Pro Life Apostolate Idea. What do you think?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John_Russell_Jr
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Following is a synopsis of the idea. What are your thoughts?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m in Australia, remember.
Pro-Life TV Advertising Apostolate Ideas.
  1. Objective.
    To spread the Pro-life message via the medium of television as far wide as possible.
    This could start by being Sydney only. And develop until it became global if the Lord wills it.
  2. How do we promote the apostolate?
    A website shall need to be created. The TV advert would be available for viewing on the www.
    We could ask for editorial space in Catholic magazines, newspapers and websites.
    We could ask the current pro-life movements to help us in promoting this cause.
    We could solicit religious to help us.
    Request a little space in Church bulletins.
    The apostolate welcomes anyone of any belief who has the same pro-life beliefs.
  3. Who pays for it all?
    The website is covered by us.
    The TV ad would be made by us. Hopefully with the help of the pro-life movement.
    The adverts on TV are funded by concerned individuals. A price list needs to be on the
    www showing estimated costs for an ad.
    There shall be no other signifant costs we hope. At least initially.
    A legal person would be required to volunteer some time if required.
    An advertising person would be required to book, coordinate the ads etc.
    These people should be at least very favourable to the pro-life movement.
  4. What type of ad will it be?
    It will be sensitive to those who have been harmed by abortion. But also must be a
    deterent. It can also promote counselling services etc for those who are considering or
    who have had an abortion. Such as the one recently established by the Catholic Bishops.
  5. Before beginning what must be done?
    Consultation with priests, religious and pro-life movements for feedback on idea.
  6. What other general considerations need to be made?
    Communication with us. We don’t want 1000’s of abusive phone calls etc.
    A PO Box would be needed.
    A bank account would be needed.
    Peoples time would be needed. Especially ours.
    We may have to register a name. If we are not going to be under the banner of an
    existing pro-life movement.
    Book keeping needs to be kept very well.
    Communication with relevant people and benefactors needs to be carried out with
    regard to the showing of the advert. Email is best here. But some may not have email.
    Prayers are needed. We must pray that God’s will is done with regards the apostolate.
    Patron Saints could be employed. But this would probably be a deterant to non Catholics.
    Business cards could be given to willing priests, pastors etc to distribute to the more
    pro life members of their flocks.
    We could create a cd or video tape for those who are not on the internet.
    A spokesman would be needed. It would be best if it was someone from the pro-life
    movement who could handle the media. Another reason why it would be good to be
    under the banner of an existing pro-life movement.
    Domain name must be chosen. If not under an existing apostolate.
    And we may need a good name for the apostolate. If not under an existing apostolate.
It seems to me that you might want to check out what is happening on other pro-life sites to see how you could augment their work and to use it to supplement your own.

Priests for life comes to mind. I hear Father Frank Pavone radio spots on EWTN all the time. I believe that they have done some secular advertising in the US so you could probably learn a lot from them. You can learn more here:

May God bless you in your quest.
Just a suggestion. Why don’t you design a bumpersticker or several and have them printed with prolife messages on them. I have one in the US that says: FREE HELP WITH YOUR PREGNANCY FREE POST ABORTION COUNSELING FREE CALL: 1-888-4-OPTIONS

God has shown me the easiest and cheapest way to advertise a prolife message is place a bumpersticker on your car. They make bumperstickers now that peel off very easily. I have had much support from many people when they see this bumpersticker and not to mention it has actually prevented mothers from choosing abortion after seeing the sticker and hopefully has encouraged women who have had abortions to call for post abortion counseling. Hope this helps. God bless
Just a suggestion. Why don’t you design a bumpersticker or several and have them printed with prolife messages on them. I have one in the US that says: FREE HELP WITH YOUR PREGNANCY FREE POST ABORTION COUNSELING FREE CALL: 1-888-4-OPTIONS
I have never seen that. Where did you find them? Absolutely, wonderful, brilliant resource to promote!!!
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