Warning: This is going to tick you off. I know it did me. I have always admired Mother Theresa, and I thought it was impossible for anyone who knew anything about her not to.
Apparently I was wrong.
These are actual quotes taken from 2 seperate pro-choicers on this forum: www.prochoicetalk.com and I am posting these because I want to remind everyone yet again that pro-choicers are not friends to Catholics. These quotes were approved and one is even FROM the moderator, and there were no pro-choice people standing up for her. Not one.
[Q]Why would anybody give a **** what the opinion of the little strumpet from Calcutta was concerning horticulture (though I’m not surprised the first part of that discipline interested her).[/Q]
This nest one is from the “MODERATOR” over there who made a prolifer remove a Mother Theresa quote from her signature (the one about saying there are too many children being the same thing as saying there are too many flowers) and said THIS:
I find your Mother Theresa quote offensive.
Mother Theresa is directly responsible for pushing irresponsible doctrines against birth control that lead to children starving in the streets.
She has NO credibility here.** I am well versed in the Catholic church’s long history of keeping the lower classes down in the guise of “respecting life.” **So spare us the dribble from a woman who had fun with liminality while poor people suffered in her country.
Also I am quite sure that in your comfortable little existence you know absolutely nothing about the VERY REAL problems poor countries with excessive birth rates face: poverty, disease, crime, war, ect. ect.
Also, babies grow up and use resources. Tell me nursy, how would you feel if all the little flowers of the world demanded the same resources as we do over here? What would happen to our Earth? Please spare me the “there’s no overpop problems” The only reason you can say this is because other countries are not industrialized but rather mired in poverty largely as a result of out of control birth rates. Pretty convenient for us don’t you think? Perhaps this is the real reason why we cut funding for the UN population fund?
More people=more wars for oil.
Oh but that’s ok with most prolifers.
Save an embryo===kill 100,000 Iraquis.
Apparently I was wrong.
These are actual quotes taken from 2 seperate pro-choicers on this forum: www.prochoicetalk.com and I am posting these because I want to remind everyone yet again that pro-choicers are not friends to Catholics. These quotes were approved and one is even FROM the moderator, and there were no pro-choice people standing up for her. Not one.
[Q]Why would anybody give a **** what the opinion of the little strumpet from Calcutta was concerning horticulture (though I’m not surprised the first part of that discipline interested her).[/Q]
This nest one is from the “MODERATOR” over there who made a prolifer remove a Mother Theresa quote from her signature (the one about saying there are too many children being the same thing as saying there are too many flowers) and said THIS:
I find your Mother Theresa quote offensive.
Mother Theresa is directly responsible for pushing irresponsible doctrines against birth control that lead to children starving in the streets.
She has NO credibility here.** I am well versed in the Catholic church’s long history of keeping the lower classes down in the guise of “respecting life.” **So spare us the dribble from a woman who had fun with liminality while poor people suffered in her country.
Also I am quite sure that in your comfortable little existence you know absolutely nothing about the VERY REAL problems poor countries with excessive birth rates face: poverty, disease, crime, war, ect. ect.
Also, babies grow up and use resources. Tell me nursy, how would you feel if all the little flowers of the world demanded the same resources as we do over here? What would happen to our Earth? Please spare me the “there’s no overpop problems” The only reason you can say this is because other countries are not industrialized but rather mired in poverty largely as a result of out of control birth rates. Pretty convenient for us don’t you think? Perhaps this is the real reason why we cut funding for the UN population fund?
More people=more wars for oil.
Oh but that’s ok with most prolifers.
Save an embryo===kill 100,000 Iraquis.