Pro-Homosexual Rage Betrays Fear: Christians will Outlive Sterile Sexual Liberals

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Interesting view on the topic:
Pro-Homosexual Rage Betrays Fear: Christians will Outlive Sterile Sexual Liberals
Publicity about happy family with 16 children sends California liberal over deep end

SAN FRANCISCO, October 20, 2005 ( - Judging from the almost unbelievable level of vitriol in a column in a San Francisco newspaper, one more crime that the liberal champions of tolerance seem unable to tolerate is that of having a large family or being Christian.

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ninner ninner ninner

we get married have kids and don’t abort them,

ninner ninner ninner
we also emphasise abstinence so we have a lower rate of STDs (hopefully)
What a hateful, nasty, anti-Christian bigot that Mark Morford is:mad: . 16 children will overpopulate the world??? What’s the matter is this “person” afraid we will take over, because unlike them we don’t kill off our future Generations.:hmmm: I want to say more, but being a decent Catholic woman, who does not cuss, I will stop now.:mad:
we also emphasise abstinence so we have a lower rate of STDs (hopefully)
No, we emphasize chastity; that results in a zero rate of STDs.
Someone needs to tell old Marko that the overpopulation theory was shown false years ago… just more liberal claptrap.
But then, is old Mark listening? I doubt it; he probably can’t hear for the buzzing in his ear from the high blood pressure.
“This leftist equates his side with being ‘pro-sex’ yet how does he think the objects of his disdain had sixteen children? By osmosis?”

LOL funniest thing I’ve read since… something on these forums last night. Ah well, still funny.

Although the thing is that there is some credibility in the ‘lefties’ saying they are pro-sex. Eg, I’m a virgin coz I’m an unmarried Catholic, yet most of my mates (who don’t care much for the teachings of the Church) are not. Not that they have had any children, but there is always a chance, every time they have sex… you know? They’ve also got a better chance of finding girlfriends because they don’t exclude people from consideration who have casual sex, or who wouldn’t want to bring their children up Catholic, or who basically aren’t good Catholic girls. For good Catholics it’s only people in 1 out of the 4 main vocational areas (marriage, the others being single, religious, and priest) who are ‘getting any’. But from the sounds of things, they’re making up for the rest of us (-:
From the linked article: “Why does this sort of bizarre hyperbreeding only seem to afflict antiseptic megareligious families from the Midwest?”

Oh dear, the poor man has blinders on. He really ought to look north. My DIL comes from Oregon, and is number fifteen of sixteen children, with fifteen surviving. With my son she has three children, ages 5, 3,and 1. She also has close to fifty nieces and nephews (some of her siblings aren’t yet married.)

The article writer really ought to get out of SF once in awhile. 😃
Flopfoot said:
“This leftist equates his side with being ‘pro-sex’ yet how does he think the objects of his disdain had sixteen children? By osmosis?”

LOL funniest thing I’ve read since… something on these forums last night. Ah well, still funny.

Indeed. A better term for them would be “pro-lust” or “pro-sexually-transmitted-disease” or “pro-self-pleasure” or “pro-utilitarian-use-of-someone-else”.

Being “pro-sex” is not being ashamed of body parts by covering them up and being courteous enough to your partner to care that they do not get a lifelong STD or mess up their biological system by stunting it with pills and patches.

**“Where is the liberal, spiritualized, pro-sex flip side? Verily I say unto thee, it ain’t lookin’ good…Maybe the scales are tipping to the neoconservative, homogenous right in our culture simply because they tend not to give much of a damn for the ramifications of wanton breeding and environmental destruction and pious sanctimony, whereas those on the left actually seem to give a whit for the health of the planet and the dire effects of overpopulation.” **

Is Mark Morford upset because Jim Bob makes him feel guilty about caring for the health of the planet when he doesn’t give a “whit” for the health of those children (in fact, he must be glad that the women in San Francisco eliminated 3 - now he must be able to breathe easier on his SUV ride to the mountain fresh-air for his ski and sex trip and it won’t be quite as congested at the next SF homosexual parade).

Or perhaps we should feel guilty that Morford just cannot seem to get enough pleasure to satisfy himself. After all, that is why the planet exists and we must keep it clean so that he can continue to have maximum enjoyment. Maybe we can persuade Jim Bob’s family to stop paying taxes so the government employees will not have to pollute the enviroment enroute to work to turn their taxes into Morford’s social security check.
What this “individual” fails to realize is that it takes 2.3 children per couple - couple being one man and one woman - to sustain the population in the West where healthcare is good. When you take into account that there are gays, infertile couples, priests and other single people who never have children, each married couple needs to have on the order of 3 to 4 children. Now, considering today’s fad of “replacing yourself” and the alarming number of married couples who have only 1 or 2 kids, someone has to make up the difference or Mr. Morford won’t have a Social Security check.

I have to laugh at these types of temper tantrums because nobody can tell us how many children we can have…yet!
No, we emphasize chastity; that results in a zero rate of STDs.
Abstinence with a message of living a chaste live until marriage - when I say Abstinence I mean from ALL sexual activity…

You know, If Margaret Sanger had had her way (trying to limit family sizes especially with those she considered “unfit”), I woudln’t exist because my dad wouldn’t exist (he’s like #5 of 7).
I have to laugh at these types of temper tantrums because nobody can tell us how many children we can have…yet!
They are working on it. We have to be better, faster, and stronger than “they”.
He wouldn’t want to meet my friend Dominic’s family. I put his story on the website I am building.
A better term for them would be “pro-lust” or “pro-sexually-transmitted-disease” or “pro-self-pleasure” or “pro-utilitarian-use-of-someone-else”.
‘pro-miscuous’ sex
Someone needs to tell old Marko that the overpopulation theory was shown false years ago… just more liberal claptrap.
But then, is old Mark listening? I doubt it; he probably can’t hear for the buzzing in his ear from the high blood pressure.
This is Marko’s way of view
No need to be defensive or apologetic. If you are right (and in this case, you are right), 10,000 people telling you you’re wrong won’t matter.
And he can’t even prove he’s right
I love to watch 'em rant on like that! Hehehehe

In the area where I live(a rural midwest area,) it was not uncommon for Catholic families to have 15, 16 kids. a couple of generations ago. One family had 21 kids (parents now in their 80s same husband and wife.
My former next door neighbor, who is now in a nursing home at age 92, was raised Baptist and is the youngest of 12 kids.
He always used to tell me "If mom hadn’t had 12 kids, I wouldn’t be here!) A lady in my church(Lutheran) late 70’s is the youngest of 11 kids. Of course, no one has families like that around here today-Catholic or Protestant.
It’s very nice to see Christian Families today allowing God to bless their families with precious soul, to be open to life.
Being part of the Boomer Generation- I allowed myself to be sucked into the lies of population control for the better part of my childbearing years- But at least now I have seen the light, and encourage my younger friends when they are open to life…
That reminds me- I was having an argument with one of my friends about “overpopulation” and talking about these past families and he said" well they didn’t WANT that many children in those days- they just didn’t know how to prevent it!" I said " I don’t believe that’s true- I believe they looked at children more as blessings in those days than we do now!" I think that’s true, isn’t it? (Not being around in those days) He also gave the old tired line about no-one should have more than 2 Children blah blah blah- What I didn’t have the prescense of mind to say was JimO’s argument- that not everyone HAS children- Also- Europe and Japan are having terrible problems -they will not be able to pay their old age pensions and programs because No one is having children there- Even one child is considered a luxury-
That will happen here, too- the only reason we don’t have even worse problems with Social Security is because of immigration-because we’re not having enough children to suport a Social Security program for the Baby Boomer population when it retires.
The culture war is epitomized in San Fran - like my state Massachusetts, they live in their own little isolated pocket of extreme liberalism. They need to get out of their bubble and visit the real world.
It’s interesting how upset; make that terrified; this guy and others of his ilk are by this sort of thing. It actually gives me a sense that we must be doing something right, if we disquiet him so.
you will become rashy and depressed and you will crave large quantities of alcohol and loud aggressive music to deflect the creeping feeling that this planet is devolving faster than you can suck the contents from a large bong?
He questions the mental health of the Duggars and their children, which is hilarious given the apparent state of his own. I used to think like this guy. Christians were creepy, intact families seemed fake, and anyone who appeared truly happy without drugs and promiscuity was a brainwashed cult member. My dad still thinks this way; if you have a chance, will you say a prayer for him?
Where is, in other words, the funky tattooed intellectual poetess who, along with her genius anarchist husband, is popping out 16 funky progressive intellectually curious fashion-forward pagan offspring to answer the Duggar’s squad of über-white future Wal-Mart shoppers?
Somewhere between offspring #2 and #3 they realised that anarchy was overrated, Christianity explains reality better than paganism, and fashion isn’t the be all end all of life. She had the tattoos removed lest thie kids demand tattoos of their own; and she hasn’t got much time for writing poetry nowadays.
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