Pro-Aborts Suppress Pro-Life Free Speech

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Pro-aborts suppress pro-life free speech

Two events this week spotlighted the truth: People calling themselves “pro-choice” aren’t that at all. They are pro-abortion. They are anti-choice. They do all they can to suppress the free speech of pro-lifers.

At a March 27 rally sponsored by liberal feminists in Washington, D.C., to promote the reintroduction of the Equal Rights Amendment, one pro-abort ripped up a sign held by a pro-lifer with the simple message, “Abortion hurts women.” See video here:

And members of a pro-life student group at Indiana’s Purdue University had to spend the night of March 28 defending their display against pro-abort vandals. According to the student newspaper, The Exponent

Every year, Students for Life commemorates the loss of unborn babies by setting up a cemetery of crosses. Each cross represents two children lost to abortion each day, said [Curtis] Verner. There were 1,800 crosses standing. they post annually on Purdue’s Memorial Mall…

“Last night some girl came by and started pulling up the crosses,” said… Verner, a junior in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and president of the organization. “It made for a long night.”

Those vandals better watch out. Pro-abort vandals at Northern Kentucky University that included a professor were prosecuted a year ago for similar illegal actions. See photo here.
Not surprising. I’ve read that a little while ago that abortion protestors were once prosecuted under RICO. For anybody that doesn’t know, RICO came about to combat organized crime. Funny how the abortionists consider protesting abortion=organized crime. Fortunately, that practice has ended from what I understand.
Is it any coincidence that liberals who promote open-mindedness and tolerance are too often guilty of wanting to ban certain words, pictures or ideas which oppose their own? Surely it is easy to be open-minded and tolerant in the realm of your own pre-approved ideas, so long as nothing radically challenges your own comfortable way of life. In the all embracing arms of moral relativism, somehow the “falsehood” of Christianity is the only remaining absolute.

I wrote a peice on this matter on my blog, called “The Price of Free Speech for Liberal Progressives.” I’ll probably update it with the video Jill Stanek posted, for yet another example of pro-abortion “tolerance” from those who favor “choice.”
Pax vobiscum!

Pro-aborts are so stupid it almost makes my head hurt to think about it. I have never been able to have a rational discussion with one, and for all their unintelligible ranting about “choice” and “acceptance” and “tolerance” they don’t believe in any of those things. People supporting abortion like these people do makes me more angry than anything on this earth.

In Christ,
I agree, it is difficult to even come to an agreement on the names of the various interest groups, much less have a rational discussion about the real issue. The abortion rights folks don’t like the description of “pro-life” because they believe that the opposite ~ which is what they represent ~ is “pro-death” and they reject that name. So they choose the label “pro choice”, they’re happy with that description, but I’m not fond of the opposite name ~ “anti-choice” ~ because that’s not accurate either.

I’m not “anti-choice” at all. In fact, I’m all for choice. I just have a problem with the timing of some people’s choices. I thoroughly support anyone’s choice NOT to engage in sexual relations outside of marriage. I think that killing someone just because their appearance in the world is inconvenient to your lifestyle is such a bad choice, I can’t even count how many bad things there are about it. The time for exercising choice was BEFORE making the baby! So I’m not anti-choice at all, I’m for making the right choice at the right time.

And yes, in many different issues, many of the so-called “tolerant” and “open minded” (and don’t forget “intelligent”!) are all for your right to free speech as along as what you say agrees with them. Otherwise, the name-calling and shouting down immediately begins and it’s seldom pretty. The hypocrisy is stunning.
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