Taylor Marshall is fairly good imo although I agree with you re MV. Idk about the middle one though.
I agree.
I do listen to Taylor Marshall, do not listen to Michael Voris, not because what he says is always wrong but just because of the way he says it. Patrick Coffin used to be the facilitator on Catholic Answers Live and now has his own podcasts. I have not listened to him, so I can not comment on him either.
What podcasts do you guys enjoy that are supportive, or actually
As others have said, I don’t know about being pro Pope Francis, (Catholics should be pro-Papacy always) but some good Catholic podcasts are:
I like listening to Father Nix at Padre Peregrino podcasts. He is a hermit, Catholic priest that does a lot of street evangelization.
Johnette Benkovich on Women of Grace is very good also
Reason and Theology also has many good videos.
Sensus Fidelium is very good, with many many videos and talks.
As others said, Father Mike Schmitz or other videos from Ascension presents
Franciscan Friars have very good videos, found on EWTN youtube
Patrick Madrid also on Relevant Radio
Also Father Richard Heilman and Doug Barry’s Grace Force youtube
Taylor Marshall is controversial, though I do like some of the very good priests he has had on. Also, if you go back to his podcast page, not his youtube videos, he has a lot of good apologetics.
God bless