Why is it so hard to convince people the unborn can feel pain? Where is full informed consent unless the mothers understand exactly what they are doing? Who has the right to deliberately withold this information from women?
I read the testimony of a New York abortionist in court claiming he explained all this to his patient’s in detail…Some of his patients walked out of the hospital and others still wanted to go through with the abortion regardless.The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR 6099) would require abortionists to have an aborting mother with a child at 20 weeks gestation or later sign a document explaining the likelihood that her unborn child will feel pain during the abortion, and** offering her the option of anesthesia for her child**. Anesthetics given to aborting mothers have little effect on unborn children unless the dose is dangerously high, and therefore must be given to the unborn children directly. There is solid scientific evidence that babies feel pain at 20 weeks (perhaps earlier), and even many who say 20 weeks is too early admit that unborn children feel pain beginning at 22 weeks.
D&E abortions are performed as late as 24 weeks. During a D&E abortion, an unborn child is dismembered one body part at a time…