessed Pope John Paul II said it best…"Follow Christ."
Ankara, Nov. 29, 2006 (CNA) - Pope Benedict XVI left the Apostolic Nunciature in Ankara, Turkey this morning and traveled by plane to Ephesus, where he celebrated Mass at the “House of Mother Mary” with a group of Turkish Christians. The Pontiff spoke of “Christ, our peace,” and pleaded for peace in the world.
Amid strict security, to protect the Holy Father from threatening assassins, Pope Benedict returned to the themes of peace and religion, speaking not of Islam, but of Christianity. Drawing from Paul’s letter to the Church in Ephesus, the Pope emphasized the motto of his trip to Turkey, “He, Christ, is our peace” (Eph 2:14).” “Inspired by the Holy Spirit,” Benedict said**, “Paul tells us that Jesus Christ has not only brought us peace, but that he is** our peace. And he justifies this statement by referring to the mystery of the Cross:** by shedding ‘his blood,’ by offering in sacrifice ‘his flesh,’ Jesus destroyed hostility ‘in himself’ and created ‘in himself one new man in place of the two** (Eph 2:14-16).’”
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