Pro-life people are invisible?

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“Pro-life people are invisible to the elite cultures of the United States. What I mean is: the way of looking at the world, taken for granted by pro-lifers, cannot even be grasped by these elites.”
Professor Michael Pakaluk
From the Boston Pilot, the official publication of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Not only in the US. The media have rendered us invisible. By not reporting, or by misquoting, pro-lifers are made to appear as a small, insignificant fringe-group of nutters.

The elites usually only mix with those who’s opinions agree with their own so they believe that they are in the majority. Why are we putting up with this? We need more people like Mother Angelica and St Maximilian Kolbe who will reclaim the media for the people.
Eileen T said:
“Pro-life people are invisible to the elite cultures of the United States. What I mean is: the way of looking at the world, taken for granted by pro-lifers, cannot even be grasped by these elites.”
Professor Michael Pakaluk
From the Boston Pilot, the official publication of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Not only in the US. The media have rendered us invisible. By not reporting, or by misquoting, pro-lifers are made to appear as a small, insignificant fringe-group of nutters.

The elites usually only mix with those who’s opinions agree with their own so they believe that they are in the majority. Why are we putting up with this? We need more people like Mother Angelica and St Maximilian Kolbe who will reclaim the media for the people.


Most of the people in the MSM are born on the coasts to liberal families, attend liberal universities, work, marry and associate with other liberals, and are almost never know conservatives as people or are exposed to conservative ideas as anything but charicatures.

On top of that, most of them are raised in irreligious homes, never attend church or synagogue themelves and don’t know others who do.

It is much easier for a liberal to avoid conservative ideas, and an atheist to avoid religion, than it is for a conservative to avoid liberal ideas or a religious person to avoid attacks on his faith.

You’re right - We really shouldn’t consume their product, at least when there are newspapers and news shows being produced by either people of faith or people who are sympathetic to people of faith.

It may be a Christian duty for a wealthier Christian, or a group of wealthier Christians, to buy a news or radio network, or a group of newspapers, in order to insure that Christians and others get real news that doesn’t blasheme or mock the faith in Christ Jesus.

I believe those who have the money should send tithes and offering to places such as EWTN and this Forum which encourage the expression of our faith and the timely transmittal of news and opinion that’s faithful to the Teaching of the Church.

In Christ, Michael
Traditional Ang:
Most of the people in the MSM are born on the coasts to liberal families, attend liberal universities, work, marry and associate with other liberals, and are almost never know conservatives as people or are exposed to conservative ideas as anything but charicatures.

On top of that, most of them are raised in irreligious homes, never attend church or synagogue themelves and don’t know others who do.
Wow; all these things were true of me, up to age 23. I was converted by a dream which I consider more of a vision; perhaps if we pray for them, these people could convert. We could pick a “media person” to pray for…
Wow; all these things were true of me, up to age 23. I was converted by a dream which I consider more of a vision; perhaps if we pray for them, these people could convert. We could pick a “media person” to pray for…
Remember how Malcolm Muggeridge was converted after getting to know Blessed Mother Theresa? It’s not such a bad idea at all.
Originally posted by Blindsheep:
Wow; all these things were true of me, up to age 23. I was converted by a dream which I consider more of a vision; perhaps if we pray for them, these people could convert. We could pick a “media person” to pray for…
I heard both Mother Angelica and Father Benedict Groeschel on EWTN express just that sentiment. Mother put Madonna on her prayer list and Father has some journalists from the New York Times on his. As Catholics we do need to pray and sacrifice for conversions. The sacrifice which I refer too is almsgiving to the poor. Considering the level of spiritual poverty in the secular world we should be giving generously to EWTN, Catholic Answers just like Traditional Angst suggested.

As an artist with a lifelong career I decided a few years ago it was time to come out of the closet and share my Catholic convictions. For years I was made to feel it was just a personal matter, a private affair to keep separate from business. Heck no, if art is the expression of the soul of an artist then my soul is Catholic through and through and no one is going to understand or appreciate it if they don’t know where I’m coming from. Maybe it is time for us to stop acting as if we were ashamed to be Catholics and to be proud of it. Maybe we should start wearing t-shirts and pins with a slogan like: “I’m Catholic and proud of it.”
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