Pro-choice (pro-abortion) denominations

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I read that there are so many pro-choice denominations. Can you good folks name them?
You’ll find that many denominations really don’t have a conspicuous stance on issues like this so as to avoid a split within their denomination. Most Protestants are pro-Life from what I have seen, but unfortunately, few take the active and loud role that the Catholic Church does in ensuring such is known.

Episcopal churches, from what I have read, are pro-choice (although many Episcopalians are staunchly pro-Life), and it wouldn’t surprise me in the Presbyterian Church of USA is as well.
I have also heard that the Episcopal church is pro-choice, but I don’t know that first hand.
I believe that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America also does not oppose abortions. They also may be facing a division of their own soon, as I understand they are considering to confirm an active homosexual as a bishop… Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod), where we worshiped for a time, are very conservative in comparison to the ELCA.
Is that when you do find a church that says they are Pro-life you need to check out what their definition of Pro-life is. It could be very different than the Catholic Church.

I’ve talked with people who always called themselves Pro-life but as time went on I discovered that they made exceptions left and right. One “Pro-lifer” even sided with their Church-Methodist-that Partial Birth Abortion could be moral!

I believe that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America also does not oppose abortions. They also may be facing a division of their own soon, as I understand they are considering to confirm an active homosexual as a bishop… Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod), where we worshiped for a time, are very conservative in comparison to the ELCA.
The LCMS has caved, too. That’s one of the big things that set the wheels of my conversion in motion. They don’t explicitly promote it but they no longer reject it saying that in cases that the health of the mother is in jeopardy, the child may be killed. They are also now promoting contraception and sterilization. Yup. The LCMS. Seriously. lol.
The LCMS has caved, too. That’s one of the big things that set the wheels of my conversion in motion. They don’t explicitly promote it but they no longer reject it saying that in cases that the health of the mother is in jeopardy, the child may be killed. They are also now promoting contraception and sterilization. Yup. The LCMS. Seriously. lol.
The LCMS posistion is only when the life of the mother is in peril can abortion be seen as a tragic option , IE a tubal pregnancy. This is pretty close to what the RCC teaches.
The original thread asked for names:

The Episcopal Church in the US
Presbyterian Church USA(PCUSA)
The United Methodist Church(UMC)
The United Church of Christ(UCC-Congregational)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(ELCA even has it in their insurance benefits for pastors)

all have taken very pro-abortion stands. All 5 communities ordain women.

The book Empty Pews by now Catholic then Episcopalian Thomas Reeves shows how the mainline churches have gone liberal at the national level. Conservative Protestant laymen, congregations and pastors worry about saving souls while liberals want power and that is what they have gotten over the last 50 years. They run rough shod over majority opinion in their denomination just like the NAACP is far more liberal than the average black voter.
mark a:
I read that there are so many pro-choice denominations. Can you good folks name them?
Let me just say this…two things, really. When my sister belonged to a Methodist church, she was the only one who would take a pro-life stance after a pro-life speaker asked for help…

Also…When I was discerning whether to return to my former Lutheran church, I had several meetings with the pastor. I saved the abortion question for last, because I thought I knew what he would say…He said that while he personally thought abortion was wrong, it was sometimes a necessity…That was the end for me. And, I read in a Lutheran magazine that the Lutheran church medical coverage for their people covers abortion…That did it for sure…

**I have found that the more liberal mainline denominations are very wishy-washy on the subject of abortion, while the more fundamental, or Evangelical churhes are solidly pro-life. **
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