Pro-Abortion Side Considers Children Less Than Animals

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Why is it so hard to convince people the unborn can feel pain? Where is full informed consent unless the mothers understand exactly what they are doing? Who has the right to deliberately withold this information from women?
The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR 6099) would require abortionists to have an aborting mother with a child at 20 weeks gestation or later sign a document explaining the likelihood that her unborn child will feel pain during the abortion, and** offering her the option of anesthesia for her child**. Anesthetics given to aborting mothers have little effect on unborn children unless the dose is dangerously high, and therefore must be given to the unborn children directly. There is solid scientific evidence that babies feel pain at 20 weeks (perhaps earlier), and even many who say 20 weeks is too early admit that unborn children feel pain beginning at 22 weeks.
D&E abortions are performed as late as 24 weeks. During a D&E abortion, an unborn child is dismembered one body part at a time…
I read the testimony of a New York abortionist in court claiming he explained all this to his patient’s in detail…Some of his patients walked out of the hospital and others still wanted to go through with the abortion regardless.
Why is it so hard to convince people the unborn can feel pain? Where is full informed consent unless the mothers understand exactly what they are doing? Who has the right to deliberately withold this information from women?
I read the testimony of a New York abortionist in court claiming he explained all this to his patient’s in detail…Some of his patients walked out of the hospital and others still wanted to go through with the abortion regardless.
There is no chance of this bill passing as a result of the November elections. Catholics who say it doesn’t matter where a politician stands on abortion needs only look at the impending failure of this bill to know how very wrong they are.
The reason why people are not convinced is because they don’t want to be! That’s because once they admit that some “object” that they call it, or that “blob of tissue” they say, feels pain, it would seem too much like a living person, which they want to deny in order to supress their guilt in killing an innocent child! They will not surrender to facts, they want facts to be whatever they want them to be! Once you convince someone they’re wrong in what they do, they’ll feel compelled to change their “lifestyle,” which is what they don’t want to do. People may already know they are wrong, but they don’t want to care, they don’t want to surrender, and they don’t want to give anyone who opposes them any satisfaction of victory.

And very often the women who have abortions feel caught between abortion and a hard place, like they had no choice. So we can say all we want about how abortion is evil, which is important, but for some women it won’t matter because its the only “choice” that they feel they have. We need to let these women know of the crisis pregnency centers, which believe it or not, far outnumbers the number of abortion centers in America! (I’ve only heard about this, if anyone can cite some information that proves this, I’ll be happy to hear about it.)
I’m curious what % of abortions occur at 20 weeks plus. It’s been a while since I looked at stats, but I thought the vast bulk occurred in the 6-12 week point.

Why not just make anaesthetizing the foetus a routine part of the 20+ week abortion procedure without having to ask for special permission?
It stands to reason that those women that have had late term abortions will not want to hear this information handed out to other women considering an abortion.

Now my question is “if the pain is an issue at 20 weeks what about at 19 or 18 or less.” How do we know that babies even at conception do not feel pain. Maybe not like we do but something. So come on people, abortion is a horrible way to be murdered. Dismemberment or having your brain sucked out can’t be painless no matter the age.
It stands to reason that those women that have had late term abortions will not want to hear this information handed out to other women considering an abortion.

Now my question is “if the pain is an issue at 20 weeks what about at 19 or 18 or less.” How do we know that babies even at conception do not feel pain. Maybe not like we do but something. So come on people, abortion is a horrible way to be murdered. Dismemberment or having your brain sucked out can’t be painless no matter the age.
The answer is quite glib and simple: their nervous system has not been developed so they do not feel pain during conception. Their cells have not differentiated.

Well, I think I will bring this issue up again; why is it a horrible way to be murdered? Are aborted babies denied the beatific vision? I am simply curious to hear your perspective.
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